Wednesday, July 31, 2019
McCain Foods Essay
McCain Foods is a Canadian company that produces potatoes and provided all sorts of fries to their customers all over the world. McCain Foods Company is a well-known potato producer. McCain also competes with public companies such as Kraft Foods, Aviko and ConAgra Foods which have a clear advantage in terms of raising capital because they are also producing potatoes as their main product. Private ownership puts the company at a competitive disadvantage. Even so McCain Foods Company tries to inform their customers by doing campaigns and promotion by giving points and free deliveries. Consumer food expenditure on ready-to-eat foods continues to rise due to the success of new dining concepts, and changing lifestyle. Demographic factors, such as more families with working women, smaller family sizes in general, and more disposable income coupled with less disposable time has spurred this trend. Since McCain Foods is more focused on business to business they are partnered with few companies that will help them in packaging, in examining their potatoes quality and distribution. Due to the changes in the external environment that impacts McCain Foods Company sale rates, they made changes to improve their potatoes quality to maintain their customers demand. Such us, using the sunflower oil that reduces saturated fats by 70% instead of using regular vegetable oil. This is made because mainly McCain Foods have a strategy to keep a good relationship with their farmers and customers In the Netherlands, McCain Foods Company is located in Lelystad where the corps are grown and distributed. The distribution of McCain Food products are done by road to the other European countries and ships to be distributed to other countries outside the European region. McCain Food Company McCain Foods is a company located in Canada and a privately owned company established in 1957 by four brothers namely Wallace and Harrison McCain, supported by brothers Andrew and Robert. McCain Foods is the world’s largest manufacturer of frozen French fries and potato specialties. McCain foods also perform in helping the environment and achieved several Charitable Initiatives such as â€Å"Feeding the hungry and supporting education in South Africa†and â€Å"Supporting sport in the UK for ? 5 million to UK Athletics â€Å". McCain Foods is the largest French fry producer in the world, claiming a global market share of almost 33%. (4) McCain operates globally with over 57 production and manufacturing facilities across six continents. The company’s products are available in thousands of restaurants and supermarket freezers in more than 125 countries around the world. The company has least presence in the developing organic foods segment. Natural and organic food products segment is one of the fastest growing categories in food retailing. The company has not acquired any organic brand companies nor has it launched organic products. Internal environment McCain foods is an organization that has the motto: â€Å"McCain it’s all good†. Their actions, decisions and behaviors are guided by their values and Code of Conduct. McCain is trying to make their business to be more like a family business. Because some companies are known for the products they make, and some are known for the people who make them while McCain likes to be known for both. Their strategy is to keep a good relationship with the farmers and their customers. As it is shown in Graph (1. 1), McCain Foods makes contracts with their supplier partners and grower partners, even though the number of the supplier partners is greater than the grower partners. They also employed a lot of employees to work in their company. With these big numbers McCain Foods is also trying to maintain their relationship with their employees and partners, because these numbers tells us that McCain more or less is depending on their supplier partners, the farmers, and employees. Same thing goes to the Supplier partners and Employees of McCain Foods. This means that there is a mutualism relationship between McCain, the employees and their partners that will bring a good result.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Environmental Issues in Pakistan
What is Environmental Ethics? Environmental ethics is a branch of environmental philosophy that studies the ethical relationship between human beings and environment. It has given a new dimension to the conservation of natural resources. What are major Ethical Environmental Issues? The issues which cause dangers to environment with a moral perspective in them are known as ethical environmental issues. Environment has a direct or indirect effect on the way we live and ethical environmental issues arise when we ignore this fact.Hence we ought to protect our environment and solve the ethical environmental issues our earth is facing now-a-days. There are many ethical environmental issues some of them are stated below: 1. Green-house Effect. 2. Ozone Depletion. 3. Air Pollution. 4. Acid Rain. 5. Urban Run-off. 6. Land Pollution. 7. Deforestation. 8. Nuclear Development. 1. Greenhouse Effect Any gas in the atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiations in the thermal infrared range is called a greenhouse gas.The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all directions. This process repeats over and over again, trapping the radiations in the atmosphere. This is one of the major causes of global warming. Consequences: Global warming is causing the Earth to lose its snow cover; glaciers are melting, the sea-level is rising, and a lot of arctic floral and faunal species are on the verge of extinction. 2. Ozone Depletion The ozone enveloping around the Earth is depleting in volume consistently since 1980s.This is largely due to the effect of halocarbon refrigerants (such as CFC, halons, freons, etc. ). Halocarbons (being lighter than other gases in the atmosphere) rise much higher in the atmosphere. They then photodissociate to give atomic halogens. These atoms catalyze the destruction of the ozone gas. Consequences: Depletion of the ozone can practically threaten hum an life, and life of other animals as well. The ozone layer protects us from UV rays of the sun; without the ozone layer, everyone would be susceptible to a number of skin diseases, including skin cancer. . Air Pollution Air pollution is probably one of the most dangerous effect on the environment since we cannot control the air we breathe. Vehicular traffic, smog created by the smoke emitted by vehicles and factories, volatile organic compounds, present primarily in paints and varnishes and refrigerants, all contribute to air pollution. Consequences: Air pollution affects everything; it affects plants, animals and humans. According to WHO, poor indoor air quality can lead to respiratory infections, coronary diseases, and even lung cancer.If all this is happening indoors, imagine what is happening outside. 4. Acid Rain Gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide can react with water to produce corresponding acids. When this happens in the atmosphere, we get rain that is of acidic. The gases mentioned above are released into the atmosphere by certain natural processes like lightning, volcanoes, etc. However, the amount of these gases released due to factories, vehicles and different industries surpasses that produced naturally. It goes beyond a level that can be tolerated by nature.Consequences: Acid rains cause stone, rocks, steel, metal to erode and paint to peel off. This means monuments, statues, bridges, buildings, all are at a risk. It also damages the skin. 5. Urban Run-off Urban run-off refers to the rainwater running off land and into water bodies. This is a natural process. However, with ever-increasing urbanization, this process affects water bodies adversely, because the run-off now carries all sorts of compounds, chemicals and particulate matter. Materials that cannot be gotten rid of are being added to wastewater and, ultimately, to water.Consequences: Urban run-off causes deposition of oil, gasoline, garbage, heavy metals (nickel, copper, lead, zinc etc. ), fertilizers and pesticides (from gardens and lawns), synthetic organic compounds, etc. ; all of which ultimately enters the food chain and causes number of health complications. It also causes destruction of Marine population. 6. Land pollution Land pollution is where our land may be as far as being contaminated. All of the bad toxic chemicals and waste, that is left or dumped on our land, causes it to become polluted.It includes trash from homes, commercial establishments, and industrial facilities, food wastes, paper, glass, textiles, and plastic objects. The toxic materials that pollute the soil can get into the human body directly by coming into contact with the skin, being washed into water sources like reservoirs and rivers, eating fruits and vegetables that have been grown in polluted soil, breathing in polluted dust or particles. Consequences: It causes problems in the respiratory system and on the skin. It also leads to birth defects and also caus es various kinds of cancers. . Deforestation Deforestation is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use. Wood is a necessity and the humans need to use it. But the improper planning about forestation and new planting of trees, we are facing a severe crisis of the lack of trees. Trees are very important as they make oxygen and serve many other important purposes too. But we may face a serious shortage of trees in the years to come due to the way forests are continued to disappear (at the rate of 14 million hectares per year).Consequences: Deforestation results in less biodiversity, soil erosion, animals lose their habitat, more Global Warming because there would be less trees to collect carbon dioxide etc. 8. Nuclear Development Nuclear development is, however, beneficial but it has very much harmful aspects as well. The nuclear rods that we use in producing energy are very radioactive. They have a very long decaying period a nd hence cause threats to our environment. Consequences: It has positive consequences in the form of meeting the energy crises.On the other hand, the most alarming aspect of nuclear development are the prospective nuclear accidents that can take place. It can cause different types of cancers, many disabilities by birth, problems in the process of photosynthesis etc. Solutions to Major Ethical Environmental Issues The problems that we are facing are very serious and need to be solved at the earliest possible time. Some of the solutions that we can could come up with, keeping in view indigenous resources, behaviour of people, environmental legislation etc.So here are some of the solutions to the above mentioned problems. 1. Arranging Seminars for Awareness Arranging seminars can be very beneficial for communication with people and educating them about the various ethical environmental issues that we are facing. Such type of seminars should be held in educational institutions and indus tries to educate students, workers and other people about the graveness of these issues so that they may be understood and solved. 2. Three REs (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse)We should try to reduce the use of substances like plastic that causes environmental pollution and are recycleable. Consumption of natural resources should be made limited to as less as possible. Reducing deforestation and trying to use the recycled and other materials. 3. Abstaining from Clourofloro carbons A Harmfulness of clourofluoro carbons should be understood by the society as its increasing amount is a threat to ozone layer. People should be educated at lower scale so they may realize the importance of ozone layer.Chlorofluoro carbons are presents in some kinds of refrigeration processes, solvents, foams, aerosols etc. 4. Reducing Pollution Modernization of our societies has widely increased different types of pollution. With the increasing number of automobiles and industries, pollution has been widely inc reased. Smoke of automobiles causes air pollution. Wastes of industries are discharged into the rivers polluting the water and the land it passes by. A regular checking should be done on particularly industries to see whether they are safely discharging the wastes or not.Also, we should use the substances that causes less pollution and discharge our waste substances properly at the proper place. 5. Role of Media In the modern era, media has a very strong role in educating people and moulding their thinking into a specific direction. Highly qualified professionals should use the facility of media to bring awareness to the people about ethical environmental issues through documentaries, talk-shows and other programs. Children can be get attracted through cartoons and other children programs. References ? http://www. tutorvista. om/english/global-warming-causes ? http://socyberty. com/issues/greenhouse-gases-everyonesproblem/ ? http://maria79. tumblr. com/ ? http://www. atsdr. cdc. gov /general/theair. html ? http://www. cheatdiary. com/collegeessay/harmful-effects-of-ozonelayer-depletion/ ? http://www. udel. edu/chem/C465/senior/fall97/acid_rain/senior. html ? http://www. geography. learnontheinternet. co. uk/topics/taiga. html ? http://www. ec. gc. ca/inre-nwri/default. asp? lang=En&n=235D11EB1&offset=12&toc=hide ? http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_are_the_consequences_of_land_ pollution
Professionals Paid To Much
Ever since contracts began in professional sports the price of athletes has continued to rise. So why are athletes worth so much? And where does all the money come from? It is all about the revenue, a team’srevenue determines how much they can pay their players. Athletes deserve their pay because they aresome of the hardest working people and are the cornerstone of a business that makes billions of dollars. ` ` Athletes are some of the highest people not only in the United States but possibly in the world. But it hasn’t always been that way.When contracts in professional sports first began athletes were barely making enough to pay for their meals. They were paid in the area of twenty dollars a week. Even though that was in the early 1900’s it still wasn’t much. And ever since the sports entertainment industry became popular around that time period salaries skyrocketed. For example, in the 1920’s legendary baseball player Babe Ruth earned more in one year than the president of the U. S. at the time. Since then athletes have been taking the money and running with it. ` ` Athletes are paid so much because they are the focal point of these multi-billion dollar industries.Their success determines the success of the wholeteam’sfranchise, and if the team doesn’t have any success they’ll be no money for anyone to make. Although it may not seem like it, professional athletes are some of the hardest working people around, not only physically but mentally as well. They put their bodies through vigorous training and deserve every penny they earn. Although anathlete’sseason is only a couple of months out of the year, they don’t just start getting ready a couple of weeks before the start of the season. They train year round to keep their bodies in shape. They work six to seven days a week for up to fifteen hours a day.Vacations are rare; they don’t get much time off, and they are always in the publi c eye, which can be quite stressful. They maintain their bodies so that they are able to compete at the highest level possible. They do this to ensure that when game time comes they are physically able to perform for the fans, which is their main goal besides winning, to keep ratings high and maintain their high priced salaries without question. ` ` Teams can afford to pay their players so much because the sports industry is a 90 billion dollar industry and athlete’s incomes are only five percent of that.This is so because as each team gains more and more success the value of that team goes up and when the team’s value is up, they attract more media attention which results in more fans. More fans means more money spent on tickets, team apparel, and concessions during the game. Sports are a form of entertainment, and when people are entertained they continue to be interested, and show their support by attending games or watching them on television or listening by radio: ` The beauty of it is that the service of sports can be consumed by more than one individual per unit time.Think about it, a stadium of people watching A-Rod consumes his service at the same time, which means his service is available to thousands of people in unison. Factor in television and you’ve got a service available to millions of people all at once (Reece). This is relevant becauseunlike athletes most jobs do not provide a service to millions of people so their not going to be paid as if they are. And since a team can provide a service to so many people they can pay their players as much as possible.` Unfortunately, sometimes teams do not always have the success they want from their players, and have to search for new ones to get the job done. So what can teams do to make them selves more likely to win? â€Å"Perhaps the primary way is to employbetter player talent†(Doc). Having better players improves your chances of winning, and winning leads to larger team r evenue, sothat better players can continue to be signed making the team much better. ` ` The effects of paying athletes too much can become an issue because athletes are realizing that they can earn more money than they ever thought could.Each time a player’scontract is up, they are either traded, released or renegotiate a new contract. Most of the time during negotiations athletes will demand more money than the team is willing to pay, because they know if they stick to what they want they will eventually get it. Players will go to extreme measures to obtain a sizeable contract, to the extent that they will holdout. Meaning they separate themselves from the team. Causing them to miss mandatory meetings, practices, and team functions, which are critical to a team’s success.Some holdouts even go into the sports season, causing them to miss games, all which the player is fined thousand of dollars for. When it goes as far as that, some players will start to criticize the team’s management in the media causing even more of a problem. These holdouts cause friction with team management, coaches, player’s and affect the team directly. This is why some believe that athletes are spoiled and undeserving of the money their paidand should not be looked up to. Anderson says that, â€Å"The off fieldbehavior of many athletes allegedly demonstrates that we should not be paying great sums of money to people who are not proper rolemodels for our children†. Anderson is one of many who feel that way about athletes, and will not be the last person to address the subject. ` Yes, professional athletes and actors are paid to much. Professional athletes and actors get paid a substantial amount of money for one game, or movie. While our men and women in the United States Military are struggling to feed their families.It is a sad commentary on our societal values that these entertainers are taking in seven million dollars a years or more. While teache rs, police officers, and firefighters make less than one percent of the income of some athletes and actors. Even if an athlete or actor is having a bad seaon they still recieve there contract ensured pay. Although some people would say, â€Å"There is a long and tough way towards becoming a great and the famous sports star or movie star. It not only requires persistent efforts but also talent. Few people on this field could accomplish great things like them.As a reward, they deserve a higher compensation. †On other hand, a Staff Sergeant (E6) in the United states Army makes an average of $28,285 a year. These are men and women on the front line difending our Country. They are not acting on a telivision show or playing a game. Professional athletes and actors should not be paid more than our men and women who fight for our Country. If a soldiers gets hurt his or her's pay is almost cut in half. If a professional athlete gets hurt they are still paid an overly substantial amou nt of money.When an actor gets sicks they will put the film they are making on hold. While the actor still is getting paid millions of dollars. The work professional athletes and actors do may be hard, but just for our entertainment it is not worth the price they a paid. The amount of money they make every year is ridiculous. Our soldiers do not get paid half of what an actor or a profession athlete do. In conclusion yes professional athletes and actors are paid to much. Now ill tell you why they should be payed so much. movie and sports stars certainly are under a great deal of pressure.The first pressure is that they are always at risk of injuries and also accidents. movie studios and sports teams get a large amount of money from their stars’s work. Filmmakers get money from the sale of movie tickets, while spectators have to pay money to watch a sports match. In fact, there is a high difference between the revenue of producer and the money that actors are paid. For example , Mission Impossible 4, a movie released in 2011, had grossed nearly $700,000,000 worldwide (Box Office Mojo Online). However, the main actor – Tom Cruise was paid only $12,000,000 (Statistic Brain Online, 2012).Not only that but also the star’s trademark brings a great deal of value to sponsors. Some stars become advertising tools of their teams or their companies, whereas some others share their royalty images with the owners. An example is that Cristiano Ronaldo, a soccer star, who gets $30 million each year in various endorsements, has to agree to a 6:4 split of this money with his club – Real Madrid (Jamie Sanderson, 2012). Therefore, if movie and sports stars thrust a lot of money on their managements, it will be not fair if they get paid less.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Theoretical Perspectives On Inclusive And Special Education Assignment
Theoretical Perspectives On Inclusive And Special Education - Assignment Example These learning difficulties resulted in the development of special education and special schools. There are several learning difficulties a learner can have which can negatively impact on the reading, speaking and writing skill. These difficulties of children facilitated development of certain provisions and helped to classify children into ‘special’ category. The key thought of special education is that children with learning difficulties can learn more effectively in special schools. However, it has not been evidently found that the learners obtaining education are performing better. There are increasing evidences that very few number of children return to the mainstream schools after entering in the special school. Hence, in order to deal with the educational problem of disabled students, several educationalists have started to argue for educational inclusion (Hamill & Clark, 2005). Inclusive Education The principle of inclusion focuses on active involvement of every child in education. Inclusion considers the diversity of every child and admits that each child is a contributor to the society, irrespective of the capabilities. According to United Nations Convention on the â€Å"Rights of Persons with Disability†, every child with special requirements has equal rights and liberty similar to another child. Furthermore, United Nations Convention also stated that every child has fundamental rights to education and to involve completely in society (United Nations, 2007). Inclusive education is a practice which ensures that each child upsurges to the fullest potential while certifying the uniqueness. Inclusive education is a structure which supports and accommodates miscellaneous requirements and capabilities for all children in a distinctive... This report approves that there is a need for providing appropriate physical setting so that adaptations of children towards new educational system become easier. Furthermore, teachers and other senior executives of schools must ensure that they have adequate time for leading and handling provisions for children with special education requirements. Besides, the schools with special education must have the capacity to operate effectively without providing excessive stress on existing teachers. In order to enhance the capacity of schools for providing education, the number of teachers can be increased so that they can satisfy the growing demand of education This paper makes a conclusion that education is a right for every individual irrespective of any kind of learning difficulties. Considering this factor in mind, the special education and inclusion has been developed by several nations. In this context, it has been observed that Scotland and Greece have their own individuality with respect to special education and inclusion. However, both the nations have faced significant issues due to the implementation of special educational programs and inclusion programs. The above implications would be helpful for schools and teachers to provide education to all children. In conclusion, it can be stated that it is the responsibility of the society to accept and prepare all individuals by providing proper education. Thus, special education and inclusion must be developed in such a way so that it can help to fulfil the educational requirements of all children.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Walmart - Good or bad for America Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Walmart - Good or bad for America - Assignment Example Even though this practice helps keep the prices at Wal-Mart low for the consumers, something Wal-Mart states as its primary purpose, on the other hand, such trade practices result in jobs being taken away from the Americans and being handed over to others like the Chinese, thus lowering the living standard of the average Americans. Without stable jobs, the average American consumer would not be able to buy most of the consumer products, even if they were to be offered at such low prices as Wal-Mart does. It is argued by some that American jobs are not lost – more are created in different spheres – as a consequence of this outsourcing. However, such jobs do not pay the some nor do they come with the same benefits as manufacturing jobs. This is what â€Å"Creative destruction†(pbs) is all about, I agree with the statement that, in essence, while Wal-Mart is doing its best to make products affordable for consumers, by doing so it is, simultaneously, destroying the local US manufacturing
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Warehousing and distribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Warehousing and distribution - Essay Example Continuous improvement, on the other hand, is based on the lean and quality management approach. It is essential to understand this three approaches and how their application in a warehouse can help improve its operations. This paper will discuss, in detail the differences among these three approaches. The paper will highlight several definitions of the three approaches and point out the differences. This essay will also review how the application of lean principles in a warehouse can improve its operations. This essay will start by defining what continuous improvement is. It will give an overview of continuous improvement and a brief history of the concept. It will further define quality management and lean approach and compare this approach to continuous improvement in a warehouse or a distribution centre. It will give a detailed comparison between the quality management and lean approach versus continuous improvement. The essay will then discuss how lean principles can be applied in a warehouse or distribution centre. It will seek to define what lean principles are and what causes waste in the warehouse. The essay will focus on how the application of these lean principles improves processes used in a warehouse. Deming (2000) defines continuous improvement as a long-term approach to work aimed at achieving small, incremental changes in processes so as to improve efficiency and quality. Continuous improvement is also referred to as Kaizen. It is a constant, deliberate effort by an organization to better its information, products, services or processes. For an organization to attain the desired effect of continuous improvement, the changes have to be totally incorporated with a commitment to making them last. An organization should also hire the right personnel or train existing ones how to improve the process. Kaizen is a Japanese word that means change for the better but when translated to English, it means continuous improvement. Dr. W.
Friday, July 26, 2019
No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
No topic - Essay Example Some women had been married by Americans during the Second World War. The Chinese fled from China from Communism and settled in various towns such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and Boston. Their immigration was in line with the 1965 act, which lessened the restrictions on Asian immigration. Most of them enrolled for education and worked their way up the social ladder. The Asian Exclusion Act had prevented the immigration of Asians laborers. The social mobility is also associated with their economic development within the ethnic group. Geographically, the Chinese immigrants are known to be settled in peculiar China towns in the American society. New immigrants often join them and continue living in ethnic groups. Chinese tradition is upheld and often consulted for dispute settlement and provision of moral guidelines. A portion of the Chinese immigrant is illiterate.  The Japanese immigrants are spread within the American society. They engaged in business beyond their ethn ic group and obtained higher level of education. They immigrants have values which go along with the American values such as respect, hard work and politeness. Education is given importance and most of the Japanese immigrants are literate. A large number of the immigrants have professional education or technical skills in specific field. Creating and maintaining relationships is significant hence they use such relationships to form business groups. It can be argued that they have integrated in the American society. California enacted a bill that restricted Japanese immigrants. Those who were contracted as laborers were able to become proprietors and they seemed to be a threat, thus foreigners were forbid from owning land. Asians and other immigrants took the place of the minority. Immigrants were required to poses a passport. Obtaining citizenship was a challenge and many remained as non-citizens. Restrictions on contracted laborers were enacted to secure employment for the Ameri can citizens. They could not vote or have any political representation. Many lived in fear of deportation. Those who needed services from the justice system feared being denied the services because of their race and stereotypes. Notions such as Americans against them (Asians) were common. There were restrictions that that required the immigrants to obtain a certain level of literacy. Asian immigrants are one of the fastest groups of immigrants with majority obtaining education and securing high income. They have maintained their identity and cultural values. The Immigrants remained few in number until the end of the Second World War. 2 Immigration patterns have been influences by the American stance after the Second World War. American foreign policy on immigration has been encouraging supremacy and global leadership and disassociating with isolation. The war brides act and the Lece Celler Act allowed the women engaged and married by Americans to immigrate. The act allowed a specifi c number of people in a year. Other immigrants who were refugees of war were also allowed. They gained citizenship and could seek for employment and enroll for education. After the Second World War, many immigrants were absorbed in the labor industry. Many of the women who had been called to join in the war returned to their homes while others remained. Many immigrants worked their way up the social ladder by enrolling for education and seeking
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 15
Research Paper Example n informed the public that Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), a bacterium that resists the strongest antibiotics, lead to 19,000 deaths in America annually (Walsh and Fischbach 44). They emphasized that 20% of those who died from MRSA were young and healthy people who got infected while going through their daily routines. Furthermore, antimicrobial resistance is not only a national problem because it can soon develop into a global national health issue without immediate and long-term national and international collaboration. Doctor Anuj Sharma of the World Health Organization (WHO) stresses that without local and worldwide resolutions, diseases that used to be easily cured would soon be untreatable. Before resolutions to the problem of superbugs, or drug-resistant microbials, are discussed, the paper explores the history of MRSA first because it will help understand the justification for the proposal. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is not a new healthcare problem. Christopher T. Walsh, a Hamilton Kuhn professor of biological chemistry, and Michael A. Fischbach, a microbiologist at the University of California, describe the development of superbugs, which started in the late 1950s. Methicillin, a drug derived from penicillin, was used in 1959 to treat infections that were already resistant to penicillin, like S. aureus and Streptococcus pneumonia (Walsh and Fischbach 44). Two years after, European hospitals reported that they experienced methicillin-resistant strains of S. aureus, and since then, MRSA spread to other healthcare institutions across the globe (Walsh and Fischbach 44). By the 1990s, a new strain of MRSA infections developed in the community, as microbials learned t o fight the drugs that aimed to kill them. The most effective antibiotic then was vancomycin, but soon, vancomycin-resistant bacteria developed. Walsh and Fischbach illustrate the reality of antibiotics, wherein â€Å"from the moment an antibiotic is introduced in the clinic,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
A new 300 m2 house that must be completed for Mr and Mrs Jones by Assignment
A new 300 m2 house that must be completed for Mr and Mrs Jones by December 25th 2012 - Assignment Example The owners of the house will be contacted on regular basis to confirm the adjustments and modifications done. The Supplementary Planning Document has been developed in accordance with local, regional and national planning policy, and the adoption of this guidance means that sustainable design and construction are material considerations to be given weight in considering development of this project, and can be the subject of planning conditions and/or obligations in respect of appropriate development. Applicants for planning permission will be expected to have considered this planning guidance and in so doing to have focused on the five sustainable design and construction aims defined here to: Mr. and Mrs. Jones have relocated from New York to Alabama following their retirement. They decided to build their new dream house in a lot of land that they had purchased earlier. This brought about to them selecting a team oversee the construction works. I was contracted to write a project plan for the new housing project that will act as a guideline to the whole project since in this project plan I have indicated all the procedures to be undertaken to ensure that the project is successful and it is delivered according to the stipulated time. The house to be constructed is of 300m2 which will be used as their new home, the project plans is to be started as soon as possible so as to meet the 25th December, 2012 deadline and which is the time the project is expected to come to a completion. The construction and the implementation of this project should be done in accordance to the ideas, specification and requirements of the owners which in this case is Mr. and Mrs. Jones. They are to approve every step and phase undertaken in the construction process and by using this project plan as the guideline to ensure strict budgetary arrangements and proper construction procedure is followed. The construction
Analysis of Quantitative Research Study Article
Analysis of Quantitative Research Study - Article Example The fall incidence rates were 1.5% (95% CI: 0.9–2.6) and 0.4% (95% CI: 0.2–1.1) in the control and intervention groups, respectively. The relative risk estimate of 0.29 (95% CI: 0.1–0.87) favours the intervention group. In conclusion the study showed that targeted multiple interventions were effective in reducing the incidences of falls in patients in the acute care setting. A randomized prospective design was implemented at one acute care hospital in Singapore between April 2005 and December 2006. They compared the effectiveness of two interventions (targeted multiple interventions with usual care versus usual care only) on patients identified as high-risk for falls over 8 months. Newly admitted patients from medical, surgical, oncology, orthopedic and gynaecology wards participated. Inclusion criteria were age of 18 years or older, and agreement to participate in the study. Patients were excluded if they were in the study wards before the start of the study, or if they had fallen before the fall-risk assessment was carried out. The study used a falls assessment tool to identify patients at risk for falls. Those who had scores of 5 and above using the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model were recruited into the study. The Hendrich II Fall Risk Model used in this study had been validated on 5489 patients in this setting (Ang et al. 2007). The study showed that the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model showed the best balance of sensitivity (70%, 95% CI: 57.5–80.1) and specificity (61.5%, 95% CI: 60.2–62.8). The accuracy of the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model at the published cut-off point, measured using Area under the Curve (AUC), was 73%. The researchers used incidence of falls as a measurement of the outcome in this study. Patients’ occurrence falls information was retrieved from the entries made by the ward nurses into the hospital eHOR system. On top of these, it is the research nurses that screened and enrolled the patient into the study. The ward
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
John Van Hamersveld Art style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
John Van Hamersveld Art style - Essay Example In the late 60s, John boosted his portfolio after he assumed the role as an art director at the Capitol Records. This position, gave him an edge in designing more posters for famed musicians (Surfing Heritage & Culture Centre Web). John has designed more than 300 album covers and the most popular ones according to Surfing Heritage & Culture Centre were, â€Å"The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour and The Rolling Stones’ Exile on Main St†(Web). In the present, embodied legacy of John Van Hamersveld is located in the Coolhouse Studio. John Van Hamersveld has exemplary art works that are likeable. The digital print on the canvas ‘Waiting on the Storm’, of 2009, ‘Johnny Girl’ of 1972, and ‘Pipeline’ on digital print on Vinyl 2009 are the remarkable drawing that the essay will describe. John Van Hemersveld drawing "Waiting for the storm" digital print on canvas 2009 was a classical drawing that I saw. Though the drawing is simple, a person can derive some information from the design. The design emphasizes the ideas that the drawing brings forth in the mind of the viewer. John Van Hemersveld drawing was insightfully done to differentiate the background from the foreground. The foreground print of the drawing has numerous clouds that were blue at the base and white at the top. The blue color in the drawing generally creates a calm and peaceful environment in my mind. The clouds with the blue base was capturing to my eyes. The drawing indicated to me that the storm is not necessarily detrimental as most people think. Hence, the drawing depicts that when I prepare for the storm, the calm moment is likely to be experienced. †Waiting for the storm†by John Van Hemersveld illustrates that a storm can yield time for meditation and a quiet moment of peace. According to the drawing, I learn that my preparation for challenges in life determines the peace I can experience throughout the moment. Typ ically, blue is a color for calmness signifying that in my life I really need to prepare for the storm all round to always have a calm state. Another drawing that also captured my attention was â€Å"Johnny Girl†which was John Van Hemersveld digital print of canvas 1972. The drawing was of John who was all smiles and very happy. Johnny Girl drawing showed a boy who had typically gotten a girlfriend for the first time. Therefore, the drawing depicted Johnny’s achievement, which to him the achievement was something out of the ordinary in his life. Although the drawing may have brought out the feelings a person encounters when in a relationship for the first time, I did not like it at all. The drawing reminded me of my first relationship in High School which did not last for long. The amazing moments I had and the thought of a beautiful future were the ideas going through my mind. Despite the insightfully designed canvas, my past memories were the reason of my dislike fo r the photo. The 2009 Vinyl print of â€Å"Pipeline†drawing was generally amazing. A person who is keen to understand the drawing could only appreciate the remarkable design. I also became a victim of bypassing the drawing because the drawing was not as striking as the drawing of â€Å"Waiting in the Storm.†The â€Å"Pipeline†drawing was showing a sharp wave with high amplitude and a narrow front. The wave looked dangerous than
Monday, July 22, 2019
Caledonia Products Integrative Problem Essay Example for Free
Caledonia Products Integrative Problem Essay The following observation will describe the decisions made by a financial analyst who is working for the capital budget department at Caledonia Products. The organization has asked Team B to evaluate the potential risk involved in an upcoming transaction and identify several options in how to proceed. Because this is the team’s first assignments dealing with risk analyzes the team has been ask to further explain the details. The organization analysis will focus on free cash flows, projection of cash flows, projects initial outlay, cash flow diagram, net present value, internal rate of return, and if the project should be accepted. Why focus on project free cash flows Team B believes that Caledonia should focus on the project’s free cash flows and not the accounting profits. Evidence exists that the accounting profits will be earned by the project because there is a positive cash flow to the shareholders. With any investment there is the expectation that there will be an increase to the firm’s cash flow. Free cash flow is the total cash available to creditors who have invested their monies to finance the project. Accounting profits includes costs such as depreciation, interest, and taxes to run a business therefore it should not affect free cash flows. The project free cash flows range from year zero to year five and illustrate how much Caledonia Products will benefit if they choose to take on this project. Projection of project in years one through five There is annual working capital requirement of $100,000 to initiate the project. The incremental cash flows for the project in years one through five shows increase. For each year, the total investment in net working capital will be equal to 10% of the dollar value of sales for that year. In year one free cash flow is $2,100,000 in year two $3,600,000, which means fist year increase of $1,500,000, and it is about 53% increase. In year two 23% increase and year three to four decreases of 28%, and in year five free cash flow is $1,560,000, which means 43% decrease. Year-1:$2,100,000 Year-2:$3,600,000 Year-3:$4,200,000 Year-4:$2,400,000 Year-5:$1,560,000 Initial outlay This project’s initial outlay includes the necessary capital needed to purchase fixed assets and ensure they are in operating order to start the project. Cost of new plant and equipment: 7,900,000 Shipping and installation cost: 100,000 Initial working capital required to start the production: 100,000 8,100,000 The initial outlay for this project is $8,100,000 Cash flow diagram $3,956,000$8,416,000$10,900,000$8,548,000$5,980,400 ($8,100,000) Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return Unit Price x units sold 1:$21,000 2:$36,000 3:$42,000 4:$24,000 5:$15,600 Therefore, NPV = $94,575.83 NPV Values for Years 1: $18,260.90 2: $27,221.17 3: $27,615.68 4: $13,722.40 5: $7,755.98 The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) = 12.61% Project Conclusion Deciding on whether to follow through with a project is done by evaluating either the internal rate of return or net present value. According to Investopedia, â€Å"All other things being equal, using internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) measurements to evaluate projects often results in the same findings†(Investopedia, 2013). If comparing one project to another, the one with the higher rate or return would be the more favorable one. In this instance several projects were not compared, and the IRR is below the current discount rate, which makes the project not feasible. The problem with IRR, however, is that it does not take into account changing discount rates. As market conditions and other factors change, so does the IRR. Net Present Value (NPV) on the other hand, takes changing rates into account and is a calculated using very complex formula taking many factors into account for each stage of the project. If the Net Present Value is calculated to be above zero, or positive, it is considered to be feasible, and the project should be accepted. Our calculations show the NPV in each year to be positive and believe that the project in this case should indeed be accepted. References: Investopedia US, A Division of ValueClick, Inc. . (2013). Internal Rate Of Return IRR. Retrieved from
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Male Reproductive System
The Male Reproductive System Many males think they know their bodies but not many of them actually take the time to fully understand it. When I started this research topic I thought I knew everything there was to know about the male reproductive system but I was sadly mistaken. Join me in my quest to find out all there is to know about it. Males can start puberty as early as ten or as late as sixteen. Puberty, a frightening but necessary experience for boys and girls, can start unexpectedly in life. Most young males are too busy playing with friends to notice that inside their bodies, hormonal change is taking place. Puberty is the time when a boy becomes a man, or a rebellious teenager. The start of puberty is caused by the brain sending hormonal signals to the testis. During puberty growth hormone is activated and although a large growth spurt is a common occurrence for the first half of puberty it is also common to have small growth spurts in height during the second half of puberty. Males have many physical changes while entering and during puberty. The first noticeable sign of puberty is growth in testicular size. The testis will continue growing until quite a few years after the start of puberty until they have reached the normal adult size. Right after the testis has grown for about a year the shaft of the penis starts to enlarge and lengthen. Not only do the testes produce hormones but they are also the place of creation for sperm. Boys can become fertile from as early as twelve to sixteen. The first appearance of hair on a male in puberty originates on and around the testis, near and above the base of the penis and on the side of the inner thighs. The DNA Kiefiuk 2 they received from their parents could help in determining the surface area the hair covers and how long, thick or even the color of pubic hair in males. Following pubic hair boys usually find themselves growing underarm hair and leg hair. Chest hair and facial hair are not automatic in puberty as some men never get chest hair and facial hair might not appear on a man until ten years after puberty. . Some males think its a problem that they might not have entered puberty yet. For some cases, males have started puberty as late as sixteen. This is not an issue, other than the fact that bullying might occur. It is not exactly common but happens where a males body isnt ready to develop and they could be left behind while their friends are all experiencing these changes. The dreaded cracking voice can be quite an embarrassment to males in puberty. Strings in the larynx become longer and wider and the change in the vocals usually leads to instability in controlling ones voice. With due time, however, the male will no longer have a higher sounding voice but a lower, deeper voice. The penis is one of the parts of the male reproductive system that is located outside of the males body. The other is the testis. The penis is used during intercourse to enter the vagina and release seminal fluids. A males penis is usually flaccid but becomes harder and longer when aroused. Most males in their younger years will get more frequent erections than that of older males. Getting an erection involves three masses of spongy tissue resembling columns that run through it length wise. These masses are known as cavernous tissue and when the male is aroused they fill with blood. Once a male gets an erection he must either wait for Kiefiuk 3 it to go down on its own or achieve orgasm to relieve the sexual tension. The testes lie within the scrotal sac. Their purpose is to produce sperm and male sex hormones. It produces two types of male hormone: LH, Luteinizing Hormone and FSH, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone. LH is the hormone responsible for producing testosterone which in turn is responsible for what makes males different than that of females who produce estrogen instead of testosterone. The testes are fully dropped before a male enters puberty. FSH is responsible for changes in the pubic area and reproductive system. When puberty hits FSH along with LH are produced more rapidly, often causing the young male to become very hormonal. FSH causes the growth of pubic hair and growth of the testis and penis. Most human males have two testicles surrounded by the scrotum. The scrotum is a covering of skin to protect the testis from varied temperatures. When it is cold the scrotal sac rises, bringing the testis up closer to the body to warm them. When it is warm the testis relaxes and the scrotal sac lowers to give more freedom to the testis. The scrotal sac is almost saggy in look. One testicle within the scrotal sac usually hangs a little bit lower than the other. Pubic hair usually resides on the male scrotum but it is not like that for everyone, Just like how people have varied amounts of pubic hair than others. The pathway of the sperm to the oocyte involves quite the process: The testes are where sperm are manufactured in the scrotum. The epididymis is a tortuously coiled structure topping the testis, and it Kiefiuk 4 receives immature sperm from the testis and stores it several days. When ejaculation occurs, sperm is forcefully expelled from the tail of the epididymis into the deferent duct. Sperm then travels through the deferent duct through up the spermatic cord into the pelvic cavity, over the ureter to the prostate behind the bladder. Here, the vas deferens joins with the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct, which passes through the prostate and empties into the urethra. When ejaculation occurs, rhythmic muscle movements propel the sperm forward. (E) No one wants to find out that their genitals have a disease, not male or female. It does, however, happen in this world. There are so many different types of diseases that can affect the penis. The first Im going to talk about is a yeast infection. Most people believe that yeast infections can only happen in women but they are wrong. A yeast infection has the following symptoms on the males penis: -Swollen -Itchy -Blotchy -Red all over -Smells, cheesy -Flaky penis tip -White ooze from the tip of the penis That is your yeasty neighbor at home on your manhood and causing you to Kiefiuk 5 ITCH. (A) There are quite a few ways in which a person can cure or try and cure their yeast infection. Since the can be quite a few ways to obtain yeast infections such as eating moldy food, drinking alcohol or having sex with someone who has it, so naturally to cure yourself youre going to want to stop having sex, throw away the moldy food and stop drinking. After this, go see your doctor and get yourself some anti-fungi pills or cream. Another way to rid yourself of a yeast infection is by rubbing yogurt on your genitals. You could say this is the all natural approach. Also, it has been proven that vinegar and warm water mixed together and poured on the genitals can help kill the infection. Other problems with the penis which men know they can get are such things like STIs. There are so many types of venereal diseases that you can catch because you werent careful while having sex. Some diseases you might have had for a long time and never realized it, and others, you will know you have them from the physical signs on your genitals. Men, it almost seems that for a majority of men, sex is a competition: Who has the most sex, who they had it with, and for some, how long it lasted.. In high school these guys may seem so cool but chances are that because theyve given sex away so many times they picked up a few hitch hikers along the way. Chlamydia is a disease that has to be treated as soon as possible because it can cause serious health problems. 50% of males wind up with a term known as infectious urethritis which is an infection in the urethra. Side effects of Chlamydia are painful urination, fever, swollen testis and discharge from the penis. Epididymtitis can be caused Kiefiuk 6 when Chlamydia spreads to the testicles. If this happens it is possible for sperm to become sterile if you do not get treatment within six to eight weeks. Lets face it, guys we have all been there, sitting in class, perhaps sleeping when you realize, uh oh! Spontaneous erection! Your face probably grew red hoping that no one notices. Well, here is the good news. Its perfectly natural. There is nothing wrong with getting an erection. Morning erections are a perfectly normal occurrence. Some guys have complained about this as a problem and thought that there was something wrong with them but in fact its actually not normal if you dont get an erection in the morning. Why, you might ask? This is because a morning erection or morning wood as its more commonly known, is the last erection in a series of erections that happen throughout the night as men sleep. On average a male will have four to five erections during the night, averaging to last about thirty minutes a night. A male cannot have sex if their penis is flaccid and not erect.. If you try to have coitus with a flaccid penis, its not going to work. There are a few reasons for this. First, you wont be able to penetrate into the womans vagina during sex. Second, if you try and have sex with a flaccid penis it is not stimulated. If your penis isnt stimulated it is going to be a very difficult thing for a man to receive pleasure during intercourse. If a man cannot get stimulated during sex then he wont be able to reach the climax, or orgasm. A flaccid penis should become erect once sexually aroused. The reason for not being able to get an erection is most likely because that male is suffering from an erectile Kiefiuk 7 dysfunction. If this occurs you should consult your doctor. When it comes down to it, there are only two types of penises, circumcised and uncircumcised. Every man on earth is one or the other. For many men who are circumcised it usually wasnt their own choice. Circumcision usually takes place during the first year of life. A babys parents will decide whether or not to cut the foreskin from their childs penis. Studies have shown that a lot of males who are circumcised wished that they werent circumcised. Many men who arent circumcised enjoy their foreskin and say that during sex it increases pleasure. There are pros and cons to both circumcised and uncircumcised penises. Circumcised penises are cleaner and women say that they look nicer than those with foreskins. It has also been said that a circumcised penis is more pleasurable for woman during intercourse. Uncircumcised penises, however, increase pleasure for males but are harder to keep clean. If you have a foreskin you have to be sure to scrub under it to keep it clean so you dont carry around bacteria. The male orgasm is the climax during sex. During intercourse movements of the hips let a male bring his penis in and out of the vagina. This stimulates pleasure in the head and shaft of the penis. As this pleasure continues and increases, heart rate increases along with breath intake. The sperm will then travel through the male reproductive system, out of the urethra and be expelled in spurts along with seminal fluids. Safe sex is good sex. If you dont want to have a baby then youre probably going to want to use a condom. There are a variety of different sizes and types of condoms for Kiefiuk 8 males plus the numerous brands. Condom sizes dont necessarily have to do with the length of a mans penis. Most condoms base their sizes off of the girth of a penis. The main reason for a condom is to protect the female from pregnancy during intercourse and on average a condom has a 90% chance of doing this. However there is more to using a condom than just preventing pregnancy. It also helps prevent sexually transmitted infections. A condom should always be used during intercourse unless the two people who are sharing in coitus are planning on having a child. Condoms come in many different types. The mainstream type of condom used is made of latex. Latex is an excellent protector against STIs and helping to prevent pregnancy. If a person is allergic to latex there are other options such as condoms made out of a firmer plastic. They provide the same help and support as those made of latex do. Another type of condom is that made from lamb. They are proven to almost fully stop a person from getting pregnant but due to small pores throughout the condom it is very easy for STIs to be contracted. Condoms can be made in different ways to help stimulate pleasure. Some condoms may be thinner so that you feel more contact between genitals; some may have built in lube while others might even be studded. Along with this, condoms can usually be bought in different colors and even flavors. To put a condom on, you have to first open the package, never do this with scissors or your teeth for you might accidentally tear the condom. There should be a slit in the package so that you can just rip it open and pull the condom out. Once out, you take the condoms base in one hand and place it above the head of the erect penis. Once Kiefiuk 9 overtop of the penis, it is crucial that you pinch the tip of the condom to leave room for the ejaculation. Once you have gotten hold of the tip of the condom with the other hand, roll the base of the condom until the penis is fully covered. Some condoms may feel very uncomfortable so some people enjoy putting lubricant inside and sometimes outside of the condom. Using lubricant in your condoms also helps prevent the chances of it tearing during intercourse. Only water based lubricants should be used with condoms as oil-based lubes can damage the integrity of the condom. Many males get to the age when they feel that they are no longer interested in having kids. They probably by now already have children or dont feel like having any at all. There is a simple way to stop the process of impregnating a woman. A vasectomy involves a doctor making small incisions in the males scrotal sac to get to the vas deferens. The vans deferentia are then cut and cauterized or clamped shut. A great way to protect the male reproductive system from any harm is to stay abstinent all together. Abstinence is the only way to be 100% sure that youre not going to get a girl pregnant or wind up with a sexually transmitted disease. Most people that think they are staying abstinent try fooling around, such as mutual masturbation, where their genitals dont come in contact but they are still being sexually stimulated. They are wrong. You are technically keeping your v card but you are at still at risk of sexually transmitted diseases and in some cases a woman will still become pregnant even when they think they are playing it safe. It only takes one sperm to enter the oocyte and cause pregnancy. Kiefiuk 10 If a person is extremely sexually active rather than instead of having sex with every pair of legs they see they could try pleasuring themselves. This is not the best solution to sex but it is better than risking all the diseases and risk of pregnancy. Many males, especially teenagers, have tried self pleasuring at least once in their lives. Penis size is usually noted as a problem amongst males and is a big stress causer. Many guys are wondering how their penis size matches up to those of their friends. Its not gross or a sexual thing, just plain old curiosity. The fact is penis sizes vary and no penis is going to look the same. The average size of a males penis is around five to six centimeters. If you have a penis size of four to five inches its not a terrible thing. Its not the size; it is how you use it. On the other hand you might have an abnormally large penis. If a male has a large penis they probably feel superior to other males but the truth is, not only is it less pleasurable and less intimate for the male but it is also less pleasurable and can even hurt the female during intercourse. The male reproductive system is part of all guys. Every guy is born with a penis and testicles. As we develop we begin to change, its all normal and natural. As a guy you need to accept what you have and work with it, be cool, be calm, and be yourself.
Communication Development Plan
Communication Development Plan Abstract This paper describes how the communication can be developed by using some strategic plans or tools. It contains graphical representation and the content will be in my point of view. The development plan is clearly explained in the document. It defines the goals and strategies of communication development. Communication Development Plan The purpose of the communication plan is to develop my communication skills and to be experienced for attending a job interview. By effectively communicating I can easily work with the co-employees and accomplish the given tasks. The communication plan gives a system to oversee and facilitate the wide assortment of interchanges that occur amid the venture. The communication plan covers who will get the interchanges, how the interchanges will be conveyed, what data will be imported, who imparts and the recurrence of the interchanges. Communication development exercises distinguish the proper level of communication for each venture partner, what data ought to be conveyed, and the recurrence of interchanges. This arrangement ought to likewise incorporate the vehicle of communication (email, up close and personal gatherings, and so forth). The danger of deficient planning could bring about the inability to finish key venture destinations, duplication of exertion, and diminished partner certainty. Current Assessment of Communication My current communication assessment is developed by scoring each category through assessing on my own knowledge: Table 1Self-Assessment Scoring table (Deborah J. Barret. 2014. P.21) Score Capability Area 4 Ethos/image 3 Audience analysis and strategy 3 Social media and other written communication 2 Oral communication 3 Visual communication 4 El: Dealing with own feeling 3 El: Dealing with others 4 Cultural communication competence 3 Group and team communication and dynamics 3 Organizational communication 3 Internal communication 2 External communication 1= Need lots of work in this area 2= Need some work in this area 3= Acceptable, but could be stronger 4= Very good abilities, close to leadership communication level 5= Excellent abilities, leadership communication level achieved The above table shows in which categories I need to develop and which one is strong. By this assessment, I can easily know what the areas need to develop and work on it. Communication Improvement Goals You can have brilliant ideas, but if you cant get them across, your ideas wont get you anywhere. (Lee Lacocca) The communication skills that need to be improve are Listening skills and Oral communication. I generally wondered: What is it that makes a few people exceptionally powerful communicators while a couple gets to be tongue-tied at the possibility of tending to a gathering of outsiders? I used to know somebody who was particularly splendid, conferred and remain in his employment yet he generally used to get disregarded when the time sought the yearly progression or raise. For all intents and purposes, each part of the life force you to speak with others in some frame or mold. If you need to set objectives to enhance relational abilities, first, consider how you identify with others and after that solicit you what undesirable examples from conduct may hinder communication achievement. Indeed, even a snapshot of expectation may go far toward enhancing individual and business relationships. Similarly, as with whatever another aptitude, you must point on your capacity to speak with others obviously and viable. A few people are conceived with it. Yet, there is a large portion of us, I included, who have needed to take a shot at it to get to where we are today. Have patience. Try not to anticipate that yourself will bloom into a sure public speaker overnight. Set sensible objectives and compliment yourself at whatever point you effectively explore through a saddling discussion or discourse. Actions to achieve goals Listening Skills: To become a good listener, we need to follow the requirements below: Focus Fully on the Speaker his or her non-verbal communication, the manner of speaking, and other nonverbal signs. The manner of speaking passes on feeling, so in case youre considering different things, checking instant messages or doodling, youre practically sure to miss the nonverbal prompts and the enthusiastic substance behind the words being talked. Furthermore, if the individual talking is comparatively diverted, youll have the capacity to rapidly get on it. If you think that its difficult to focus on a few speakers, take a stab at rehashing their words over in your mind until it fortifies their message and help you to remain centered. Favor your right ear the left half of the mind contains the essential preparing places for both dialogue appreciation and feelings. Since the left half of the mind is associated with the right side of the body, supporting your right ear can help you better understand the enthusiastic distinction of what somebody is stating. Have a go at keeping your stance straight, your button down, and tilting your right ear towards the speaker this will make it less demanding to get on the higher frequencies of human talk that contain the enthusiastic substance of whats being said. Avoid interrupting or trying to redirect the conversation to your concerns, by saying something like, On the off chance that you feel that is terrible, given me a chance to disclose to you what occur. Listening is not the same as sitting tight for your swing to talk. You cant focus on what somebodys expression in case youre framing what will state next. Frequently, the speaker can read your outward appearances and realize that your mind is not here. Show your interest in what beings said. Nod your head incidentally, grin at the individual, and ensure your posture is open and welcoming. Urge the speaker to proceed with little verbal remarks like yes or uh-huh. Try to set aside judgement. Keeping in mind the top goal to discuss successfully with somebody, you dont need to like them or accord with their views, qualities, or conclusions. In any case, you do not need the judgment and keep fault and keeping feedback in mind the end goal to completely understand a man. The most disturbing communication, when effectively executed, can prompt to the most improbable and significant association with somebody. Provide feedback. If there is by all accounts a difference, reflect what has been said by rewarding. What Im hearing is, or Seems like you are stating, are incredible approaches to reflect. Dont just repeat what the speaker has said literally, however-youll sound devious or unintelligent. Rather, express what the speakers words intend to you. Make inquiries to clear up specific focuses: What do you mean when you say or Is this what you mean? Individuals frequently concentrate on what they ought to state, however viable correspondence is less about speaking and more about tuning in. Listening admirably implies not simply understanding the words or the data being imported, additionally understanding the feelings the speaker is attempting to convey. (Robinson, Segal, Smith. 2016. p.3-4). Oral Communication. An important part of supervision is the capacity to speak with other parties. A successful approach to rapidly enhance the capacity to impart orally and in composing is to see each correspondence open door as making an oral proposition to someone else. The oral proposition can be made orally, or it can be in a composed report. The accompanying dialog of making an oral proposition is more expanding than a boss would typically do in imparting assignments or data to a subordinate, yet the ideas are appropriate to all oral communication. (CSTE Common Body of Knowledge, V6.1) The following guidelines need to be followed when giving a presentation: Underline that you are introducing the best answer for the clients issues. Emphasize that your venture group is all around prepared to complete this arrangement. Sell the corporate experience of your enterprise staff and yourself. Sell your own administration capacities. trade the specialized mastery of the venture staff and yourself. Sell your eagerness to do this venture sufficiently, effectively, and financially. Oral Communication is the process of verbally transmitting data and thoughts starting with one individual or gathering then onto the next. Oral correspondence can be either formal or casual. Cases of casual oral communication include: Face-to-Face discussions Phone discussions Talks that happen at conferences Strategic planning/Communication The strategic plan used for finding my goals to achieve is self-assessment as shown above in the table. The below is the plan for achieving my goals: Communication Development Process: The above figure explains how to achieve communication by following the cycle. Define Success: Firstly, identify the needs that are need to be developed for the organization that you are interested to apply for a job. Self-Awareness: Understanding the strengths and weaknesses by assessing on your own knowledge and by checking with the organization. Self-Management: Setting the goal is more important which leads to a great leader. Then focus on implementing the goal by several strategies and finally develop the skills that are required through practicing daily by some activities. Evaluate progress: At last measure, the goals whether you have reached or not. If you find any remarks while improving stats, then plan to refine the goals and continue the process until it done. Improving does not end. (Sir Winston Churchill) SMART Goals: It is used to measure the goals and maintain a time table which helps to achieve your goals. The above briefly shows that what are the SMART goals responsible and what can be achieved from it. When you have arranged your venture, turn your regard for building up a few objectives that will empower you to be effective. Objectives ought to be SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and time-based. (Haughey. 2014) Specific: What needs to be accomplished and why? Oral Communication It is the important means of communication which is used for academic and business meetings. Time management It helps you to make right choices, so you can spend more time on the things that are more valuable to you. Measurable: How will I know it will be accomplished? When I was in undergrad, I couldnt give speeches in front of class. But, now I have improved a little and gaining experience by taking feedback from professors. Achievable: Time Management:Â Oral Communication: Know your subject clearly and practice Do not speak too fast It is better to say little than too much Make face-to-face conversation effective Improving presentation skills Record a video for yourself and verify Relevant: Is this worth time? Yes, I am student and have free time. Is this the right time? Yes, while being a student is the right time to learn. Am I right person to reach the goal? Yes, I want to become a project leader. Time Bound: When? I have 9 months of time from now. What can I do from now? I can learn many things while being a student and take feedback of lecturers. I can gain more experience from the collage. Conclusion I conclude this report that communication development plan is very helpful for those who want to become a good leader and achieve their goals. I have briefly explained how to achieve goals using SMART analysis and given the table format. Self-assessment is also given to identify your goals that need to be improved. References Robinson.L, Segal.J, and Smith.M. Effective Communication. Last updated: December 2016. p.3-4. CSTE Common Body Of Knowledge, V6.1. Deborah J. Barret. (2014). Leadership Communication. Mc Graw Hill Education: New York. p.21.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Changing of Times, the Changes of Roles :: Essays Papers
The Changing of Times, the Changes of Roles After braving the hard travels and experiencing even worse, almost unbearable, living conditions of the pioneer life, the Jewish women gained a sense of a new freedom and a new reality that was only offered in the harsh, wild desert of the Southern Arizona territory. During these times of pioneers, many great histories and legacies of the small, scattered Jewish communities were established. Although these groups were small in numbers, there was a very large and dynamic impact. For example, of the Goldwaters of Phoenix, one of the more better known descendants, the late Senator Barry Goldwater impacted the federal as well as the state governments in politics until his death. Or the Capins, whose mercantile enterprise produced various large business chains throughout Arizona.(1) Or perhaps, the Bloom family, whose Bloom and Sons stores provided for the Tucson community for over eighty years!(2) The Jewish women of such families, although many unnamed and unrecognized for their work, have also help shape the fledgling Southern Arizona territory. These women broke the traditional guidelines of how to behave and how to live, which would have normally kept them in the home. â€Å"The escape from the ‘kosher beds’, from early marriage, the rituals accompanying menstrual purity, the continual burden of childbirth, was particularly dramatic in the case of the women revolutionaries...(3)†These Jewish women became, in a sense, revolutionaries; their generation produced radical changes in what a women's roles should be. Their source of strength can almost be credited to the Southern Arizona environment of those changing times, where etiquette and grace were not necessary nor needed in an area where rogues, flash floods, and the heat existed. Some Jewish women began to drop their traditional roles as mothers and wives to become doctors, nurses, teachers, even lawyers and active members in the community to better help the growing communities. In this paper, I plan to introduce my theory that the changes that led to the trailblazing of America also led to the trailblazing of the Jewish women, and I am using specific examples of local Jewish women of Tucson and Nogales, Arizona to show that the destruction and reconstruction of the ideal Jewish woman occurred during this dramatic time of mass migration, pioneerism and growth of America herself. The new times called for changes, and these changes were evident in the Jewish women's increasing involvement in their communities.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Edwin S. Porter :: essays research papers
Edwin S. Porter was both a film pioneer and director. He was a film pioneer because he made people come back to the theaters and start watching movies. His movies also were good because they told a story by editing the move. Being a director he made some of the greatest films in 1902 and 1903. In 1902 he directed The Life of an American Fireman and in 1903 The Great Train Robbery. With these two skills he was able to direct great films and use special camera shots not know of at that present time.      Porter was born on April 21st 1870 in Connellsville, Pennsylvania. There was not really any information on his parents but they did his parents first named him Edward. Since he was pudgy people use to call him Betty. There was really no information on why they called him Betty but I am sure it meant something. In 1893 he joined United States Navy and changed his name. He changed his name to Edwin Stanton instead of Edward Stanton. He changed it after Abraham Lincoln’s Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton before he went into the Navy. They did not go into any detail on why he did it but my guess is he did not like his name and changed it. In the resources that I found I could not find much information about the rest of his family. I could not even find any information on what he did in his early years. The earliest I could find was starting in 1893.      In 1895 he started to work for the Vitascope Marketing Company. He would use his talent of electrical engineering with the company. With Vitascope he was in the project of the first projected movie that was shown in New York. That date was April 23rd 1896. He used his skills in engineering at Edison’s Manufacturing Company’s Laboratory. He let Edison for a while and went to Eden Musee Theatre in New York where he an operator. He was in charge of getting the films and projecting them onto the screen. His duties also were kind of illegal because he took a lot of films and edited them together to make fifteen-minute films. He would also take some of Melies films and put them into the show, since he like some of Melies work. The films would range from historical Wars and news films.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Operations Management
The process type McDonald's uses is batch process because there are moderate volume and moderate variety in their products and services. McDonald's products are semi-standardized as they are stocked pre cooked. When a customer makes an order, the product is then prepared. This shows high flexibility, for example, a customer orders a special order of McCracken without lettuce, the order will be processed within minutes. There is also high volume of production as McDonald's serves thousands of customers dally. Inning a batch process means that the speed of delivery Is dependent upon the speed and experience of the Individual worker. This process supports the business of McDonald's as they will be able to process the different types orders to cater to the different needs of customers, In the shortest time possible. To achieve that, moderate skill level of workers is required. The advantages of batch process are that it allows workers to specialist in specific lobscouse and use the speci alist equipment, different batches of different production an be made.On the other hand, there are also disadvantages of batch process. Firstly, specialization means that the workers are doing repetitive jobs, which can result to boredom. Secondly, the machinery needs to be reset and cleaned in between batches. This can be time consuming which in turns slows down the production. Also, when the hamburgers are produced by batches, they would keep them for as long as possible and eventually discard them if they were not sold. This will increase the cost for McDonald's. Operations Management OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: as a competitive weapon mks [email protected] ac. in http://mks507. vistapanel. net Prof. (Dr. ) Manoj K Srivastava Operations Management Area 1. The Systems Approach C O N T E N T S 2. 3. OM Definition Ten Critical Decisions 4. 5. The Cases 4V Typology of Operations 6. 7. Productivity Competitiveness 8. 9. Manufacturing Vs. Service? The History 10. The Future 1 Systems Approach Systems Approach Reduce waste†¦or enhance output†¦ 2 OM Definition What is Operations Management? What is Operations? a function or system that transforms inputs into outputs of greater valueOperations management (OM) is the set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs TYPES OF TRANSFORMATIONS †¢ †¢ Physical: Locational: as in manufacturing operations as in transportation operations What is a Transformation Process? a series of activities along a value chain extending from supplier to customer. activiti es that do not add value are superfluous and should be eliminated †¢ †¢ Exchange: Physiological: as in retail operations as in health care What is Operations Management? esign, operation, and improvement of productive systems †¢ †¢ Psychological: Informational: as in entertainment as in communication Value Engineering / Value Analysis ? Use ? Esteem ? Time ? Place 3 What Operations Managers do? ? Service, product design†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Quality management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Process, capacity design†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Location †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Ten Critical Decisions ? Layout design †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Human resources, job design†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Supply-chain management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Inventory management †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ? Scheduling †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Maintenance †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 The Cases Britannica StoryInvite your enemy onto the roof, then remove the ladder Sun tzu The Art of War 36 Stratagems 1988 1988-93 Britannica (Leader, 230 years experience, 1768), $1000 Microsoft encyclopedia from funk & Wagnall’s encyclopedia Searchability, Multimedia, Graphics, Timeline (20 feet), cross-links, updating 1993 1995 Price $300 (cost of CD:$1) (in-fact you can purchase encarta encyclopedia + a PC in Britannica price) Britannica has to jump in a business which was not its strength, Price still $1000 1997 Reduced to $125, later on free online, crashed twice Innovation in Operations McDonald’s Corp Olympic Flame ? ? ? Facing Increased Competition Smarter and More Demanding Customers Less Brand Loyal Switched to hamburger bun that does not require toasting. ? Customers prefer taste of new bun ? Saves time an d money, QSVC Model ? ? ? ? 10,000 runners 15,000 miles through 42 states in 84 days Two years of planning Must plan for no-show runners and rush hour traffic ? Cost of this operation in the neighbourhood of $20 million Innovation in Operations Ginger Hotel BillDesk No-frills, June 2004 No room service, travel desk, swimming pool Wi-fi, Two type of room: Rs. 999 and Rs. 1199, Prabhat Pani, CEO, Roots CorporationBillDesk, a property of IndiaIdeas. com Ltd. , 2000 Three Arthur Anderson Executives Third-party bill collection 25 Banks, 100 companies Just apply today. It only takes a few minutes. Once you're approved, you get your very own Zipcard. Reserve one of our cars – for a couple hours or the entire Day. Do it online or use a phone. We're easy. Walk to the car, then just hold your Zipcard to the windshield. The doors will unlock, and it's all yours! Drive away†¦ and return to the same reserved parking spot at the end of your reservation. It's that simple. And remember, gas and insurance are included too. 5Operations typology: 4V Approach Differences within sectors are often greater than the differences between sectors Financial services An account management centre at a large retail bank Financial analyst advising a client at an investment bank Furniture manufacturing Mass production of kitchen units Craft production of reproduction ‘antique’ furniture Hotels Value-for-money hotel Lobby of an international luxury hotel A Typology of Operations: 4 V’s Low Volume High High how many products or services are made by the operation? how many different types of products or services are made by the operation?High Variety Low High Variation in demand Low how much does the level of demand change over time? how much of the operation’s internal working are ‘exposed’ to its customers? High Visibility Low Implications Low repetition Each staff member performs more of job Less systemization High unit costs Flexible Comple x Match customer needs High unit costs Changing capacity Anticipation Flexibility In touch with demand High unit costs Short waiting tolerance Satisfaction governed by customer perception Customer contact skills needed Received variety is high High unit costs A Typology of Operations ImplicationsHigh repeatability Specialization Capital intensive Low unit costs Well defined Routine Standardized Regular Low unit costs Stable Routine Predictable High utilization Low unit costs Time lag between production and consumption Standardization Low contact skills High staff utilization Centralization Low unit costs Low Volume High High High Variety Low High Variation in demand Low High Visibility Low 6 Productivity Effectiveness Efficiency Productivity Types of Productivity Single Factor Productivity Output Labor Output Materials Output is of quality nature Output Capital Multifactor ProductivityOutput Labor + Materials + Overheads Output Labor + Energy + Capital Total Factor Productivity Good s and Services Produced All inputs used to produce them America West’s Reverse Pyramid system This is in contrast to the approach used by many airlines of just boarding all seats starting from the back of the plane and working forward. 7 Competitiveness Competitiveness The degree to which a nation can produce goods and services that meet the test of international markets while simultaneously maintaining or expanding the real incomes of its citizens. A firm is competitive if it can produce products [†¦ of superior quality or lower costs than its domestic and international competitors. (US-President`s Commission on Industrial Competitiveness 1985, S. 6) Global Competitiveness Ranking 1. Switzerland 2. Sweden 3. Singapore 4. United States 5. Germany 6. Japan 7. Finland 8. Netherlands 9. Denmark India 51 10. Canada China 27 Competition Within Industries Increases When ? Firms are relatively equal in size and resources ? Products and services are standardized ? Industry growt h is slow or exponential Barriers to Entry ? ? Economies of scale Learning curves Capital investment Access to supply and distribution channels 8 Manufacturing vs. services Degree of Servitization Manufacturing and Service Employment Manufacturing Employment and Production Services as % of GDP Tangibility Spectrum Economic Offerings can determine prior to purchasing can only be discerned after purchase or during consumption or use customer must believe in, but cannot personally evaluate even after purchase & consumption Differences Between Goods and Services Intangibility Heterogeneity Simultaneous Perishability Production & Consumption 9 History of OM Five Eras of Operations Management Journey of Operations Management Adam Smith uge increases in productivity obtainable from technology or technological progress are possible match human and physical capital, Division of labor Eli Whitney †¢ †¢ In 1798, received government contract to make 10,000 muskets Showed that machine tools could make standardized parts to exact specifications – Musket parts could be used in any musket Significant events in operations management ? ? ? ? Division of labor Standardized parts Scientific management Coordinated assembly line (Smith (Whitney (Taylor (Ford 1776) 1800) 1881) 1913) ? ? ? Gantt charts Motion study Quality control (Gantt (Gilbreths (Shewhart 1916) 1922) 1924) 10Where are we going? Exciting New Challenges in Operations Management Changing Challenges Past Local or national focus Batch (large) shipments Causes Low-cost, reliable worldwide communication and transportation networks Cost of capital puts pressure on reducing investment in inventory Global Focus Future Just-in-time shipments Low-bid purchasing Quality emphasis requires that suppliers be engaged in product improvement Shorter life cycles, rapid international communication, computer-aided design, and international collaboration Affluence and worldwide markets; increasingly flexible production processes Changing sociocultural milieu.Increasingly a knowledge and information society. Environmental issues, ISO 14000, increasing disposal costs Supply-chain partners Rapid product development, alliances, collaborative designs Mass customization Empowered employees, teams, and lean production Environmentally sensitive production, Green manufacturing, recycled materials, remanufacturing Lengthy product development Standardized products Job specialization Low cost focus Operations Management QUESTION 1 Operations management must be managed properly in order to improve an organization’s productivity and profitability. In the Cadbury World case, several micro and macro processes are involved and those processes bring some impacts to Cadbury World. Thus, Cadbury World must possess a sustainable micro and macro processes to achieve the best outcome and performance. Micro processes that involved are easily to manage compared to macro processes because macro processes are hard to manage or manipulate (Jae, Shim, Joel & Siegel, 1999).As a result, Cadbury World must put more efforts in solving the obstacles and troubles that occurred within the macro processes. First of foremost, we will be discussing the micro processes that involved in Cadbury World case. Within the micro processes, they can make some planning on their operation and strategic management processes to enhance their business and profitability. Micro Processes| Explanation and elaboration| Company| * Cadbur y has set up a team to improve their operation management. * More tickets collectors have been assigned in the exhibition centre to manage and help visitors when they need assistance. Cadbury is always open for criticism, feedbacks and recommendation to improve their operation management. | Customers | * Cadbury always attempting to fulfill all the requirements and needs from their customers and ensure their customers will have a wonderful trip in their exhibition centre. * This is because customers will affect their reputation and brand name if they are not satisfying with the services and products that provided (Galloway, 1998). * Other than that, Cadbury has launched some new products and add more elements into their exhibition programme to attract more visitors and customers. Competitors| * Cadbury World has implemented SWOT analysis to identify their strengths and weaknesses and also the opportunities and threats from their outside environment. So that, they are able to gain th e competitive advantage among their competitors. | Intermediaries| * Cadbury requires several marketing intermediaries in promoting their activities and products. * As such, they have selected some marketing intermediaries to promote this Cadbury World exhibition event and help them to gain the profits. | Suppliers| * It is crucial to select the best suppliers to enhance the production of Cadbury.Due to this, Cadbury has implemented some analysis and works when choosing their suppliers because they always ensure their products have the high quality that can fulfill every customer’s requirements. | Table 1: Micro processes as applied to the case Cadbury World Macro Processes| Description | Demographic| * Several analysis have been implemented to analyze the preference and needs among people from different demographic profile. * This is because demographic profile is crucial when managing the requirements from different customers. Those analysis can be done according to several groups such as gender, age group, nationality, likeliness. | Natural| * Cadbury always seek for alternatives although their natural resources are still available and still able to support their operation and production. * This is because they believed that natural resources will be finished exploited in one day. So that, they want to put some efforts before the day to come. | Economic| * Economic trend must be aware from time to time to prevent Cadbury World business being affected during the economic crisis. Technological| * Cadbury always conscious and aware with the new technological and applied the technological elements into their operation system to gain the higher profits. * Besides, with the technological elements such as automated system or centralized system can help their operation system become more efficient and easy to manage the visitors that entering their exhibition centre. | Table 2: Macro processes as applied to the case Cadbury World Figure 1: Input-Transformati on-Output model (Cadbury World case) The model of input-transformation-output in Cadbury World case has been displayed in Figure 1 above.This model consisted of micro and macro processes because as mentioned earlier, micro and macro processes are very important for the operation processes in an organization. From the figure above, we will be discussing the micro processes of Cadbury World case in the form of input-transformation-output model. Those micro processes are company, customers, suppliers and competitors. Cadbury needs a lot of human resources such as manpower to carry out their daily operations process. Those manpower with the technological methods are essential to convert the raw materials from the input to the transformation process  (Tilanus, 1997).After that, the incomplete goods that in the transformation process will turn into the outputs which are products and goods that introduce to the markets. When the products introduced to market, Cadbury may get some feedba cks from publics or their customers and also their competitors. Hence, Cadbury must do some amendment on their operation processes within the internal management in their organization or review their suppliers to enhance their operation process. QUESTION 2 Process flow chart to show the ways of customers are being processed through the operation from start to finishThe process design that adopted by Cadbury World case is the product-based layout because the arrangement of the equipments in every section of the exhibition centre are clearly displayed in a logical sequence. Hence, the process design can provide the better understanding to their visitors if they wish to take a tour without guiding. This is because the product-based layout can eliminate the confusion of the visitors as the process flow is predictable and repeatable (Thompson, 1967) . QUESTION 3 3. 1: The capacity of each processes in question 2 above The entrance 5-20 visitors x (60 minutes / 2-1/2 minutes) = 360- 480 visitors per hour The Marie Cadbury room * Original design (70 visitors x 1/3) x [60 minutes / (5 minutes + 1-2 minutes + 4 minutes)] = 131-144 visitors per hour * Peak times 70 visitors x [60 minutes / (5 minutes + 1-2 minutes + 4 minutes)] = 382-420 visitors per hour The packaging plant 30 visitors x [60 minutes / (3 minutes + 8 minutes) = 164 visitors per hour The demonstration area (15 visitors x 8 guides) x (60 minutes / 6-17 minutes) = 424-1200 visitors per hour * The shop [(60 minutes x 60 seconds)/15 seconds] x 3 checkouts = 720 visitors per hour * The restaurant: If the tables are allowed to sit with different families or groups of visitors (60 minutes/25 minutes) x 169 covers = 406 visitors per hour * If the tables are allowed to sit with one family or same group of visitors (60 minutes/25 minutes) x 53 tables = 128 visitors per hour The coffee and ice-cream parlour (60 minutes/18 minutes) x 46 covers = 154 visitors per hour 3. 2: The project ed annual, weekly and hourly demand from the data in the case (Mid August to end of December 4. 5 months). Explain the impact of seasonality on these figures. 1. The Entrance: 2. 5 minutes 2. The Marie Cadbury Room: 10 – 11 minutes 3.The Packaging Plant: 11 minutes 4. The Demonstration Area: 6 – 17 minutes 5. The Shop: 15 seconds = 0. 25 minutes 6. The Restaurant: 25 minutes 7. The coffee and ice-cream Parlour: 18 minutes After reviewing the case of Cadbury World, we can understand that the time required for each station in the case of Cadbury World when during the normal period are 84. 75 minutes / 3. 53 hours and 72. 75 / 3. 03 hours during the peak periods. Therefore, the projected demand are as below:- 1. Annual demand = 4. 5 x 30 x (3. 03 – 3. 53) = 409. 05 – 476. 55 hours 2. Weekly demand = 7 x (3. 03 – 3. 53) = 21. 21 – 24. 71 hours 3.Hourly demand = 3. 03 – 3. 53 hours Holiday season, weather, national celebration or event such as election can cause some impacts of seasonality that affect Cadbury World business and operation. From the Cadbury World case, the period of the exhibition event is held from mid of August to the end of December. During that period, Halloween and Christmas might influence their operation as people may wish to take a short travel to refresh themselves during these holidays. As such, Cadbury World can be a better selection. However, when the demand of seasonality increased, Cadbury World needs extra capacities to support their operation.If not, they will face some bottlenecks and affect their overall performance and profitability. QUESTION 4 4. 1 The ways that Cadbury world management has varied capacity to respond to changes in demand When the business of an organization is boosted up, this means that the demand has been increased as well. Thus, the organization need more capacities to prevent they fall into bottlenecks (Stevenson, 2010). In Cadbury World case, some bottleneck s might be occurred if they didn’t varied the capacity to respond to the changes of demand. Firstly, more ticket collected have been arranged accordingly in the entrance area during peak period.Those ticket collectors will apply the technological system such as automation system to handle the situation in the exhibition centre and also the safety of their visitors. Besides, Cadbury internal management team have implemented some actions to enlarge the space of parking lots during the peak period. After that, the shop, restaurant and ice-cream parlour areas will be amend to cater more visitors. 4. 2 The operations that occurred the bottlenecks in the process and the ways that service can be amended to increase bottleneck capacity. Where are the bottlenecks in the process? How could service be amended to increase bottlenecks capacity? | The entrance| * Introduce online ticketing to reduce the time that needed to purchase the tickets. * Utilize information technology system to handle the safety of visitors that enter the exhibition centre. * Enhance the dependability and speed in the exhibition centre to provide the convenience to visitors. | The exhibition area| * Boost up the efficiency of Cadbury staffs that handle the visitors that enter this area. * Apply micro operation system and information technology method to reduce the delays problems and also eliminate the workload of attendant. Improve the process flow in Marie Cadbury room as it is the bottlenecks in this section. | The packaging plant| * Change the areas that show the brief videos. * Such as displaying the brief videos in the areas before entering the packaging plant to give a brief explanation and understanding to visitors. | The restaurant| * Amend the process flow because current process flow is inconvenient to visitors. * Redesign the serving points and serve more variety of food in each serving point. * So that, visitors can enjoy their favorite food without passing every serving poin ts. The restaurant design can amend to a round shape instead of row arrangement to increase the flexibility to visitors. | LIST OF REFENCES Galloway, L. (1998) Principles of Operations Management. India: ITP. Jae, K. , Shim, Joel, G. & Siegel (1999) Operations Management. USA: Barron’s Educational Series. Stevenson, W. J. (2010) Operations Management. An Asian Perspective (9th Edition). New Zealand: McGraw-Hill. Thompson, J. (1967) Organizations in Action. New York: McGraw-Hill. Tilanus, B. (1997) Information Systems in Logistics and Transformation (2nd ed). USA: Elsevier Science Ltd. Operations Management The process type McDonald's uses is batch process because there are moderate volume and moderate variety in their products and services. McDonald's products are semi-standardized as they are stocked pre cooked. When a customer makes an order, the product is then prepared. This shows high flexibility, for example, a customer orders a special order of McCracken without lettuce, the order will be processed within minutes. There is also high volume of production as McDonald's serves thousands of customers dally. Inning a batch process means that the speed of delivery Is dependent upon the speed and experience of the Individual worker. This process supports the business of McDonald's as they will be able to process the different types orders to cater to the different needs of customers, In the shortest time possible. To achieve that, moderate skill level of workers is required. The advantages of batch process are that it allows workers to specialist in specific lobscouse and use the speci alist equipment, different batches of different production an be made.On the other hand, there are also disadvantages of batch process. Firstly, specialization means that the workers are doing repetitive jobs, which can result to boredom. Secondly, the machinery needs to be reset and cleaned in between batches. This can be time consuming which in turns slows down the production. Also, when the hamburgers are produced by batches, they would keep them for as long as possible and eventually discard them if they were not sold. This will increase the cost for McDonald's. Operations Management OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: as a competitive weapon mks [email protected] ac. in http://mks507. vistapanel. net Prof. (Dr. ) Manoj K Srivastava Operations Management Area 1. The Systems Approach C O N T E N T S 2. 3. OM Definition Ten Critical Decisions 4. 5. The Cases 4V Typology of Operations 6. 7. Productivity Competitiveness 8. 9. Manufacturing Vs. Service? The History 10. The Future 1 Systems Approach Systems Approach Reduce waste†¦or enhance output†¦ 2 OM Definition What is Operations Management? What is Operations? a function or system that transforms inputs into outputs of greater valueOperations management (OM) is the set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs TYPES OF TRANSFORMATIONS †¢ †¢ Physical: Locational: as in manufacturing operations as in transportation operations What is a Transformation Process? a series of activities along a value chain extending from supplier to customer. activiti es that do not add value are superfluous and should be eliminated †¢ †¢ Exchange: Physiological: as in retail operations as in health care What is Operations Management? esign, operation, and improvement of productive systems †¢ †¢ Psychological: Informational: as in entertainment as in communication Value Engineering / Value Analysis ? Use ? Esteem ? Time ? Place 3 What Operations Managers do? ? Service, product design†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Quality management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Process, capacity design†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Location †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Ten Critical Decisions ? Layout design †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Human resources, job design†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Supply-chain management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Inventory management †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ? Scheduling †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Maintenance †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 The Cases Britannica StoryInvite your enemy onto the roof, then remove the ladder Sun tzu The Art of War 36 Stratagems 1988 1988-93 Britannica (Leader, 230 years experience, 1768), $1000 Microsoft encyclopedia from funk & Wagnall’s encyclopedia Searchability, Multimedia, Graphics, Timeline (20 feet), cross-links, updating 1993 1995 Price $300 (cost of CD:$1) (in-fact you can purchase encarta encyclopedia + a PC in Britannica price) Britannica has to jump in a business which was not its strength, Price still $1000 1997 Reduced to $125, later on free online, crashed twice Innovation in Operations McDonald’s Corp Olympic Flame ? ? ? Facing Increased Competition Smarter and More Demanding Customers Less Brand Loyal Switched to hamburger bun that does not require toasting. ? Customers prefer taste of new bun ? Saves time an d money, QSVC Model ? ? ? ? 10,000 runners 15,000 miles through 42 states in 84 days Two years of planning Must plan for no-show runners and rush hour traffic ? Cost of this operation in the neighbourhood of $20 million Innovation in Operations Ginger Hotel BillDesk No-frills, June 2004 No room service, travel desk, swimming pool Wi-fi, Two type of room: Rs. 999 and Rs. 1199, Prabhat Pani, CEO, Roots CorporationBillDesk, a property of IndiaIdeas. com Ltd. , 2000 Three Arthur Anderson Executives Third-party bill collection 25 Banks, 100 companies Just apply today. It only takes a few minutes. Once you're approved, you get your very own Zipcard. Reserve one of our cars – for a couple hours or the entire Day. Do it online or use a phone. We're easy. Walk to the car, then just hold your Zipcard to the windshield. The doors will unlock, and it's all yours! Drive away†¦ and return to the same reserved parking spot at the end of your reservation. It's that simple. And remember, gas and insurance are included too. 5Operations typology: 4V Approach Differences within sectors are often greater than the differences between sectors Financial services An account management centre at a large retail bank Financial analyst advising a client at an investment bank Furniture manufacturing Mass production of kitchen units Craft production of reproduction ‘antique’ furniture Hotels Value-for-money hotel Lobby of an international luxury hotel A Typology of Operations: 4 V’s Low Volume High High how many products or services are made by the operation? how many different types of products or services are made by the operation?High Variety Low High Variation in demand Low how much does the level of demand change over time? how much of the operation’s internal working are ‘exposed’ to its customers? High Visibility Low Implications Low repetition Each staff member performs more of job Less systemization High unit costs Flexible Comple x Match customer needs High unit costs Changing capacity Anticipation Flexibility In touch with demand High unit costs Short waiting tolerance Satisfaction governed by customer perception Customer contact skills needed Received variety is high High unit costs A Typology of Operations ImplicationsHigh repeatability Specialization Capital intensive Low unit costs Well defined Routine Standardized Regular Low unit costs Stable Routine Predictable High utilization Low unit costs Time lag between production and consumption Standardization Low contact skills High staff utilization Centralization Low unit costs Low Volume High High High Variety Low High Variation in demand Low High Visibility Low 6 Productivity Effectiveness Efficiency Productivity Types of Productivity Single Factor Productivity Output Labor Output Materials Output is of quality nature Output Capital Multifactor ProductivityOutput Labor + Materials + Overheads Output Labor + Energy + Capital Total Factor Productivity Good s and Services Produced All inputs used to produce them America West’s Reverse Pyramid system This is in contrast to the approach used by many airlines of just boarding all seats starting from the back of the plane and working forward. 7 Competitiveness Competitiveness The degree to which a nation can produce goods and services that meet the test of international markets while simultaneously maintaining or expanding the real incomes of its citizens. A firm is competitive if it can produce products [†¦ of superior quality or lower costs than its domestic and international competitors. (US-President`s Commission on Industrial Competitiveness 1985, S. 6) Global Competitiveness Ranking 1. Switzerland 2. Sweden 3. Singapore 4. United States 5. Germany 6. Japan 7. Finland 8. Netherlands 9. Denmark India 51 10. Canada China 27 Competition Within Industries Increases When ? Firms are relatively equal in size and resources ? Products and services are standardized ? Industry growt h is slow or exponential Barriers to Entry ? ? Economies of scale Learning curves Capital investment Access to supply and distribution channels 8 Manufacturing vs. services Degree of Servitization Manufacturing and Service Employment Manufacturing Employment and Production Services as % of GDP Tangibility Spectrum Economic Offerings can determine prior to purchasing can only be discerned after purchase or during consumption or use customer must believe in, but cannot personally evaluate even after purchase & consumption Differences Between Goods and Services Intangibility Heterogeneity Simultaneous Perishability Production & Consumption 9 History of OM Five Eras of Operations Management Journey of Operations Management Adam Smith uge increases in productivity obtainable from technology or technological progress are possible match human and physical capital, Division of labor Eli Whitney †¢ †¢ In 1798, received government contract to make 10,000 muskets Showed that machine tools could make standardized parts to exact specifications – Musket parts could be used in any musket Significant events in operations management ? ? ? ? Division of labor Standardized parts Scientific management Coordinated assembly line (Smith (Whitney (Taylor (Ford 1776) 1800) 1881) 1913) ? ? ? Gantt charts Motion study Quality control (Gantt (Gilbreths (Shewhart 1916) 1922) 1924) 10Where are we going? Exciting New Challenges in Operations Management Changing Challenges Past Local or national focus Batch (large) shipments Causes Low-cost, reliable worldwide communication and transportation networks Cost of capital puts pressure on reducing investment in inventory Global Focus Future Just-in-time shipments Low-bid purchasing Quality emphasis requires that suppliers be engaged in product improvement Shorter life cycles, rapid international communication, computer-aided design, and international collaboration Affluence and worldwide markets; increasingly flexible production processes Changing sociocultural milieu.Increasingly a knowledge and information society. Environmental issues, ISO 14000, increasing disposal costs Supply-chain partners Rapid product development, alliances, collaborative designs Mass customization Empowered employees, teams, and lean production Environmentally sensitive production, Green manufacturing, recycled materials, remanufacturing Lengthy product development Standardized products Job specialization Low cost focus Operations Management OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: as a competitive weapon mks [email protected] ac. in http://mks507. vistapanel. net Prof. (Dr. ) Manoj K Srivastava Operations Management Area 1. The Systems Approach C O N T E N T S 2. 3. OM Definition Ten Critical Decisions 4. 5. The Cases 4V Typology of Operations 6. 7. Productivity Competitiveness 8. 9. Manufacturing Vs. Service? The History 10. The Future 1 Systems Approach Systems Approach Reduce waste†¦or enhance output†¦ 2 OM Definition What is Operations Management? What is Operations? a function or system that transforms inputs into outputs of greater valueOperations management (OM) is the set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs TYPES OF TRANSFORMATIONS †¢ †¢ Physical: Locational: as in manufacturing operations as in transportation operations What is a Transformation Process? a series of activities along a value chain extending from supplier to customer. activiti es that do not add value are superfluous and should be eliminated †¢ †¢ Exchange: Physiological: as in retail operations as in health care What is Operations Management? esign, operation, and improvement of productive systems †¢ †¢ Psychological: Informational: as in entertainment as in communication Value Engineering / Value Analysis ? Use ? Esteem ? Time ? Place 3 What Operations Managers do? ? Service, product design†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Quality management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Process, capacity design†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Location †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Ten Critical Decisions ? Layout design †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Human resources, job design†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Supply-chain management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Inventory management †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ? Scheduling †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Maintenance †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 The Cases Britannica StoryInvite your enemy onto the roof, then remove the ladder Sun tzu The Art of War 36 Stratagems 1988 1988-93 Britannica (Leader, 230 years experience, 1768), $1000 Microsoft encyclopedia from funk & Wagnall’s encyclopedia Searchability, Multimedia, Graphics, Timeline (20 feet), cross-links, updating 1993 1995 Price $300 (cost of CD:$1) (in-fact you can purchase encarta encyclopedia + a PC in Britannica price) Britannica has to jump in a business which was not its strength, Price still $1000 1997 Reduced to $125, later on free online, crashed twice Innovation in Operations McDonald’s Corp Olympic Flame ? ? ? Facing Increased Competition Smarter and More Demanding Customers Less Brand Loyal Switched to hamburger bun that does not require toasting. ? Customers prefer taste of new bun ? Saves time an d money, QSVC Model ? ? ? ? 10,000 runners 15,000 miles through 42 states in 84 days Two years of planning Must plan for no-show runners and rush hour traffic ? Cost of this operation in the neighbourhood of $20 million Innovation in Operations Ginger Hotel BillDesk No-frills, June 2004 No room service, travel desk, swimming pool Wi-fi, Two type of room: Rs. 999 and Rs. 1199, Prabhat Pani, CEO, Roots CorporationBillDesk, a property of IndiaIdeas. com Ltd. , 2000 Three Arthur Anderson Executives Third-party bill collection 25 Banks, 100 companies Just apply today. It only takes a few minutes. Once you're approved, you get your very own Zipcard. Reserve one of our cars – for a couple hours or the entire Day. Do it online or use a phone. We're easy. Walk to the car, then just hold your Zipcard to the windshield. The doors will unlock, and it's all yours! Drive away†¦ and return to the same reserved parking spot at the end of your reservation. It's that simple. And remember, gas and insurance are included too. 5Operations typology: 4V Approach Differences within sectors are often greater than the differences between sectors Financial services An account management centre at a large retail bank Financial analyst advising a client at an investment bank Furniture manufacturing Mass production of kitchen units Craft production of reproduction ‘antique’ furniture Hotels Value-for-money hotel Lobby of an international luxury hotel A Typology of Operations: 4 V’s Low Volume High High how many products or services are made by the operation? how many different types of products or services are made by the operation?High Variety Low High Variation in demand Low how much does the level of demand change over time? how much of the operation’s internal working are ‘exposed’ to its customers? High Visibility Low Implications Low repetition Each staff member performs more of job Less systemization High unit costs Flexible Comple x Match customer needs High unit costs Changing capacity Anticipation Flexibility In touch with demand High unit costs Short waiting tolerance Satisfaction governed by customer perception Customer contact skills needed Received variety is high High unit costs A Typology of Operations ImplicationsHigh repeatability Specialization Capital intensive Low unit costs Well defined Routine Standardized Regular Low unit costs Stable Routine Predictable High utilization Low unit costs Time lag between production and consumption Standardization Low contact skills High staff utilization Centralization Low unit costs Low Volume High High High Variety Low High Variation in demand Low High Visibility Low 6 Productivity Effectiveness Efficiency Productivity Types of Productivity Single Factor Productivity Output Labor Output Materials Output is of quality nature Output Capital Multifactor ProductivityOutput Labor + Materials + Overheads Output Labor + Energy + Capital Total Factor Productivity Good s and Services Produced All inputs used to produce them America West’s Reverse Pyramid system This is in contrast to the approach used by many airlines of just boarding all seats starting from the back of the plane and working forward. 7 Competitiveness Competitiveness The degree to which a nation can produce goods and services that meet the test of international markets while simultaneously maintaining or expanding the real incomes of its citizens. A firm is competitive if it can produce products [†¦ of superior quality or lower costs than its domestic and international competitors. (US-President`s Commission on Industrial Competitiveness 1985, S. 6) Global Competitiveness Ranking 1. Switzerland 2. Sweden 3. Singapore 4. United States 5. Germany 6. Japan 7. Finland 8. Netherlands 9. Denmark India 51 10. Canada China 27 Competition Within Industries Increases When ? Firms are relatively equal in size and resources ? Products and services are standardized ? Industry growt h is slow or exponential Barriers to Entry ? ? Economies of scale Learning curves Capital investment Access to supply and distribution channels 8 Manufacturing vs. services Degree of Servitization Manufacturing and Service Employment Manufacturing Employment and Production Services as % of GDP Tangibility Spectrum Economic Offerings can determine prior to purchasing can only be discerned after purchase or during consumption or use customer must believe in, but cannot personally evaluate even after purchase & consumption Differences Between Goods and Services Intangibility Heterogeneity Simultaneous Perishability Production & Consumption 9 History of OM Five Eras of Operations Management Journey of Operations Management Adam Smith uge increases in productivity obtainable from technology or technological progress are possible match human and physical capital, Division of labor Eli Whitney †¢ †¢ In 1798, received government contract to make 10,000 muskets Showed that machine tools could make standardized parts to exact specifications – Musket parts could be used in any musket Significant events in operations management ? ? ? ? Division of labor Standardized parts Scientific management Coordinated assembly line (Smith (Whitney (Taylor (Ford 1776) 1800) 1881) 1913) ? ? ? Gantt charts Motion study Quality control (Gantt (Gilbreths (Shewhart 1916) 1922) 1924) 10Where are we going? Exciting New Challenges in Operations Management Changing Challenges Past Local or national focus Batch (large) shipments Causes Low-cost, reliable worldwide communication and transportation networks Cost of capital puts pressure on reducing investment in inventory Global Focus Future Just-in-time shipments Low-bid purchasing Quality emphasis requires that suppliers be engaged in product improvement Shorter life cycles, rapid international communication, computer-aided design, and international collaboration Affluence and worldwide markets; increasingly flexible production processes Changing sociocultural milieu.Increasingly a knowledge and information society. Environmental issues, ISO 14000, increasing disposal costs Supply-chain partners Rapid product development, alliances, collaborative designs Mass customization Empowered employees, teams, and lean production Environmentally sensitive production, Green manufacturing, recycled materials, remanufacturing Lengthy product development Standardized products Job specialization Low cost focus
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