Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case Study - Research Paper Example The work analyzes the ethics of IT and the ethical decision-making processes, which will give a combined justification of the role of the government in the administration of security. Therefore, this paper is an explanation of the control of the government over the IT facilities. The central IT ethical issue, in this case, is improper handling of information especially revealing sensitive data to unwanted parties. The seven-point decision plan provides one best models for making choices in the social context. For this case, the model’s seven steps are analyzed in this section. This model and the chosen theories attempt to justify the increased control of the government over the internet and challenge the debates against the move. For instance, there are those who argue that the move will make the use of the internet more expensive while others feel that the move compromises their privacy (Norquist & Gleason, 2014) On 9 September 2011, there was a terrorist attack that targeted the national security of the country. For this case, there were losses of life and destruction of property after which the Al Qaeda group led by Osama Bin Laden engineered. The government was the most challenged in this case because there was a picture of its citizens that it had failed to protect its people. The government hoped to increase surveillance of the vulnerable channels of national security. The effects would result in an improved national security layout but, at the same time, compromise the control of private parties over the internet and other IT infrastructure. The incidence left the government as the principal actor in the case of national security because the constitution ensures all citizens have the right to security. There was, therefore, a need that government found the best alternative that would give it more control of the communication channels that facilitate terrorism. There were a number of options for the government, most of which
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Working Practices for Child Protection
Working Practices for Child Protection Christine Stanescu Analyse the working practices that are needed to ensure that adults and children are protected Children are full of energy and curiosity about their environment. When they are excited about a new experience, or see something they want to do, children may not think about any possible risks or dangers. We need to be able to recognise the challenges to the safety and well-being of children and young people how we work with, and help to minimise the risks, without taking away from the excitement of their activities. Any setting should have clear polices and procedures about all aspects of Heath and safety. All rooms and equipment used by children and young people should have regular checks to ensure that everything is working well and is safe. Some of this checks are required by law, for example, for electrical equipment must be checked by a qualified electrician every year. Nursery managers should make sure that health and safety checks are carried out as required. In a case of an accident, failure to check equipment could have serious implications. Many items that are used every day have been tested for safety by the British Standards Institution. An item with a BSI means that has independently tested and confirmed that the product complies with the relevant standard and safe and reliable. Supervision is key way in which we can keep children safe. Everyone who is responsible for children must know where they are and what they are doing at all times. Sometimes, adults perceive that supervision is about preventing children from doing things, but it can also be viewed positively, often supervised children can be encouraged to do more interesting and challenging activities. At the start of a session, some settings can become very busy. Parents may be dropping their children off, sometimes with siblings, and adults in the setting may be stretched because they are keeping an eye on the children who are already there while at the same time greeting children and their parents who are arriving. To avoid children wandering out, or staff not knowing which children have arrived, it is essential that all settings must have a register. Up-to-date register is essential in case there is a fire and must importantly to ensure that staff child ration are correct. It is important that we look for ways of reminding parents not to keep doors open or to let out any children other than their own. This is itself may not be adequate and so many settings also have doorbells or buzzers that indicate when a door has been left open or is being held open. In the same way that we must create systems to help children on arrival, so we must think about childrens safety as they leave the setting. Many of the systems that are put in place for when children arrive should also be followed when children leave. It is essential that children are not released into the care of someone who is not their parent or carer unless prior notification, preferably written, has ben given by the childs parent. Physical activities is essential for children of all ages as it helps to strengthen many parts of the body including to heart, lungs, bones and muscle. Physical activity is also linked to childrens need for stimulation. What children eat and drink has a important effect on childrens health. Children should have a majority of their calorie and nutrient intake at meal times. To help adult plan meal, the Food Standards Agency has produced the eatwell plate. This can be useful when considering the composition of a healthy meal. Hand washing is an essential activity that children need to learn. It needs to become part of the physical care routine so that children automatically wash their hands after going to the toilet, before meals and after playing outdoors. The setting should have writing provision for: accident records head lice sickness medication administration consent for, and the recording of, medicine administration food hygiene sun safety Some children have ongoing medical conditions or infections that are controlled by medication and so parents may ask to be administrate medicines. As medicines are a potential hazard procedures should be put in place to ensure that correct dosages are given and they are kept out of reach of children when not being administered. For any complains that arise as a result of an incident, correct and full documentation is imperative for both children and staff alike. Explain the various Heath and safety requirements needed for children attending the setting at the various different stages of child development Health and safety in the nursery environment requires adaptation for each different age group of children that are catered for in the setting. In every nursery, there are, in most circumstances, different rooms allocated for the various age groups enrolled. For example: babies for 6 weeks to 12 months young toddler for 12months to 2 years older toddlers for 2 years to 3 years pre-school for 3 years up to 5 years. Health and safety for babies in the nursery setting is concerned with scrupulous hygiene and a safe and secure room with clean, comfortable cots which are conform to the British Safety Standards. The baby room differs others in the nursery, as is a environment where many nurseries endeavour to create a home experience for the baby. This is achieved by incorporating homely furniture, mobile and brightly coloured posters. The health and safety implication for babies are concerned with hygiene, particularly surrounding the preparation of formula milk, nappy changing and application of barrier cream. Care must be taken by staff when making up baby milk to follow the instruction for making, storing and use of the made up milk. Baby milk may be made up in advance providing it is immediately cooled under running water then stored under refrigeration and used within 24 hours. Baby milk which has been made up in advance may be warmed gently in a jug of warm water immediately before given it to the baby. Un-finished bottles of feed must be discharged. It is very important that all the equipments used to feed and to prepare feeds for babies, has been throughly cleaned and sterilised before use. Cleaning and sterilising equipment removes harmful bacteria that could grow in the feed and make the babies ill. Some mothers who are breast-feeding their babies will bring in express milk either frozen or fresh to be used in bottles. The Department of Health recommend the following guidelines for storage: up to 5 days in the main part of a fridge at 4 grade C or lower up to 2 weeks in the freezer compartment of a fridge up to 6 months in a domestic freezer at minus 18 grade C or lower. Breast milk that has been frozen can be defrosted in the fridge and can be served straight from the fridge rather than warmed. The Heath and safety requirements for toddlers and pre-schools children different from babies, primarily because they are much more mobile and therefore different types of health and safety requirements apply. Measures to maximise protection for toddlers and pre-schoolers should include: safety covers for plug sockets secured windows which prohibit toddlers attempting to climb through them shatterproof film should be fitted to windows and any glass structures within the nursery building that may pose a shattering hazard doors should contain filled safety guards to prevent children from trapping their fingers kitchen and office areas should have safety gates which remain locked to prevent access to dangerous areas equipment should be safety and securely stored to prevent toddlers accessing materials that may injure them equipment should be age-appropriate and safe for toddlers. Indoor rooms should be 18-21grade C to avoid children becoming too hot. In worm weather, this temperature may be difficult to maintain and so extra fluids must be offered and children may be encourage to take off layers of clothing. The need for fresh air is about children having opportunities to breathe more oxygenated air. Indoors this means ensuring that is adequate ventilation, which also helps prevent the spread of airborne infections. Being outdoors in the fresh air seems to help children sleep and eat better. It is also means that children have access to sunlight which can support their intake of vitamins D. It is important to take measures to protect childrens skin from direct sunlight in the summer months, in order to prevent later skin cancer, but being out in the sunshine in the winter months is good for children. Light it is important to their health because it is linked to hormone regulation and this in turn can affect the sleeping patterns as well as the mood. The healthy development of babies and childrens brains requires that they must have opportunities for stimulation. This means providing play and activities as well as opportunities for sustained interaction and conversation with adults. Evaluate the various different procedures required to cover good hygiene within the nursery setting The nursery setting will have a policy and detailed procedures for infection control based on the advice from the Health Protection Agency. Hand washing is now of the most important ways of controlling and spread of infections, especially that cause diarrhoea and vomiting, and respiratory disease. The recommended method is the use of liquid soap, warm water and paper towels. Always wash hands after using toilet, before eating it handling food and after handling animals. All cuts and abrasions need to be cover with waterproof dressings. Coughing and sneezing easily spread infections. Children and adults should be encourage to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue. They need to wash hands after using or disposing of tissues. Spitting should be discourage. Personal protection equipment. Disposable non-powdered vinyl or latex-free CE-marked gloves and disposable plastic aprons must be worn where there is a risk of splashing or contamination with blood/body fluids. Goggles should also be available for use if there is a risk of slashing to the face. Cleaning of the environment, including toys and equipment, should be frequent, thorough and follow national guidance. Head lice spread by moving from one head to another. If there is an outbreak of head lice in the setting, it is important to inform parents so that everyone can check their hear. This includes the adults. It is also advisable for hair to be tied up wherever possible to prevent the spread. In the case of a child with a development of a illness, they should be discharged from the nursery setting as soon as possible. While the child is waiting to go home they should be isolated from this peers to minimise the risk of infection to other children. For a good hygiene in the nursery, it is necessary to briefly touch upon immunisation schedules to ensure protection from childhood disease. In situation where a childs immunisation scheme is not up-to-date parents should be encourage to contact their GP surgery to organise the immunisation that need to be carried out. In many settings, parents provide nappies for their children. Like many areas of physical care, this will be liked to parents preferences. Nappies need to be changed promptly and regularly so that babies do not develop a rash. It is important to carefully follow the procedures in the setting for changing nappies to prevent cross-infection. Disposable gloves and aprons should be worn and then take off when finished. This is to avoid any traces of urine or stools being passed to babies via the hands or clothes. Dirty nappies must be immediately disposed. The area where the baby is changed need to be cleaned throughly so that it is ready for the next change. Nappies should be changed in an area which is separate from areas in which food is eaten and prepared. It is essential that food is prepared, stored and cooked hygienically as gastrointestinal infection can be particularly dangerous for children due to their immature immune system which are susceptible to viruses and bacteria. There are three principles involved in the prevention of food poisoning caused by bacteria: prevent the bacteria from coming into contact with food prevent bacteria already present on food from multiplying and spreading to other items elimination of bacteria on food Preventing the bacteria from coming into contact with food is an important first step. The kitchen area must be kept clean and anyone handling foods must have good personal hygiene. The first step that should be taken before touching any food is to wash the wands with hot water and soap. Some raw products, such us meat, poultry and fish, are likely to contain bacteria. To prevent these bacteria from coming into contact with other foods, it is essential to use separate chopping boards and knives and also to wash hands after touching them. Food brought into the nursery for childrens packed lunches should be stored appropriately at the correct temperature. Cooked food should be checked to ensure that they are the correct temperature before being given to children. Identify the contents of a first aid kit, and discuss the importance of staff training in paediatric first aid First aid is the immediate response to someone with an injury or illness. First aid can prevent the injury on effects of the illness worsening. Children have accidents and may suddenly become ill and need help. We dont need to work in a childrens setting for long before we can be in a situation requiring someone with first aid knowledge and skills. Everyone who works with children should have paediatric first aid qualification. First aid certificates need to be renewed every 3 years from the completion date of the previous qualification. It is nursery manager responsibility to keep records which are regularly reviewed to ensure that staff receive training when it is required. Ofsted has certain requirements of anyone working in an early years setting, as regards their first aid skills. The responsibility of a paediatric first aider are simple. They need to: assess any situation in which a child appears to be ill or injured to: ensure own safety, and protect from any danger prevent further injury to the child prevent injury to other children provide care to a child who has suddenly become ill or injured until either medical help or an ambulance arrives the childs parent or carer arrives prevent the condition of the child becoming worse, if possible provide reassurance to the injured or Ill child and other children who may be involved in the area pass on information about the event or circumstance to the professional help or parents. First aid equipment, including personal protection, such as gloves and aprons, is only useful if we can identify it and use it appropriately. Wherever these are children, these should always a well-equipment first aid kit, kept in place where anyone needing it will quickly find it. A first aid kit should always be taken on outings away from the setting. The first aid kit should contain: disposable vinyl or latex-free gloves to protect first aiders hands from blood and other fluids scissors for cutting dressing and possibly clothing sterile gauze pads for covering small bleeding wounds adhesive tape for securing gauze pads large combined dressings for covering large wounds stretch bandage for holding dressing in place on body or limbs crepe bandage for supporting sprains to leg or ankle triangular bandage or sling for supporting arm or shoulder injury safety pins for fastening stings eye dressing for covering eye to protect it after injury or foreign body entry plasters for covering small cuts or grazes plastic bags to disposing soiled waste notepad and pen to making notes about the incident list of items in the first aid kit for checking the contents. References assessment 3 3.1 Personal experience Open study college, Nursery management level 3, study guide, page 47-52 3.2 Personal experience Open study college, Nursery management level, study guide, page 53 54 3.3 Personal experience Food hygiene course Open study college, Nursery management level 3, study guide, page 56 60
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Brandenburg Gate Essay -- History Construction Architecture Essays
The Brandenburg Gate The Brandenburg Gate is the trademark of Berlin and over the coarse of its life has been the symbol of peace, victory, power, division, hope, and a united Germany. The gate is a symbol for Germany much like the Eiffel tower is a symbol for France. The gate is located on the Pariser Platz. It is the only gate of a series of gates that once stood in Berlin. The gate is located on Berlin’s most famous street the "Unter den Linden," or "Under the Lime Trees." This street is straight as an arrow, a mile in length and leads directly to the royal residence. Due to these conditions the gate is visible from a great distance. Karl Gotthard Langhans was the designer of The original Brandenburg Gate which was commissioned by Friedrich Wilhelm II to represent peace. It was designed after the Propylea, which is the gateway to the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. The Gate was built out of sandstone and construction lasted from1788 to 1791. The Brandenburg gate is about 70 feet in height and 200 feet in breadth, consisting of twelve Greek Doric columns, six on each side. There are five roadways through the gate, although originally ordinary citizens were only allowed to use the outer two and the central one was reserved for carriages of royalty only. Above the gate is the Quadriga, consisting of the goddess of peace, Eirene, a winged woman driving a four horse chariot in triumph. This Quadriga is a casting made of bronze. The most important sculptor in Berlin during this period was chosen to carry out the necessary sculpting work. His work Personifies virtues like friendship and statesmanship, along with symbols o f arts and sciences, because these are things that make a city bloom in times of peace (source 2). The desi... ...ate is probably the most well-known landmark in Berlin; it now stands as a symbol of the reunification of the two sides of this great city. An interesting structural note about the Brandenburg Gate is that it sways about one centimeter because of the passing of trucks, subway trains, and cars blaring loud music. Today's international visitors to Pariser Platz come to re-experience this first gateway to the city, and to enjoy the long-denied freedom to walk through this magnificent work of art. Work Cited 1.) http://www.berlin-landmarks.com/brandenburg_gate.html , October 19 2.) http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Brandenburg_Gate, October 19 3.) http://www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de/denkmal/denkmale_in_berlin/en/unter_den_l inden/brandenburger_tor.shtml, October 19 4.) http://www.berlin-hotels.com/eng/guide/sights/brandenburggate.html, October 19
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Kambili Change in Character
Literature Essay – â€Å"Kambili change in character†The novel â€Å"Purple Hibiscus†by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie tells a story of how two Nigerain children rebelled against their very father. For these children to end up rebelling against their father they must first bring about a change in themselves, they must become more mature, more responsible and not so dependent on their father. Kambili is one of those children that does go through a considerable change in her character, she reaches maturity.In fact this novel is a bildungsroman which is a story about a character self-development, her change. At the beginning of the novel, Kambili is seen as immature and young because of the fact that she is very observant but does not say anything because she is a rather shy girl. She is also shown as a naive and innocent, which makes us feel for her more. Kambili is also obsessed with her father, she thinks he is always right and as a result obeys him.She is only happy when she makes her father happy, this is shown when she sleeps happily when she knows that her father was proud of her that she came first in class. Kambili is considered as a â€Å"backyard snob†because she never talks to anyone, never had any friends. This is not only because Eugene is very strict with his schedules and wants Kambili to be constantly studying but also she is a very shy girl and cannot express her emotions, in fact she barely ever laughs; â€Å"i was not sure wat my laughter sounded like†.Kambili can be compared to Amaka, her cousin, who is the complete opposite of Kamibli. Amaka laughs, wears make-up, is a lively girl, listens to music and basically is like another normal teenage girl. However Amaka is one of those people who caused a change in Kambili because these two people became very close, in fact they become like sisters: tell stories to each other and Amaka helps her to cook. Amaka helps Kambili to become more open and helps her make friend s. Amaka is only one of the many people that brought about a change in Kambili life.Nsukka in general brigns change. It is when Kambili and Jaja visist Nsukka that they start to change, become more mature. This is because they live a different lifestyle, they are not constrained to Papa, they are allowed to be free and experiment! â€Å"Nsukka air will be good for me, for my recuperation†Father Amadi is another person who changed Kambili. Father amadi is an encouraging person who makes Kambili change. This is shown when Amadi manages to convince Kambili to run after him! In fact she says â€Å"i had smiled, run, laughed†, 3 things she had never one before. Because of the fact that Kambili starts to idealize and fall in love with Amadi that she starts to look up to Amadi and not to her father anymore! Father Amadi can be considered as one of her only friends! Aunty Ifeoma also helped kambili become less dependant on papa, this is shown when she takes the schedules from Kambili and Jaja and for the first time in their life Kambili and Jaja are free to do what they like which causes them to change. This change and maturity in Kambili is later shown when she starts to defy papa.This is shown when she steals the picture of papa Nnukwu and keeps it in her room and when she describes Papa as a â€Å"tall stranger†! However Kambili still remains loyal to her father and obeys him still, she does not go to the extent and rebel totally against him, unlike Jaja. This also shows that she isn’t mature enough and therefore obeys her father and Jaja to an extent. One can conclude that due to Papa strictness she had a restricted life where she could not hang out with other people.She was also scared of Papa because he used to abuse her and as a result Kambili did not know how to express herself properly and was usually very silent â€Å"bubbles in my throat†. However when she went to Nsukka; Amaka, Aunty Ifeoma and Father Amadi brought chang e. Due to these people and due to the fact that she was more free she learnt how to express herself, smile and laugh more often and act more and more like a natural girl. This causes her to start to defy Papa. Due to this maturity Kambili and papa manage to rebel against their fanatic father.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Indian Agriculture Essay
Indian agriculture had reached the stage of development and maturity much before the now advanced countries of the world embarked upon the path of progress. There was a proper balance between agriculture and industry and both flourished hand in hand. This situation continued till the middle of the 18th century. The interference from the alien British govt. destroyed the balance and the economy of the country was badly shattered. Therefore Indian agriculture in the pre-independence period can be correctly described as a â€Å"subsistence†occupation. It was only after the advent of planning (more precisely the advent of the green revolution in 1966) that the farmers started adopting agriculture on a commercial basis. THE ROLE OF AGRICULTURE IN INDIAN ECONOMY 1. Share in national income: at the time of the First World War, agriculture contributed two-thirds of the national income. After the initiation of planning in India, the share of agriculture has persistently declined due to the development of the secondary and the tertiary sectors. At 1999-2000 prices, the share of agriculture in GDP at factor cost was 27. see more:non farm activities 3% in 1999-2000 and 21. 7% in 2005-2006. 2. Largest employment providing sector: in 1951, 69. 5% of the working population was engaged in agriculture. This percentage fell to 66. 9% in 1991 and to 56. 7% in 2001. 3. Provision of food surplus to the expanding population: the ninth Five Year Plan set a target of increasing the food grains production from a level of 199. 4 million tonnes in 1996-97 to 300 million tonnes by 2007-08 to meet the consumption requirement of India’s estimated population of more than a billion. 4. Contribution to capital formation: since agriculture happens to be the largest industry in India, it can play an important role in pushing up the rate of capital formation. The policies advocated are: a) Transfer of labor and capital from farm to non-farm activities. b) Taxation of agriculture in such a way that the burden on agriculture is greater than the governmental services provided to agriculture. c) Turning the terms of trade against agriculture b imposing price controls on agricultural products, taxation or the use of multiple exchange rates that discriminate against agriculture. 5. Providing raw materials to industries: agriculture provides raw materials to various industries of national importance, like, sugar industry, jute industry, cotton textile industry, etc. 6. Market for industrial products: since more than two-thirds of the population of India lives in rural areas, increased rural purchasing power is a valuable stimulus to industrial development. 7. Importance in international trade: for a number of years, cotton textiles, jute and tea accounted for more than 50% of export earnings of the country. With economic progress and consequent diversification of production base, the share of agricultural goods in total exports has consistently fallen. It fell from 44. 2% in 1960-61to 10. 2% in 2005-06. A growing surplus of agricultural produce is needed in the country to: i) Increase supply of food and agricultural raw materials at non-inflationary prices. ii) Widen the domestic market for industrial goods through increased purchasing power within the rural sector. iii) Facilitate inter-sectoral transfers of capital needed for industrial development (including infrastructure) iv) Increase foreign exchange earnings through agricultural exports. THE NATURE OF INDIA’S AGRICULTURE At the time of independence, India’s agriculture was in a state of backwardness. Productivity per hectare and per worker was extremely low. The techniques employed were age-old and traditional. Because of low productivity, agriculture merely provided ‘subsistence’ to the farmers and had not become ‘commercialized’. Approximately 45% of the total consumption of the farmers came from their own production in 1951-52. This highlights the low importance of money in the village economy. These reveal that Indian agriculture was backward and qualitatively traditional in nature on the eve of the First Five Year Plan. Some of the causes responsible for the above state of affairs are listed below: 1. Feudal relations of production: at the time of independence, three types of land tenure systems existed in the country-zamindari, mahalwari and ryotwari. Approximately 57% area of the country was under the zamindar system, ryotwari came second with 38% and mahalwari was restricted to only 5%. 2. Usurious capital and rural indebtedness. 3. Labor market dualism: because of the excessive pressure of population on land, wages in the agricultural sector tend to be considerably lower as compared to the modern (industrial) sector. This leads to a labor market dualism. Low wages in the agricultural sector lead to low per-capita income and this, in turn, results in low labor productivity. 4. Outmoded farming techniques. 5. Fluctuations and instability in crop output: even now, approximately 60% of gross cropped area continues to depend on rainfall. Therefore nature continues to play a major role in determining the role of agricultural production. 6. Diversities in the agricultural sector and the problem of generalization: different regions exhibit entirely different characteristics so that no one plan can be conceived for all agricultural regions of the country. CROPPING PATTERN IN INDIA By crop pattern, we mean the proportion of area of different crops at a point of time, changes in this distribution over a period of time and factors determining this change in distribution. Cropping pattern in India is determined mainly natural factors like rainfall, climate and soil conditions. However, technological conditions have also played an important part. Some significant facts about the cropping pattern in India are summarized below: 1. Food crops including cereals, millets, pulses, vegetables and fruits cover nearly three-fourths of total cropped area. Of the total area under food grains, a large proportion is occupied by cereals. Of the total area of 121. 9 million hectares under food grains in2005-2006, the share of cereals was 99. 5 million hectares (i. e. , 81. 6%) 2. Rice is the most important food grain crop in India. 2005-0 6 it was grown on 43. 5 million hectares, which amounted to 34. 7% of total area under food grains. This shows that rice is grown on more than one-third of the total area under food grains. 3. The second important crop in India is wheat. In 2005-06 wheat was grown on 26. 6million hectares, which comes to 21. 8% of the area under food grains. 4. The combined area under jowar, bajra and maize declined in percentage from 28. 6% in 1950-51 to 21. 4% in 2005-06. 5. Area under oilseeds was 10. 7 million hectares in 1950-51 and 19millio hectares in 1985-86. To achieve self-sufficiency in edible oils, the govt. launched a no. of programs in 1980s. As a result of these programs, area under oilseeds increased rapidly to 26. 2 million hectares in 1998-99. In 2005-06, area under oilseeds rose to 27. 7 million hectares. 6. In commercial crops, the area under sugarcane increased from 1. 8 million hectares in 1950-51 to 4. 2 million hectares in 2005-06. The area under jute increased from 0. 6 million hectares in 1950-51 to 0. 8 million hectares in 2005-06. Area under cotton rose from5. 9 million hectares in 1950-51 to 8. 9 in 2005-06. TRENDS IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTIVITY Agricultural production has two components- food grains and non food grains. In the index no. of agricultural production, the weights assigned to food grains and non food grains are62. 9 and 37. 1 respectively. The most important component in the food grains category is rice (weight 29. 7), followed by wheat (weight 14. 5). In non food grains category, oilseeds constitute the most important group (weight 12. 6). Sugarcane carries a weight of 8. 1 while cotton carries a weight of 4. 4. As far as food grains output is concerned, the total production increased from 50. 8 million tonnes in 1950-51 to 187. 0 million tonnes in the eighth plan, and further to 202. 9 million tonnes in the ninth plan. However, because of draught conditions in the first year of the tenth plan, 2002-03, the food grains output declined to 174. 8 million tones but again rose to 213. 2 million tonnes in 2003-04. However in 2004-05, it fell to 198. 4 million tonnes and stood at 208. 3 million tonnes in 2005-06. In the non food grains group, jute and cotton show slow and halting progress in both the periods. However, the production of oilseeds rose considerably in the latter half of the 1980s and certain years of the 1990s. It increased from 12. 7 million tonnes in 1987-88 to 27. 7 million tonnes in 2005-06. Production of cotton rose from 8. 4 million bales in the seventh plan to 19. 6 million bales in 2005-06. Sugarcane registered a more or less steady growth during the entire period 1950-51 to 2002-03, but its production fell sharply in 2003-04 and 2004-05. However, in 2005-06, it bounced back to touch 278. 4 million tonnes. Over the period 1950-51 to 2005-06, yield per hectare of all food grains has increased by more than three times from 552 kgs per hectare in 1950-51 to 1,708 kgs per hectare in 2005-06. Most significant increase has been recorded by wheat with its yield increasing from 655 kgs per hectare in 1950-51 to 2,607 kgs per hectare in 2005-06. While the productivity of maize has increased significantly during recent years, the productivity of jowar and bajra has increased relatively slowly. Productivity of pulses was only 585 kgs per hectare in 2005-06 which was only slightly higher than the productivity in 1960-61. A comparison of productivity levels of Indian agriculture with the levels in other countries shows how low the productivity in Indian agriculture is. India happens to be one of the largest growers and producers of most of the agricultural crops, but ranks very low in terms of yield. For instance, it has the largest area under rice and wheat in the world and the second largest producer of these crops. However, in terms of productivity, its rank is only 52nd in the world in rice and 38th in wheat. Not only is productivity in Indian agriculture lower than that in other countries, it is much lower than the potential. The causes of low productivity in Indian agriculture can be divided in the following three categories: I. General causes. 1. Social environment: it is said that the Indian farmer is illiterate, superstitious, conservative and unresponsive to new and modern agricultural techniques. The social environment of the villages is often stated to be an obstacle in agricultural development. 2. Pressure of population on land: this is partly responsible for the sub-division and the fragmentation of the land holdings. Productivity on small and uneconomic holdings is low. 3. Land degradation: almost 43% of land suffers from high degradation resulting in 33-67% yield loss while 5% is so damaged that it is rendered unusable. II. Institutional causes. 1. Land tenure system: in this land tenure system, it is difficult to increase productivity through technological progress. Land reforms should precede technical changes. 2. Lack of credit and marketing facilities: Indian farmers continue to produce the same output even at more attractive prices. On account of lack o marketing facilities or non-availability of loans on fair interest rates, the cultivators are not able to invest the requisite resources in agriculture. This keeps the level of productivity low. 3. Uneconomic holdings: most of the holdings are not extremely small; they’re also fragmented into a no. of tiny plots so that cultivation can be carried on them only by labor intensive ways. This results in low productivity. III. Technical causes. 1. Outmoded agricultural techniques: most of the Indian farmers still use outmoded techniques. Wooden ploughs and bullocks are still used by majority farmers. Use of fertilizers and HYV seeds are very limited. Indian agriculture is traditional. 2. Inadequate irrigational facilities: almost 60% of the gross cropped area depends on rains. Rainfall is often insufficient, uncertain & irregular. Thus productivity is low in areas depending wholly on rainfall. Even in areas having irrigational facilities, potential is not fully utilized because of defective management. Also with the ever rising cost of irrigation, small farmers can’t make use of the irrigational facilities. Following are some of the measures to increase productivity: 1. Implementation of land reforms: even though the land reforms have been introduced in India in the post-independence period, the results from it are pretty unsatisfactory. Therefore special efforts have to be made by the State to implement those reforms forcefully. Unless this is done, the tiller won’t have any incentive to invest in land and adopt new agricultural techniques. Thus, land reforms are the foremost necessity. 2. Integrated management of land & water resources: almost half of country’s soil is degraded. There’s a huge loss due to water-logging, salinization and human induced water erosion. This proves the urgency of the integrated & efficient management of our land and water resources. 3. Improved seeds: this play an important role in increasing productivity. E. g. :- HYV of wheat in Punjab, Haryana & U. P. therefore the farmers should be educated in the methods of sowing, manuring and irrigating the new HYV seeds. 4. Fertilizers: improved variety of seeds requires heavy doses of fertilizers. Indian farmers use only a tenth of the required amount. Use of fertilizers in ample quantities can push up the productivity. 5. Irrigation: use of improved seeds & fertilizers require proper irrigational facilities. It can also make multiple cropping possible in many areas & thus increase the productivity. 6. Plant protection: most of the countryside farmers are unaware of the medicines and insecticides to face the challenge posed by diseases & insects. The govt. should maintain its own technical staff to carry out the spraying of pesticides & insecticides at nominal rates. 7. Farm mechanization: it is generally maintained through farm mechanization, agricultural production can be increased. It results in increase in productivity of land & labor, reduction in costs, saving of time & increase in economic surplus. 8. Provision of credit & market facilities: use of improved seeds, fertilizers, irrigational facilities, pesticides, machinery, etc. requires substantial money resources which small farmers don’t possess. Thus it is necessary to strengthen the credit-cooperative sector. The commercial banks should be encouraged to lend more to small farmers. Cooperative marketing societies should be promoted to ensure better prices to small farmers. THE GREEN REVOLUTION A team of experts sponsored by the Ford Foundation was invited by the Government of India in the latter half of the second Five Year Plan to suggest ways and means to increase agricultural production and productivity. This necessity arose out of the need to increase agricultural production in the ace of continuing stagnation of production on one hand, and rapidly increasing demand on the other. On the basis of the recommendations of this team, the govt. introduced an intensive development program in seven districts selected from seven states in 1960 and this program was named Intensive Area Development Program (IADP). A district selected under IADP was required to possess qualities such as assured water supply, minimum hazards (like floods, drainage problems, acute soil conservation problem, etc), well developed village institutions and maximum potentialities for increasing agricultural production within a short span of time. The seven districts selected were West Godavari in Andhra Pradesh, Shahabad in Bihar, Raipur in Madhya Pradesh, Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu, Ludhiana in Punjab, Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh and Pali in Rajasthanâ€â€the first four were selected for rice, the next two for wheat and the last one for millets. This program was later extended to remaining states also by selecting one district from each state for intensive development. In October 1965, the net was widened and 114 districts were selected for intensive development and the program labeled as Intensive Agricultural Areas Program (IAAP). The period of mid-1960s was very significant from the point of view of agriculture. New high-yielding varieties of wheat were developed in Mexico by Prof. Norman Borlaug and his associates and adopted by a number of countries. These high yielding variety of seeds required proper irrigation facilities and extensive use of fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides. This new â€Å"agricultural strategy†was put into practice for the first time in India in the kharif season of 1966 and was termed High-Yielding Varieties Program (HYVP). This program was introduced in the form of a packaged program since it depended crucially on regular and adequate irrigation, fertilizers, high-yielding varieties of seeds, pesticides and insecticides. Initially it was implemented in a total area of 1. 89 million hectares. In 1998-99, total area under HYVP was 78. 4 million hectares. This was 62. 6% of the total area under food grains (data for later years are not available). IMPACT OF GREEN REVOLUTION Throughout the period of the green revolution, population was increasing at a rate of over 2% p. a, constantly pressing on the margin of cultivation of traditional agriculture. I. Impacts on agricultural production: As a result of new agricultural strategy, food grains output increased substantially from 81. 0 million tonnes in the third Plan to 208. 3 million tonnes in 2005-06. HYVP was restricted to only five crops-wheat, rice, jowar, bajra and maize. Therefore, non-food grains were excluded from the ambit of the new strategy. The production of wheat increased from 11. 1 million tonnes in the third plan to 69. 5 million tonnes in 2005-06. The overall contribution of wheat increased from 13% in 1950-51 to 33. 4% in 2005-06. Thus, wheat has remained the mainstay of the green revolution over the years. The average annual production of rice rose from 35. 1million tonnes in the third plan to 91. 0 million tonnes in 2005-06. The production of course cereals-jowar, bajra and maize-continues to remain static or has moved very slowly upwards. As far as pulses are concerned, their production was 11. 7 million tonnes in second plan, which rose to 13. 1 million tonnes in 2005-06. But even this is less than the requirement of pulses in India estimated at 17 million tonnes. The bulk of vegetable oil production in India is derived from nine cultivated oilseeds, namely, groundnut, mustard, sesame, safflower, nigerseed, soyabean, sunflower-forming the edible group-and linseed and castorseed forming the inedible group. The total production of oilseeds averaged 8. 3 million tonnes in the fourth plan and 11. 4 million tonnes in the sixth plan. To achieve self-sufficiency in edible oils, the govt. launched a series of measures towards the end of the sixth plan and the seventh plan. As a result of these, the average annual production of oilseeds rose from 11. 4 million tonnes in the sixth plan to 24. 7 million tonnes in 1998-99. This is also termed as the â€Å"yellow revolution†. II. Economic impacts of the green revolution i. Crop areas under HYV seeds needed more water, fertilizers, pesticides and certain other chemicals. This spurred the growth of the local manufacturing sector. Such industrial growth created new jobs and contributed to the country’s GDP. ii. The increase in irrigation created a need for new dams to harness monsoon water. The water stored was used to create hydro-electric power. This in turn boosted industrial growth and improved the quality of life of the villagers. iii. India paid back all the loans it had taken from the World Bank and all its affiliates for the purpose of green revolution. This improved India’s credit worthiness in the eyes of the lending agencies. III. Impact on labor absorption The adoption of new technology has reduced labor absorption in agriculture. In a large number of states, especially in those regions where there was abundant availability of labor, the growth of output was too slow to generate adequate employment opportunities. In high growth rate regions, labor was not plentiful and wage rate was high. The sudden rise in demand for labor in these areas induced mechanization and labor saving practices in general. Also, the HYVP is basically a land saving technology. By increasing the yield per acre, the new technology makes it possible to increase food production out of a given amount of land. This tends to increase the demand for labor. On the other hand, mechanized processes tend to reduce the demand for labor. In addition, the very dynamic possibility of increasing yields may itself encourage mechanization and in turn decreases the employment of labor. In recent years, a significant development in the pattern of rural labor absorption has been a shift away from crop production and into rural non-farm activities like agro-processing industries and other rural industries. IV. Political impacts of the green revolution India transformed itself from a starving nation to an exporter of food. This earned admiration for India in the committee of nations, especially in the third world. The green revolution was one factor that made Mrs. Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) and her party, the Indian National Congress, very powerful political force in India. [BOX: HIMACHAL PRADESH TOPS AGAIN IN IMPLEMENTATION OF 20 POINT PROGRAMMNE 17th July 2009 :Himachal Pradesh has done it once again. Yes, it has maintained the first position in the implementation of Twenty-Point Programme amongst all the States in the Country by attaining 92 percent achievement up to February during the financial year 2008-09, the last but one month of the financial year. This achievement is two percent more than the Gujarat, four percent Uttrakhand and five percent Andhra Pradesh the four top States that had been ranked in the implementation of this programme. The main thrust of the Twenty Point Programme is poverty alleviation, employment generation housing, education, family welfare & health, protection of environment and other schemes having a bearing on the quality of life, especially in rural areas. Under Employment Generation Programme, 8, 17,364 job cards have been issued in the State during the period thereby generating employment of 1. 54 crore man days by giving wages worth Rs. 171 crore . Under Individual Swaranjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna percent achievement of the State had been 517 as 8619 individual swarojgars have been assisted against a target of 1886 fixed for the year. Karnataka follows Himachal Pradesh in it whose percent achievements are 470. This speaks about tremendous performance of the State. Under Swaranjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna the achievement of the State is 318 percent. As many as 3486 individual ST Swarojgaries and 5612 individual women swarojgaries have been assisted from April, 2008 to February 2009 under this scheme. ] AGRICULTURAL FINANCE AND MARKETING Agriculture is an unorganized profession. Its success and failure depends, o a large extent, on climatic factors. Further, it’s not always possible to distinguish between productive and unproductive loans of the farmers. Because of these factors, banks did not show much interest in advancing loans to agriculture and allied activities for a long time and farmers were forced to depend on money-lenders and mahajans. NEED FOR AGRICULTURAL FINANCE Credit needs of the farmers can be examined from two different angles: i) On the basis of time : Agricultural credit needs of the farmers can be further classified into three categories:- a. Short term loans are required for the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, feeds and fodder of livestock, etc. the period of such loans is less than 15 months. Main agencies of granting of short term loans are the moneylenders and co-operative societies. b. Medium term loans are generally obtained for the purchase of cattle, small agricultural implements; repair and construction of wells, etc. the period of such loans extend from 15 months to 5 years. These loans are generally provided by moneylenders, relative of farmers, co-operative societies and commercial banks. c. Long term loans are required for effecting permanent improvements on land; repayment of old wells, etc. The period of such loans extends beyond 5 years. Such loans are normally taken from Primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks (PCARDBs). ii) On the basis of purpose : Agricultural needs of the farmers can be further classified into the following categories: a. Under productive needs we can include all credit requirements which directly affect agricultural productivity. b. Farmers often require loans for consumption as well. Most of the farmers do not have sufficient income to sustain themselves. Therefore they have to take loans for meeting their consumption needs. Institutional credit agencies do not provide loans for consumption purposes. Accordingly, farmers are forced to fall back upon moneylenders. c. In addition to consumption, farmers also require loans for a multiplicity of other unproductive purposes. Since institutional agencies do not grant credit for such unproductive purposes, farmers have to seek assistance from moneylenders and mahajans. SOURCES OF AGRICULTURAL FINANCE AND THEIR RELATIVE IMPORTANCE Sources of agricultural finance can be divided into two categories: 1. Non-institutional sources 2. Institutional sources The non-institutional sources are the following- * Moneylenders * Relatives * Traders * Commission agents * Landlords The institutional sources comprise the Co-operatives, Scheduled Commercial Banks and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs). As far as co-operatives are concerned, the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACSs) provide mainly short and medium term goals and PCARDBs long term loans to agriculture. The Commercial Banks, including RRBs provide both short and medium term loans for agriculture and allied activities. The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is the apex institution at the national level for agricultural credit and provides refinance assistance tot eh agencies mentioned above. The Reserve Bank of India, as the central bank of the country, plays a crucial role in this sphere by giving overall direction to rural credit and financial support to NABARD for its operations. The first institution established and promoted was the institution of co-operative credit societies. By the end of 1976, there emerged three separate institutions for providing rural credit, which is often described, as the multi-agency approach. In 1982, NABARD was set up. India now has a wide network of rural finance institutions (RFIs). There are more than 30,000 commercial bank branches, 14,000 regional rural banks and about 1,00,000 rural credit co-operatives. As a result of the efforts undertaken by the govt., the share of non-institutional sources in rural credit, which was as high as 92. 7% in 1951, fell to 38. 9% in 2002. The share of moneylenders fell from 71. 6% in 1951 to 26. 8% in 2002. The share of institutional sources in rural credit rose correspondingly from 7. 3% in 1951 to 61. 1% in 2002. NATIONAL BANK FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (NABARD) The most important development in the field of rural credit has been the setting up of the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) in July 1982. It took over from Reserve Bank of India all the functions that the layer performed in the field of rural credit. NABARD is now the apex bank for rural credit. And therefore, it doesn’t deal directly with farmers and other rural people. It grants assistance to them through the co-operative banks, commercial banks, RRBs, etc. NABARD’s credit to State Co-operative banks, State Governments and RRBs outstanding in 2004-05 was Rs. 8,577 crore which rose to Rs. 12,763 crore in 2005-06.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Business Trends Essay Essays
Business Trends Essay Essays Business Trends Essay Essay Business Trends Essay Essay Business Communication Trends Paper Marlo Catania Com/285 July 25th 2011 In today’s world there are so many ways to communicate it is unreal. Our society has gone from the average telegraph and postal service to the World Wide Web and Smart Phones. Adding these new communications into an everyday business role has created a highway for expansion and success for business around the world. Although my business does not benefit from much of this as we are off the grid I do see some things that are influenced by the worldly communications. Well working in a little general store 10 years ago was challenging when it came to hunting and fishing seasons. You would have this terrible process of filling out a large inquisitive paper in order for the customer to receive their license. You would have to look up different codes in a book to fill in and call the National Forest Service Databank to see who drew what tag. It was a time consuming, annoying ordeal for the customers who were waiting in line and the clerk doing all the work. Now there is an internet service that is installed at our location by National Wildlife Fish and Game that is equipped with a training course and takes roughly 10 minutes as every one that is entered into the system is saved for future tags and licenses. So there are no more headaches. This form of communication really has changed our business for the better as people don’t dread getting their tags and licenses. Fish and Game benefit as more people are getting their tags and licenses for fun rather than just the avid hunters and fisherman. I find that there is a lot of oral business communication at my job. As the manager and bosses run out the door they are yelling to do’s for me to accomplish throughout the day. Oral communication is fine with me, I can interpret the urgency of the to do’s and prioritize as they are giving me instruction. I also can ask questions to confirm what I am doing is correct. With written communication there are several things in this business that can go wrong. I may not understand the note correctly and may need to ask questions, but with the higher ups gone there is really nothing you can do. We often speak with delivery people over the phone as we cannot order most things online. We also have to drive 40 to 60 miles to pick up deliveries because we are so far in the woods the companies refuse to bring the goods up to us so we cannot go through the products while the delivery guys are still there is there is a problem we have to address it after the fact. The few things we do order online are the chips and cookies. â€Å"There is an efficiency doing it this way that there is not with the other distributors. †(Cronic, 2011)We never seem to have a messed up order and they are always good quality. The trends of the business communication that I have experienced are more in the electronic form. In the past we have used electronic equipment and devices to do ordering. You scan a barcode and enter the amount and there you have it the order is automatically transmitted to the company for distribution. I also have seen in the past companies have an email trend. There are several ways to communicate but not a whole lot of time so email is the easiest way for communication. The people at my previous company sometimes wouldn’t see each other for months but worked in the same facility just different buildings. It became too time consuming to walk across the street to discuss an issue. It was just easier to email and not deal with the emotion my supervisor said. It was robotic and non-confrontational. I believe that using just email to communicate was really a bad idea. If people interact and show passion it boosts moral but to purposely email to avoid confrontation and emotion can hinder work ethic and productivity. This also made me feel my supervisor was a chicken and had no back bone. He was working with the product and knew the problems that needed to be addressed but chose to be the yes man and not talk about the problems and quality of the product. This message is a business killer in my opinion. Using oral communication seems to initiate an employer and employee bond. By communicating in person with emotion you can learn to respect the passion shown in different instructions given. By knowing your employee or employer on a personal but non evasive manner it is easier to keep the moral up and feel a part of a business. Work ethic will improve and moral will increase. The message oral communication sends is that we are a team and this is what I need to make it happen. With written communication there are the good for example; you rear is covered when looking at a discipline aspect. The bad is that again it is very impressionable and if there is a question, more than likely it cannot be answered immediately creating a lag in the timeframe for accomplishment. The message that is sent is here is your job don’t bug me just get it done. This impersonal point can cause confusion and lack of moral. There are so many different businesses and ways to communicate in this world today that it is seems depending on the company type different types of communication work better than others. I am old fashioned and chose to be a clerk up in the woods despite having a college education because I prefer oral communication. I like to see emotion and see customers happy. I like being a part of a team and being shown respect and giving respect in person rather than using emotion cons or a LOL. This is my trend and what I am comfortable with as a person. But I definitely can adapt to texting rather than calling people in my personal life, it is easier when you have spent all day dealing with people to just shoot a â€Å"Hi, I am thinking of you†text to appease a needy family member or friend. If only I had cell reception†¦ LOL! References: Cronic, B. (2011, July 25). Manager. (M. Catania, Interviewer)
Monday, October 21, 2019
roadless initiative essays
roadless initiative essays In 1978, the United States Forest Service (USFS) began the management of roadless areas, i.e., all areas greater than 5,000 acres and without constructed roads, in a study called Roadless Area Review and Evaluation II (RARE II). The purpose of this study was to determine the suitability of these roadless areas for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System. On October 13, 1999, twenty-one years later, President Clinton directed the Forest Service to provide long-term protection to inventoried roadless areas, as well as smaller roadless areas not yet inventoried. President Clinton's primary motives in initiating this direction were to reduce the $8.4 billion backlog of road maintenance costs as well as provide a definitive statement on how inventoried roadless areas would be managed in the future. The USFS developed a plan for future management of all roadless areas known as the Final Roadless Area Conservation Rule (Roadless Rule) and released it on January 5, 2001. The Roadless Rule, scheduled to become federal policy on May 12, 2001, will have significant environmental, economical, and social impacts on 58 million acres of public land. One of the major effects of the Roadless Rule is the impact it will have on the nation's timber supply. Because road construction and timber harvesting will be prohibited on 58.5 million acres of National Forest lands, approximately 30% of all National Forest System (NFS) lands (USDA Summary S-1) under the Roadless Rule, this prohibition will result in an annual loss of 140 million board feet (USDA FEIS 2-26). Although twenty-one states will be affected, the majority of the losses will occur in the states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Utah. In fact, Alaska alone will lose 76.6 million board feet of timber annually (USDA FEIS B-5). The current timber program in Alaska averages 179 million board feet annually. The problem with a reduction in timber volume is that future timber...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Common Application Essay Option 5 Tipsâ€Personal Growth
Common Application Essay Option 5 Tips- Personal Growth For the 2018-19 admissions cycle, the fifth essay option on the Common Application focuses on personal growth: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. We all have all had experiences that bring about growth and maturity, so essay option five will be a viable choice for all applicants. The big challenges with this essay prompt will be identifying the correct accomplishment, event, or realization and then making sure the discussion of your growth has enough depth and self-analysis to show that you are a strong and thoughtful college applicant. The tips below can help guide you as you tackle essay option five: What Defines a Period of Personal Growth? The heart of this essay prompt is the idea of personal growth. Its a remarkably broad concept, and as a result this essay prompt gives you the freedom to talk about almost anything meaningful that has ever happened to you. Your job with this essay prompt is to identify a moment that is meaningful and that provides the admissions folks with a window into your interests and personality. As you work to define an appropriate period of personal growth, reflect on the last several years of your life. You shouldnt go back more than a few years since the admissions folks are trying to learn about who you are now and how you process and grow from the experiences in your life. A story from your early childhood wont accomplish this goal as well as a more recent event. As you reflect, try to identify moments that made you rethink your assumptions and worldview. Identify an event that has made you a more mature person who is now better prepared for the responsibilities and independence of college. These are the moments that can lead to an effective essay. What Type of Accomplishment, Event, or Realization Is Best? As you brainstorm ideas for this essay prompt, think broadly as you try to come up with a good choice for the accomplishment, event, or realization. The best choices, of course, will be significant moments in your life. You want to introduce the admissions folks to something you value highly. Also keep in mind that these three words- accomplishment, event, realization- are interconnected. Both accomplishments and realizations stem from something that happened in your life; in other words, without some kind of event, youre unlikely to accomplish something meaningful or have a realization that leads to personal growth. We can still break down the three terms as we explore options for the essay, but keep in mind that your options include, but are not limited to: An accomplishment:You reach a goal that you have set for yourself such as earning a certain GPA or performing a difficult piece of music.You do something independently for the first time such as preparing a meal for the family, flying across the country, or house-sitting for a neighbor.You overcome or learn to appreciate a disability or handicap.Working alone or with a team, you win an award or recognition (a gold medal in a music competition, a strong showing in Odyssey of the Mind, a successful fundraising campaign, etc.)You successfully launch your own business (a lawn-mowing service, babysitting business, web company, etc.)You successfully navigate or extricate yourself from a dangerous or challenging situation (an abusive family, a problematic peer group, etc.)You do something challenging like winter camping, white-water kayaking, or running a marathon.You complete a meaningful service project such as creating a public garden or helping build a house with Habitat for Humanity. An event:You pass a milestone in your life such as the first day of high school or your first time driving by yourself.You have an interaction with someone (whether that be a friend, family member or stranger) that opens your awareness in a profound way.You perform at an event such as a concert or competition in which your hard work and perseverance finally pay off.You experience a traumatic event such as an accident or sudden loss that makes you reevaluate your behavior or beliefs.You experience a moment of failure (much like option #2) that causes you to grapple with and grow from the experience.You are moved by a world event that makes you reflect upon what you most value and what your role in the world might be.A realization (most likely connected to an accomplishment and/or event):You realize that you can accomplish something you hadnt thought possible.You realize your limitations.You realize that failure is as valuable as success.You realize that your understanding of people wh o are different than you had been limited or faulty.You experience something that makes you realize that you need to redefine your priorities.You realize that relying on the help of others isnt a failure.You come to understand how much a parent or mentor has to teach you. Personal Growth Can Stem From Failure Keep in mind that the accomplishment, event, or realization doesnt have to be a triumphant moment in your life. An accomplishment can be learning to deal with setbacks or failure, and the event could be a losing game or an embarrassing solo in which you missed that high C. Part of maturing is learning to accept our own shortcomings, and recognizing that failure is both inevitable and an opportunity to learn. Most Important of All: Discuss When you discuss your event or accomplishment, make sure you push yourself to think analytically. Dont spend too much time merely describing and summarizing the event or accomplishment. A strong essay needs to show off your ability to explore the significance of the event you have chosen. You need to look inward and analyze how and why the event caused you to grow and mature. When the prompt mentions a new understanding, it is telling you that this is an exercise in self-reflection. If the essay doesnt reveal some solid self-analysis, then you havent fully succeeded in responding to the prompt. A Final Note for Common Application Option #5 Try to step back from your essay and ask yourself exactly what information it conveys to your reader. What will your reader learn about you? Does the essay succeed in revealing something that you care about deeply? Does it get at a central aspect of your personality? Remember, the application is asking for an essay because the college has holistic admissions- the school is evaluating you as a whole person, not as a bunch of test scores and grades. They essay, then, needs to paint a portrait of an applicant the school will want to invite to join the campus community. In your essay, do you come across as an intelligent, thoughtful person who will contribute to the community in a meaningful and positive way? No matter which essay prompt you choose, pay attention to style, tone, and mechanics. The essay is first and foremost about you, but it also needs to demonstrate a strong writing ability. These 5 tips for a winning essay can also help guide you. Finally, realize that many topics fit under multiple options on the Common Application. For example, option #3 asks about questioning or challenging a belief or idea. This can certainly connect with the idea of a realization in option #5. Also, option #2 on encountering obstacles could also overlap with some of the possibilities for option #5. Dont worry too much about which option is best if your topic fits in multiple places. Most important is that you write an effective and engaging essay. Be sure to check out this article for tips and samples for each of the Common Application essay options.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Why is Japanese Video Game Culture so Different from U.S Research Paper
Why is Japanese Video Game Culture so Different from U.S - Research Paper Example Video game development and promotion is quite different in Japan as compared to the United States. Some of the best-selling games in America include those with more adult-oriented themes that depict combat scenarios or ongoing brutality in head-to-head auto racing. This suggests that there is a large market of youths and adults that find this type of content most appropriate for their gaming needs. Because of the high cultural acceptance of games with brutal or graphic images, there is little restriction on their distribution outside of generic warning labels that describe the nature of the game for concerned parents or children that do not wish to be exposed to bloody or explicit content. In Japan, there is also little regulation in place in the gaming industry, attributable to the high profit margin that games provide in this country as well as different values related to free expression. Japan has the majority of its governmental roots based on their constitution which expresses the importance of free speech and individualized sovereignty over decision-making that should be free of express governmental controls or regulations. Japanese citizens value their individualized rights as consumers as is protected by their constitution. Far beyond the economic value that the gaming industry provides Japanese leadership, cultural beliefs are what drive specific games to find higher sales volumes. Much different than the United States, Japanese game-players prefer games that are less intense and more playful, which supports the high sales of the number one ranked game, â€Å"Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story†for Nintendo DS.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Anlysis of the Russian real estate market Essay
Anlysis of the Russian real estate market - Essay Example Real estate products can range from apartment spaces to residential villa spaces in the category of residential products and office spaces, shopping mall spaces to fully developed industrial estates in the category of commercial and business real estate products. The sizes and locations of such real estate products make for a distinct pricing pattern and the concepts of demand and supply apply to each category of such products and help determine the prices. In fact control of the market ,while seemingly impossible due to heavy investments involved-is also not improbable in some degrees where large real estate houses can control and a determine a particular real estate product. The overall picture in the real estate market is largely subservient to the state of the economy; however; in some international instances the real estate sector has either partly or completely belied the state of the economy. In the US itself, for example, the mortgage market saw a slump which was incommensura te with the overall health of the economy; in fact, the horse seems to be driven by the cart in the sense that the mortgages markets threatened to bring down with it the overall US economy. This underscores the importance of the real estate market for the economy as a whole while also explaining the symbiotic relationship between the two. This paper would focus on the analysis of the Russian real estate markets. The core importance would be attached to the Moscow real estate markets as Moscow happens to be the most important city space in the entire Russia. Methodology The methodological tool would essentially involve a thorough and in-depth literature analysis in search of arguments and facts that help us determine the state of the real estate markets in Russia at an a latest date. In additon, wherever required, the paper would also endeavor to include relevant secondary data and figures so as to support the arguments sifted out in the literature review. The paper would conclude with comments on the prevailing state of the Russian real estate markets in nutshell. The paper is written with a view to guide a prospective foreign investor. The literature review would be deployed to gather arguments to substantiate above research objectives and to establish arguments in the research. This research methodology was a detailed, descriptive analysis of the arguments presented in the available research evidence. The research method essentially entailed conduct of intensive interrogation of published documentary materials with the explicit aim of addressing the above stated issues which this paper deals with, providing a critique of existing theory and positions. Standard search approaches were used to retrieve the sample of published and unpublished studies for this in-depth literature review. Appropriate on-line journals were also searched. Citations in bibliographies of identified studies were reviewed to uncover additional references. Retrieval using the ancestry method was used as it is a most fruitful approach.The overall view of the literature review based research method would be a view usually taken in phenomenology . Phenomenology is a science which focuses on describing particular phenomena as lived experience. The
Breast Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Breast Cancer - Research Paper Example The death due to breast cancer is a nightmare for all the women. However, National Cancer Institute has given some hope to the people by providing with the information that the survival rate of the breast cancer patients have increased from 48 percent to 52 percent in a span of 19 years (Mankiller, p.68). A number of women in US who are breast cancer survivors and won the battle against this life-ending disease are now leading a reasonably normal life. New York Magazine illustrated a story of a breast cancer survivor in 1992. Joyce Wadler who is a resident of New York stated in the magazine, â€Å"I have a scar on my left breast, four inches long that runs from right side of my breast to just above the nipple. The true story is, that a surgeon made the cut, following the line I had drawn for him the night before. He asked where I wanted the scar, the surgeon took it out using a local, and when he was done, I asked to see it. A robin’s egg size with the grey brain like matter that gives it its name: medullary cancer. It rested in the middle of a large ball of pink and white breast tissues, sliced down the centre like a hard-boiled egg, an onion like layering of whitish grey tissues about it, and I looked at it hard, trying to figure it out. We did know it was cancer until twenty minutes later, when they had almost finished stitching me up and the pathology report came back, and then I was especially glad I had looked. Mano a mano, eyeball to eyeball. This is a modern story. Me and my cancer. I won†(Wadler, p.36). The risk of getting breast cancer augments with age until the menopause, after which the risk decreases drastically. The probability of having breast cancer is higher than of lungs cancer in young age. Most of the women become a victim of this disease at an age of 25-30 and they are the largest group of female cancer survivors. The breast cancer survivors face number of physical and emotional consequences after the treatment and need a sp ecial health care. Women who are breast cancer survivors, often lack confidence due to the physical changes they suffer after treatment and they hesitate to date someone. A forty-five year old divorced woman who is a breast cancer survivor said, â€Å"I do not feel as beautiful. It is as if I am not as confident as I was before I had my breasts removed. I am not as confident getting to know someone new in that way, not at all†(Abel & Subramanian, p.95, 2008). This behavior of the breast cancer patients is due to the mistreatment they get from other people. They lose social life, their friends leave them, and they feel lonely. However, a positive attitude is all what a cancer survivor needs in order to enjoy his or her life. Sarah a resident of New York is a proud survivor of breast cancer too. She was 27 years old when doctors told her about her breast cancer. She says, â€Å"Since I have had breast cancer, it is clear that I have changed. For starters, I value my body more now. I treat it more carefully and do not take it fore granted. I also think that I look better than before and like the way I look. Over the years, I have developed a dress style that covers up my bad parts and play up my good parts†(Kahane, p.22). Works Cited Abel, Emily K. & Subramanian,
Aspects of mental health promotion (part 1 and 2) Literature review
Aspects of mental health promotion (part 1 and 2) - Literature review Example In general, health promotion is all about being able to positively enhance health and prevent illnesses through the use of health educational intervention which can help people prevent diseases. In line with this, mental health promotion is all about health promotion that is more directed on the mental aspect of a person. Often times, mental health promotion aims to further improve the mental well-being of people and carers. Started sometime in 1975, health promotion in UK was focused on preventing the spread of diseases caused by either behavioural, environmental, physical, or lifestyle factors (i.e. alcohol consumption during pregnancy, obesity prevention, health eating and smoking cessation, etc.) (Nick, 2009, p. 78). In 2008, the European Commission together with the World Health Organization acknowledged mental health illnesses as 5 out of 10 major causes of disability all over the world. To improve mental health strategies between 2013 to 2020, a new resolution known as the WHA65.4 was developed to create comprehensive strategies and policies based on the responses coming from social and health sectors (World Health Organization, 2013). Mental health promotion is all about creating public awareness in terms of preventing mental health problems. For this reason, mental health promotion is considered important topic in public health. In general, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, alcoholism and obsessive-compulsive disorder among others can increase the risks for untimely deaths caused by accidents on top of having higher risks for more physical illnesses (Nick, 2009, p. 80). For these reasons, mental health problems are considered as one of the most serious and most important topic in public health (Katz and Pandya, 2013, p. 363). In UK, the Mental Health Foundation (2014) reported that 1 in 4 people tend to experience mental health problem each year. Specifically the prevalence rate of depression in UK is 1 in 5 older people (Mental Health
Thursday, October 17, 2019
English - Fast Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
English - Fast Food - Essay Example In this case, fast food would be the best choice. Serving individual’s quick interest is essential in saving time and money. An individual’s age has a great influence on the eating habits of many people. Sometimes the type of duty that an individual does in the society would influence the amount of food that that individual would take. It is usually important to know nutritional content of any food. Studies indicate that promotion of fast food by many restaurants has led to growth in number of its consumers. It further alludes that many people do not care about the nutritional content of fast food. The nutritional content of fast food would influence health status of its consumer. Some people suffer from nutritional related disorders because of ignorance when it comes to make choices of what food to take. Various methods employed in preparing fast food would influence the content of nutrient it contains. Observation of human health requirement helps in making the right choice of food. This paper explores health impacts of fast food. Fast food attracts many people who have limited time to go for other meals. For instance, research indicates that many students take fast food because of limited time and nature of life they lead. Many students like buying ready-made food for their lunchtime meals. Many students prefer foods that are convenient, attractive, and cheap. Fast food is quite tempting because it has all the above attributes. The social space in school also promotes consumption of fast food in most institution. Attractive appearance often influences students to buy fast food. Other consumers of fast food include dating couples who would like to spend nice time together. Studies show that many fast foods contain high-energy nutrients (Watson 6). Other nutrient content of fast food include protein and vitamin among others. Knowledge of nutrient content in fast food is very essential since it would influence the quantity of fast food that an ind ividual would consume. For instance, research indicates that a bite of potato snack contain about 10 grams of Trans fat (Hales & Lauzon 258). This fat is unhealthy to the body. This means that when an individual consumes large amount of snacks, the level of unhealthy fat in the body would increase. Human body responds to fat content in the food by accumulating them. This is usually dangerous because fat accumulation leads to overweight. Health research indicates that individuals that individuals who consume food rich in fats should burn similar amount of calories in order to avoid dangers of any fat related disorder. Health problems associated to consumption of food rich in fat include brain disorders. Scientific research indicates that accumulation of fats in the body would impair blood circulatory system that supplies blood to the brain. This in turn retards the body function of an individual. Blood circulation is essential since it supports function of body organs. Failure of bod y organs may result to death. Studies reveal that too much accumulation of fat on the blood circulatory system may stop blood delivery to the heart. Heart is a very essential organ in the human body. Its failure results to instant death. Many children who suffer obesity have high level of fat content in the body. Health studies reveal that children who suffer obesity at younger age may suffer heart failures at old age (Watson 25). Some studies also indicate that the condition might proceed to
Healthcare Websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Healthcare Websites - Essay Example The Overall Ratings are again sub-categorized in to four. In the Health Inspections, Tacoma Lutheran Home has 5 out 5 in the quality rating system compare to Center’s 2 out of 5 stars. The statistics which may contribute for this rating is also given where Park Rose Care Center has 14 and Tacoma Lutheran Home has 1 as the total number of health deficiencies. Under Nursing home staff ratings Park Rose Care Center (PRCC) is rated with 2 out of 5 stars where Tacoma Lutheran Home (TLH) has 4 out of 5. In comparison TLH has 153 residents to PRCC’s 90 where Total Number of Licensed Nurse Staff Hours per Resident per Day values is high in TLH than in PRCC. Under Quality Measures both Nursing Homes have 3 stars out of 5. This comparison is based on the Long-Stay residents and Short-stay resident statistics. It very interesting to see the graphical comparison is also provided together with numerical percentages. In the graphical presentation the two nursing homes are also compar ed with the average of all Nursing Homes in United States in relevance to each factor. In the context of Fire Safety Inspections PRCC has 12 Fire Safety Deficiencies against TLH’s 7. Finally Nursing Home Characteristics are compared regarding the Program Participation, Number of Certified Beds, and Type of Ownership etc. It should be also mentioned the summarized table is also linked with corresponding detailed description of sub-categorize used for the comparison.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
English - Fast Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
English - Fast Food - Essay Example In this case, fast food would be the best choice. Serving individual’s quick interest is essential in saving time and money. An individual’s age has a great influence on the eating habits of many people. Sometimes the type of duty that an individual does in the society would influence the amount of food that that individual would take. It is usually important to know nutritional content of any food. Studies indicate that promotion of fast food by many restaurants has led to growth in number of its consumers. It further alludes that many people do not care about the nutritional content of fast food. The nutritional content of fast food would influence health status of its consumer. Some people suffer from nutritional related disorders because of ignorance when it comes to make choices of what food to take. Various methods employed in preparing fast food would influence the content of nutrient it contains. Observation of human health requirement helps in making the right choice of food. This paper explores health impacts of fast food. Fast food attracts many people who have limited time to go for other meals. For instance, research indicates that many students take fast food because of limited time and nature of life they lead. Many students like buying ready-made food for their lunchtime meals. Many students prefer foods that are convenient, attractive, and cheap. Fast food is quite tempting because it has all the above attributes. The social space in school also promotes consumption of fast food in most institution. Attractive appearance often influences students to buy fast food. Other consumers of fast food include dating couples who would like to spend nice time together. Studies show that many fast foods contain high-energy nutrients (Watson 6). Other nutrient content of fast food include protein and vitamin among others. Knowledge of nutrient content in fast food is very essential since it would influence the quantity of fast food that an ind ividual would consume. For instance, research indicates that a bite of potato snack contain about 10 grams of Trans fat (Hales & Lauzon 258). This fat is unhealthy to the body. This means that when an individual consumes large amount of snacks, the level of unhealthy fat in the body would increase. Human body responds to fat content in the food by accumulating them. This is usually dangerous because fat accumulation leads to overweight. Health research indicates that individuals that individuals who consume food rich in fats should burn similar amount of calories in order to avoid dangers of any fat related disorder. Health problems associated to consumption of food rich in fat include brain disorders. Scientific research indicates that accumulation of fats in the body would impair blood circulatory system that supplies blood to the brain. This in turn retards the body function of an individual. Blood circulation is essential since it supports function of body organs. Failure of bod y organs may result to death. Studies reveal that too much accumulation of fat on the blood circulatory system may stop blood delivery to the heart. Heart is a very essential organ in the human body. Its failure results to instant death. Many children who suffer obesity have high level of fat content in the body. Health studies reveal that children who suffer obesity at younger age may suffer heart failures at old age (Watson 25). Some studies also indicate that the condition might proceed to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Janissaries from the Ottoman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Janissaries from the Ottoman Empire - Essay Example The head of the Ottoman Empire was the Sultan and he was vested with powers that were absolute, though with the understanding that he ruled with the expectation of being just. This concept is the foundation of much Middle Eastern thought, reinforced by Islamic tenets of fairness. Both Turkish and Persian traditions bequeathed the Sultan with the role of the protectorate of the rights enjoyed by all citizens, with a special focus on those at the bottom of the class system. Because of this, the Sultan received his authority in the belief that it was the only way to ensure that corruption could be avoided (Hooker 1996). This fidelity to both the authority and fairness to the Sultan was a key element in the evolution of the Janissaries. A significant portion of the training of Janissaries involved indoctrinating them to believe they were a family and the Sultan was their father. Until the late 1380s, Janissaries consisted prisoners and slaves. Sultan Selim I transformed the conscription by filling their ranks with non-Muslim youths. The training was highly disciplined that obeyed Islamic laws such as celibacy and not being allowed to wear beards (Greene). The Janissaries were an essential element of the Ottoman Empire throughout its major wars and battles from the 1453 capture of Constantinople to the wars against the Austrian-Hungarian Empire several centuries later. In the beginning it was the Sultan himself who very often led his Janissary troops into battle. As they began to assert their dominance in battle, their reputation and favor increased, along with the desire of many to join them. While this was an advantage in the arena of recruitment, it also quickly proved to be something less then desirable to the Sultan and his political advisors. The Janissaries slowly began to realize that their reputation could bring them an even better life, as well as more power. Over the course of the next few centuries there the evolution of the Ottoman Empire was marked by a series of uprisings and revolts that all served to increase the power of the Janissaries. The first revolt by the Janissaries did not take place until 1449 when they demanded better pay. The success of this revolt doubtlessly set the stage for future revolutions. In fact, this rebellion created the precedent whereby each new Sultan was expected not only to extend a reward to each Janissary, but also to raise pay. A later insurrection in the 16th century resulted in Sultan Selim II bestowing permission for Janissaries to marry. The Janissaries had achieved such a position of power by the 1700s that entire Ottoman bureaucracy was dictated by their desires. Any mutiny by the corps could result in a change of political policy. Coups directed by Janissaries had the effect of replacing Sultans who were not specifically sensitive to their demands. A key, and ultimately fatal, mistake by the Janissaries was moving to block modernization of the military in an effort to hold onto their own power (Gerolymatos 152). In 1807 a Janissary revolt deposed Sultan Selim III, who had tried to modernize the army along Western European lines. His supporters failed to recapture power before Mustafa IV had him killed, but elevated Mahmud II to the throne in 1808. When the Janissaries threatened to oust Mahmud, he followed suit and had the captured Mustafa executed and
Monday, October 14, 2019
Colour Blind Kant The Racist Eurocentric Politics Essay
Colour Blind Kant The Racist Eurocentric Politics Essay A contribution the critique of Kants Perpetual Peace Kants writings including Perpetual Peace has justified the White intervention in non-European states because Kant and other philosophers of the West thought that there is only one civilization with capital C is European and the rest of the world are to be civilized and made to be like Europeans. Though, Kant wrote this peace some two centuries ago but the resonance of his writings can be seen even today in the USA intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq where the USA is importing democracy. The imperialism functions not only through economic exploitation and political dominance but also imposition of universalism which is always secretly coded. In the following sections, I will discuss first (1) the summary of Kants Perpetual Peace, (2) then I would also bring to light the works of Kant as an anthropologist through the works E C Eze and Tsenay Sereqeuberhan and Uday Singh Mehta. After that I will take up (3) Sudipta Kavirajs critique of Sequential Theory of Modernity to argue that there is multiple modernities which will be a reply to all those Euro-centric philosophers including Kant who thought there is just one civilization-European and the rest of the world have to imitate it. From this I will move to (4) debate regarding democratic peace theorists who argue that democracies do not fight with each other and I will also try to provide my critique to this formulation. Finally I will (5) conclude that Kants writing was Eurocentric and somehow this moral philosopher could not rise above prejudice against non-Whites by justifying intervention whose direction implication resulted in tragedy after tragedy. Unfortunately, the c ivilizing mission of the West is not over, decades after the period of decolonization. I thank my teacher Professor Jyati Srivastava for her encouragement and guidance to choose this topic. I am indebted to Professor Nivedita Menon with whom I discussed this issue. She gave me such a critical insight that my earlier draft was thoroughly revised. *The author is student of M A Politics (International Relations), Jawaharlal Nehru University. He can be contacted at [emailprotected] Perpetual Peace Kant begins his Perpetual Peace essay by saying that (1) No Treaty of Peace shall be Held Valid in Which There is Tacitly Reserved Matter for a Future. [Kant, 1795]. Here Kant says that peace can not be achieved even though there is a peace agreement. Kant said that lasting peace cannot be achieved when two parties have reached any truce because they were exhausted to fight war any longer. Although they are carrying hostilities for the future. Kant said such kind of agreement can only bring about peace for short duration. In the words of Kant; When one or both parties to a treaty of peace, being too exhausted to continue warring with each other, make a tacit reservation (reservatio mentalis) in regard to old claims to be elaborated only at some more favorable opportunity in the future, the treaty is made in bad faith, and we have an artifice worthy of the casuistry of a Jesuit. [Emphasize mine, Kant, ibid] I thinks here Kant says that there should not a truce because the warring parties have reached the state of exhaustion at the same time they are keeping old claims (old disputes) in the heart which will be taken up when the situation will be favorable. Such kind of attitude by states will fuel hostilities for ever and any kind of peace agreement will be short-lived. In the second article of section one, Kant says, No Independent States, Large or Small Come Under the Dominion of Another State by Inheritance, Exchange, Purchase, or Donation. [Kant, ibid]. Kant says that the states is not like a property which could be inherited or grafted somewhere else. However, it is to be noted that Kant is using adjective Independent before states and only independent states are not to be inherited. Those who are not independent are not protected by Kant. It means many of non-Europe states were allowed to be intervened! Apart from that who has power and authority to decide which country is independent of not? Of course, Kant has given the reasonable, enlightened White to decide which country is independent and which not. In the third article, Kant says, Standing Armies (miles perpetuus) Shall in Time Be Totally Abolished .[Kant, ibid] It is great to say such thing that there should not be army because arms race does not provide security. This has been liberals lip service for centuries but in reality the most deadly armed states are those whose foundation is also based on liberal democracy. How could then it be justified? Here Kant is providing moral commentary which has a very few takers and the process of arms race and militarization has not stopped since the rise of nation-states and days of colonialism. One of the pillars of the colonialism is based on military expansions . In the fourth article, Kant deals with credit systems and debts and how it could create problem for states. National Debts Shall Not Be Contracted with a view to the External Frictions of States. [Kant, ibid]. Here Kant says that to forbid this credit system must be a preliminary article of perpetual peace all the more because it must eventually entangle many innocent states in the inevitable bankruptcy and openly harm them. They are therefore justified in allying themselves against such a state and its measures. [ibid] In the fifth article, Kant talks about interference. No State Shall by Force Interfere with the Constitution or Government of Another State. [Kant, ibid]. Here Kant says that there should not be a forceful intervention at the same time he also provides an exception to his own law. Notice this Kants line: But it would be quite different if a state, by internal rebellion, should fall into two parts, each of which pretended to be a separate state making claim to the whole. To lend assistance to one of these cannot be considered an interference in the constitution of the other state (for it is then in a state of anarchy) . But so long as the internal dissension has not come to this critical point, such interference by foreign powers would infringe on the rights of an independent people struggling with its internal disease; hence it would itself be an offense and would render the autonomy of all states insecure. [Emphasize mine, Kant, ibid] It should be worth noticing that one the one hand Kant has prohibited interference in the internal mater of another state but at the same time he has also exempted colonial masters for their civilizing mission in non-European states, saying that if their internal rebellion, to lend assistance would be justified. Today the USA is doing the same thing in Afghanistan and Iraq and it has justified its action by citing volatile condition in other states. We should not forget that the British colonial masters in India has also created such kind of stereotypes by saying that Indian womens were living in abysmal conditions and Indians were effeminate to rule over. [Mill, 1975] In the six article of section, Kant discusses that even during the war there should not be such violation of laws that peace becomes impossible in the future. No State Shall, during War, Permit Such Acts of Hostility Which Would Make Mutual Confidence in the Subsequent Peace Impossible: Such Are the Employment of Assassins (percussores), Poisoners (venefici), Breach of Capitulation, and Incitement to Treason (perduellio) in the Opposing State. [Kant, ibid]. Here Kant makes a strong case that parties in war should desist from using destructive means and methods. After discussing section I, let me briefly discuss section II of Perpetual Peace in which Kant talks about republican constitution and league of nations. Let me begin with Kants notion of republican constitution. Kant says, The Civil Constitution of Every State Should Be Republican. [Kant, ibid]. Kant here prefers republican constitution and links it to peace. According to Kant, the republican constitution is based on the principles of freedom and in such a constitution there is possibility of peace because the rulers need to get the consent of the citizens before a war is declared. If the consent of the citizens is required in order to decide that war should be declared (and in this constitution it cannot be the case), nothing is more natural than that they would be very cautious in commencing such a poor game, decreeing for themselves all the calamities of war. Here he makes a clear statement that a republican form of government is accountable to citizen and the it cannot take a decision on its own. That is why a republican form of government would not easily go for war because the public opinion of the people would be against the war. This is the very basis of democratic peace theorists w ho argue that democracies have never warred on each other. But I do not think that when Kant is taking about perpetual peace he is in anyway thinking on the line of democratic peace theorists. For me the librals are misreading Kant because Kant does not only make distinction between republican form of government and democratic one. Kant is even critical of the democratic form of government. Kant says: Of the three forms of the state, that of democracy is, properly speaking, necessarily a despotism, because it establishes an executive power in which all decide for or even against one who does not agree: that is, all, who are not quite all, decide, and this is a contradiction of the general will with itself and with freedom. [Kant, ibid] In the second definitive article of Perpetual Peace, Kant says, .The Law of Nations Shall be Founded on a Federation of Free States. [Kant, ibid]. Here Kant is concerned about overcoming war and conflict at international level. He says that states would enter into a league of nations based on rights to secure their security and the states are distinct states and are not amalgamated into one as happened within a state. But see in the following line how Kant is so prejudiced against the non-White. When we see the attachment of savages to their lawless freedom, preferring ceaseless combat to subjection to a lawful constraint which they might establish, and thus preferring senseless freedom to rational freedom, we regard it with deep contempt as barbarity, rudeness, and a brutish degradation of humanity. Accordingly, one would think that civilized people (each united in a state) would hasten all the more to escape, the sooner the better, from such a depraved condition. But, instead, each state places its majesty (for it is absurd to speak of the majesty of the people) in being subject to no external juridical restraint, and the splendor of its sovereign consists in the fact that many thousands stand at his command to sacrifice themselves for something that does not concern them and without his needing to place himself in the least danger. The chief difference between European and American savages lies in the fact that many tribes of the latter have been eaten by their enemies, w hile the former know how to make better use of their conquered enemies than to dine off them; they know better how to use them to increase the number of their subjects and thus the quantity of instruments for even more extensive wars.[Kant, ibid] Notice how great moral philosopher Kant uses the terms for non-white and justifies intervention. Savages in their lawless freedom are thus preferring senseless freedom to rational freedom. This is that the Western philosophers have thought abut the non-White people and they never treated them equals. Edward Said has vividly described creation of Orientalism and treating the non-White what the white are not like savage, emotional, not enlightened etc. [Said, 1971]. In the following section, I will be dealing with this issue once in some detail when I would look at Kant as anthropologist and his works. Let me touch that last article of Perpetual Peace. The Law of World Citizenship Shall Be Limited to Conditions of Universal Hospitality [Kant, ibid]. Kant as Anthropologist/Racist Kant is widely known as a liberal philosopher who treats individual as an end. Apart from that Kant that human are moral beings because they could self-reflect, use power of reason and they may not be perfect but they can strive towards perfectibility. However, Kant also thought anthropology in Germany as a teacher of geography and anthropology for as long as forty years. Nigerian born American philosopher Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze said that how Kant is generally known in mainstream that he was a pure philosopher whose philosophy was colour blind but it is overlooked that he has also given racial theories. This scholarly forgetfulness of Kants racial theories, or his raciology, I is attributable to the overwhelming desire to see Kant only as a pure philosopher, preoccupied pure culture and color-blind philosophical themes in the sanctum sactorum of the traditions of Western philosophy. Otherwise, how does one explain the many surprised expressions I received while researching this work: Kant? Anthropology? Race? The Kant most remembered in North American academic communities is the Kant of the Critiques. It is forgotten that the philosopher developed courses in anthropology and/ or geography and taught them regularly for forty years form 11756 until th year before his retirement in 1792. [Eze, 1997] What is worse, the great moral philosopher did characterize people on the basis on colour. He said hat the Europeans are white, the Asians are yellow, the Africans, black and North Americans, red. [Eze, 1997]. He even says that American Indian , Hindu, African lack talent. Even he said that the non-Europeans lack characters. Taking skin color as evidence of a racial class, Kant classified humans into: white (Europeans), yellow (Asians), black (Africans) and red (American Indians). Moral geography (which might as well be called cultural geography) studies the customs and the mores held collectively by each of these races, classes, or groups. For example, some elements in the the moral geography taught by Kant included expositions on culture, such as the knowledge that is customary to permit theft in Africa, or to desert children in China or to bury them alive in Brazil or for Eskimos to straggle them. [Eze, 1997:115] Apart from that he also believes that only the white-Europeans are capable of profess in arts and science and others are not fit for these. He also calls the white superior and the black inferior. After briefly discussed Kant, the philosopher who advocated federation of states, world citizenship and the anthropologist who gave prejudiced and raciological theory of race that paves the way for intervention in non-European societies by the colonial masters in the garb of spreading enlightenment. I would argue that the Kants writings are full of racists remarks and a sense of superiority over non-White. This is the very ideology behind the colonialism and its root can be traced to Kants writings including Perpetual Peace. The first problem with Kant is his forming an opinion about the non-white world by blindly believing travelers accounts and considering them as a piece of reality. Much of the orientalists notion of Asian histories and culture are distorted because they all drew on travelers accounts. That is why great minds like Hegel, Kant, Weber and even Marx could not distanced themselves from their prejudices about non-White societies. Uday Singh Mehta, in his seminal work, has shown that how the project of empire is concealed in the language of liberalism and enlightenment. Now I will deal with Kavirajs work very breifly which can help us understand the issue of civilization and modernity in order to have better grip over Kants writings. Sudita Kaviraj has critiqued, in his seminal essay An Outline of Revisionist Theory of Modernity the with the transformation of modern Europe there was also growing superiority of the newly emergent European civilization. According to Kaviraj, earlier European Christian civilizations was one of many civilizations like Hindu or Chinese but after the change European self-definition altered this usage crucially and, contrasted the civilised society of Europe with other societies which were rude..[Kaviraj, 1990 503]. And thus European modernity came be be regarded as universal and the rest of the world has to follow them blindly because they are backward and rude. This has been the recurrent theme of Enlightenment philosophy in Europe. And Kaviraj further augues that there is a logic of self-differentiation in modernity. He says the more modernity expands and spreads to different part of the world the more it becomes differentiated and plural. After discussing Kants Perpetual Peace and Eorocenricism, let me briefly touch upon liberal democratic peace theories debate before I conclude this paper. Because, liberal scholars are rooting their philosophy in Kants Perpetual Peace. I would argue that democratic peace theory is nothing but a sham. Democratic Peace Theory In this section, I will give positions of John Owen and and Christopher Layne. While Omen defends democratic peace theory that two liberal democracies do not fight drawing their inspiration from Kants work, Layne criticizes peace theory from realist perspective. But my criticism of Owen should not be misunderstood as being realist. I am also a severe critique of realism which believes in the myth of the threat being external and there is cohesion from internal angle. The biggest failure of realism is that today the most casualties are not done by forces outside but due to issues like poverty, illness, ecological degradation etc. Now let me begin with liberal peace theorists main arguments. According to Owen, democracies dont attack each other. In other words, democratic theorists believe in the proposition that democracies dont fight with other. That is why the supporters of this peace theory believe that the best way to ensure security and peace is to support the advancement of democracy elsewhere. This has been the hallmark of USA foreign policy, particularly after the end of the Cold War when it was claimed that there is an end of history and liberal democracy with capitalist market have triumphed over all other systems. Further, the democratic peace theory says while liberal states do not fight with another liberal states on the other hand liberal ideas prod liberal states into war with illiberal states. In the words of Owen [2000: 926] When liberals run the government, relations with fellow democracies are harmonious. Librals believe that democracies seek their citizens true interests and that thus by definition they are pacific and trustworthy. Non-democracies may be dangerous because they seek other ends, such as conquest and plunder. Libras thus hold that the national interests calls for accommodation of fellow democracies, but sometimes calls for war with non-democracies . The philosophical grounding of democratic peace theory is that since there is free speech guaranteed to citizens in a democracy so citizens would not allow war to take place because in war it is the citizens who would have to bear the costs. According to the supporters of democratic peace theory, liberalism is universalistic, tolerant, cosmopolitan philosophy. Liberalisms ends are life and property and toleration and it believes that all nations and people are free. It is also conducive for peace because liberal democracies are believed to be reasonable, predictable and trustworthy because the citizens of the state govern them. Owen on the other hand also characterize illiberal states which are threat to peace and they must be made to be liberal because these states are unreasonable, unpredictable, potentially dangerous, ruled by despots with ends as conquest, intolerance, and impoverishment. Owen in his article also provides some of hypothesis about democratic peace theory. (1) Liberal democracy will only avoid war with state that if believes to be liberal. (2) Liberals will trust states they consider liberal and mistrust those they consider illiberal. (3) When liberals observe a foreign state becoming liberal by their own standards, they will expect pacific relations with it. Liberals will not change their assessments of foreign states during crises with those states unless those states change their institutions. (4) Liberals elites will agitate for their policies during war-threatening crises. After discussing democratic peace theory, let me briefly touch upon what are major criticisms of it from realist perspectives. Realists believe that democratic peace theory is fantasy, permanent peace between liberal democracy is not possible, foreign policy must be based on imperatives of power politics not on morality and ethnics, even the liberal democratic states could not desist themselves from getting involved in power-struggle and balancing each other. Layne Christopher [2000] has said that democratic peace theory is a myth and said realism is superior to democratic peace theory. Conclusion After giving both the arguments in favour and against of democratic peace theory, I would like to day that democratic peace theory is another face of dominance by the West, particularly the USA in non-White world. The problem with democratic peace theory is that if evidence is given that two democratic states fought, they would argue at least one of them was not liberal that time. That is why I would not go into that trap that whether a state was liberal or illiberal at one point of time. My arguments are that most of violence in modern period particularly in 20th century has its root in the West who are also champion of democracy. Is it not that the same Enlightened people from the white world created mess everywhere from the Africa, America to Asia. These are same colonial masters who Kants perpetual peace has inspired them to civilize the rest of the world but in this process their came under economic, political and cultural dominance. Today all the regime change, arms race, bombi ngs, killings are somehow result of policies of these enlightened people who swear by democracy but they dont have any problem if there is friendly authoritarian regime elsewhere. While I am critique the West I should not be misunderstood that I am siding with post-colonial elites. Today, they are not far behind imitating their colonial masters as a result colonialism has gone but colonial policies and apparatus continue to hunt post-colonial society. Let me state my position once again neither Kant nor todays champions of democracy are at concerned with peace and democracy in true sense. They are all using it as pretext to arm-twist elites in post-colonial societies and install favorable governments. This centuries are full of examples which say that hostilities between liberal states are not over and the theorists of democratic peace by harping on exporting democracy are hiding contradiction and crisis in their own society. Hunger, poverty, racial discrimination, concentration of wealth, ecological damages are problems which has also gripped liberal western states but they are more concerned about problem outsides. This should also not be misunderstood that I am implying that non-Western society are better. But all the change should evolve and come through its own struggle and churning. Imposition and export will never do. I reject democratic peace theory because the theorists whom they are banking on (Kant) was himself racist, Eurocentric and anti-democratic because of his prejudices against non-White and women.
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