Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Personal Statement Strategic Thinking - 1840 Words
Introduction Strategic thinking is important in the longevity of personal success as it is in business. Therefore, it is understandable the numerous resources providing insight on how to create, develop and or establish personal strategy plans. Perform a Google search on personal strategic plans and the results will include everything from articles, self-help books and literary reviews on the subject. â€Å"A successful business requires a mission and a plan and there is no more essential business than the business of your life†(Schawbel, 2013). From birth, we are developing personal strategic plans. The foundation of those plans are generally created by our parents with their hopes and desires for our lives. My parents desires for me included going to college and getting into a satisfying career. As most children, I shared a myriad of future goal and aspirations. As I’ve matured and grew into adulthood, a few of those goals and aspirations have changed. This paper will review cer tain aspects of my personal strategic plan. We will review my mission statement, my vision and an environmental scan of my personal landscape. To support this analysis, a PEST and SWOT analysis is included. By defining a strategic plan, I can discover what’s most important to me and guides me to use resources on the activities that will help fulfill my mission and vision of success. Personal Mission Statement Every strategic plan starts with a declaration or pronouncement of its purpose that expressesShow MoreRelatedLeadership Style And Personal Strengths Essay1410 Words  | 6 PagesUsing Leadership Style and Personal Strengths to Succeed in a Doctoral Program Leadership is an important outcome of the doctor of nursing practice (DNP) program (Zaccagnini White, 2014). Measurement tools are available that identify leadership style (Clark, 2010) and personal talents, called Signature Themes (Gallup, Inc., 2010). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Dual Court System Essay - 976 Words
History of Courts Many years ago, before courts existed matters was handled in a privately or informally. This often led to violence and unjust treatment of innocent people. During the rise of the Greek City States and the Roman Empire law enforcement became a public affair instead of private. (Siegel, Schmalleger, Worral, 2011). Along with this movement became formalized courts and other criminal justice institutions. This allowed for law enforcement matters to be handled in a more civilized manner for resolving human conflict. However in the United States we have what is referred to as a dual court system. A dual court system can be defined as a judicial system comprising federal- and state- level judicial systems. A dual court system separates federal and state courts. According to the book a dual court system is advantageous and desirable because it is parallel to federalism. Federalism is a system of government where power is constitutionally divided between central governing body and various co nstituent units. In the United States, the federal government makes laws, but federalism also gives the state’s power to make their own laws (Siegel, Schmalleger, Worral, 2011). The Founding fathers saw it as a way to serve as check on an abusive or tyrannical government. Common Law Common law became into effect after the Norman Conquest (A.D. 1066) consolidated their hold on newly won territory. One way was to take control over the legal/court systems. When this happenShow MoreRelatedEssay Dual Court System1094 Words  | 5 PagesQ1. What is the dual-court system? Why do we have a dual court system? A. The dual-court system is the result of a general a agreement among the nations founders about the need for individual states to retain significant legislative authority and judicial autonomy separate from federal control. The reason why we have a dual-court system is, back then; new states joining the union were assured of limited federal intervention into local affairs. The state legislatures were freeRead MoreCourt Systems1203 Words  | 5 PagesCourt System Introduction The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the significance of the history of judicial system prevailing within the premises of United States. This paper intends to explore the Court System of United States. The major historical developments in the courts of United States will be discussed. Moreover, the rationale of the dual court system of the United States will be outlined. 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This did not eliminate the need for federal court systems, however, and so the dual court system was born. The dual court system is the formal name for the way our countrys legal system works. Read MoreThe Historical Development of the US Court System816 Words  | 3 PagesDescribe the Historical Development of the US Court System Over the last 224 years, the US court system has been continually evolving. At the heart of these changes, is the belief that the Constitution establishes basic practices that must be followed at all times. This has led to the development of a legal structure that is based on case precedent and oversight (which are augmented with constitutional ideas). The combination of these factors has meant that the judicial branch is continually transformingRead MoreThe Supreme Law Of The Federal Court System Essay1292 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States the court-system operates as a dual-court system. The responsibilities of the State and Federal Courts share the responsibility of determining law based on specific jurisdictions. The principle of federalism was born out of the necessity to balance the powers of the states by creating a federal government whose authority constituted the supreme law of the land. Proponents of court reform have been looking for court unification to streamline t he judiciary system to combine overlappingRead MoreCja/224 Court History and Purpose Paper1201 Words  | 5 PagesCourt History and Purpose. The courts are a critical component of American criminal justice because they determine what should happen to people charged with violating the law. Courts are important beyond criminal justice, too. Disputes that arise between private parties, businesses, government officials, and the like are brought to court in order to ensure that they are heard, ideally, in a neutral forum (Siegel, Schmalleger, Worrall, 2011). Succeeding in liberation and independence is difficult
Monday, December 9, 2019
PLATE TECTONICS PAPER Essay Example For Students
PLATE TECTONICS PAPER Essay In 1912 Alfred Wegener, a meteorologist, revived a theory that the continents of the eastern and western hemispheres were once joined. Wegener, along with his followers showed how the east coast of the Americas align with the westside of the Old World, a coincidence that Leonardo da Vinci commented upon. But no one could come up with a convincing way to push, shove, or drift whole continents for thousands of kilometers. It was thought that the deep granite continental masses must somehow plow right through the bedrock of the seafloors. Calculations of energy required produced forbidding estimates, it seemed impossible despite the evidence at hand. In the past ten years a revelation swept through geology and vindicated Wegener, he didnt imagine the mechanism that caused continental drift. The theory of plate tectonics emerged. The Earths crust is divided into two types of terrain: Continents, which occupy about 40 percent of the Earths surface and non-continents, which is generally deep ocean. Continental crust is lighter, thicker, and much older. Some thats been found is more than 3 billion years old. The oldest rock under the open sea is only 150 to 250 million years old and much younger. The seashore and the edge of the continent should not be confused. Much of the continents are submerged in shelves extending hundreds of kilometers offshore to a depth of several hundred meters where the continental slope begins. Theres a stiff outer rind below the continent and non- continent which is called the lithosphere and is about 100 kilometers thick. Below that is the plastic, the asthenosphere, the thickness difference between the continents and the non-continents is shown by how deep the continents ride into the lithosphere. They are like icebergs with crust extending 35 to 40 kilometers deep, most of it is g ranite and granulate rocks. More than 75 percent of the continents lie between sea level and about two kilometers in height, while 75 percent of the seabottom lies at the rather great depth of three to six kilometers below sea level. After World War II it was discovered that sediments became progressively thicker away from the mid-Atlantic ridge. The reason was not clear it could be that the sea floor furthest from the ridge was oldest, or something was causing a faster sedimentation rate away from the ridge and near the continents. The conclusive evidence that the whole lot of it ocean floors, continents, islands and all are constantly shifting around like ducks in a pond was assembled in the mid-1960s by a team of Cambridge University geologists. The theory of plate tectonics was rapidly assembled: As fast as sea floor comes out of ocean ridges it has to be consumed somewhere. The stiff sheet of lithosphere that appears in the ridges goes down in subduction zones usually marked by deep trenches in the ocean floor. Often the trenches are near continental margins. The continents move and shift, crash into each other from opposite sides of subduction zones, even split apart when spreading zones open across them, but they never go down into the Earth. A common theory is connected to the observation the as the ocean floor moves away from the spreading zones, it drops to progressively greater depths. The Earth is divided into six major plates and a number of smaller ones. Each has three types of boundaries: spreading zones, subduction zones, and shear zones.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Catholic Church in Australia Essay Example
Catholic Church in Australia Essay 1. Caroline ‘Jones’ Chisholm 2. Caroline Chisholm was born in May 30th 1808 in the English Country of Northampton shire and was born as Caroline Jones. Caroline Chisholm died in long illness on the 25th March 1877 in London. 3. Caroline Chisholm was known as ‘the Immigrants friend’ People described her as a Christian humanist. Caroline was inspired by the quote in the bible â€Å"Love Thy Neighbour†. She contributed to the church because she has followed one of many scriptures, â€Å"The alien who resides among you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God. †Leviticus 19:34 Caroline promoted Australia in 1946 as a suitable country for people who work hard and would like to begin a fresh new start. Caroline Chisholm worked for enhanced conditions on board ships for immigrants. In five years she somehow managed to send many of thousands of well organized emigrants to Australia Caroline Chisholm has supported immigrants such as single women and families to travel and stay in Australia for thirty years. She made lives for thousands of immigrants a lot easier in Australia. She provided shelter, clothes and taught the basic skills needed in a normal Life such as cooking and cleaning. Caroline Chisholm’s performance was moved by two very strong values her devotion to the significance of family life and her deep love of God. We will write a custom essay sample on Catholic Church in Australia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Catholic Church in Australia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Catholic Church in Australia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Her religion was the mainspring of her life. One of the greatest influences in the History of Australia Caroline Chisholm started a College (Caroline Chisholm Catholic College. Shown below). Caroline Chisholm Catholic CollegeCaroline Chisholm College VictoriaNSW 4. †¢Caroline Chisholm, known as the ‘Immigrants friend’ †¢She supported the immigrants, for a very long period †¢Taught the immigrants the basic skills †¢Did everything she could, to prevent discrimination for the immigrants †¢Improved the conditions for immigrants †¢Followed many bible scriptures A great influence to the people Portrait of Caroline Chisholm picture Fairland, Thomas, 1804-1852. London : Published by T. Fairland, September 1st, 1852. print : lithograph, hand col. ; 36. 2 x 43. 7 cm. Bibliography http://www. abc. net. au/schoolstv/australians/chisholm. htm http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Caroline_Chisholm http://www. adb. online. anu. edu. au/biogs/A010208b. htm http:/ /www. whitehat. com. au/australia/People/Chisholm. asp http://www. carolinechisholmsociety. com. au/ http://www. jonesshop. com/jonesShop/fame/caroline_chisholm. tm http://www. carolinechisholm. org. au/portal/page/portal/CCEF%20Home/About%20Caroline%20Chisholm http://www. cclibrary. org. au/ http://www. rba. gov. au/Museum/Displays/_Images/1960_1988/caroline_chisholm_big. jpg http://www. news. com. au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,23779110-5001030,00. html http://www. trinity. wa. edu. au/plduffyrc/subjects/sose/austhist/chisholm. htm http://www. sydney. catholic. org. au/Archdiocese/History/Chisholm. shtml http://www. carolinechisholm. nsw. edu. au/about/our_college. html http://nla. gov. au/nla. pic-an9193363
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