Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Personal Statement Strategic Thinking - 1840 Words

Introduction Strategic thinking is important in the longevity of personal success as it is in business. Therefore, it is understandable the numerous resources providing insight on how to create, develop and or establish personal strategy plans. Perform a Google search on personal strategic plans and the results will include everything from articles, self-help books and literary reviews on the subject. â€Å"A successful business requires a mission and a plan and there is no more essential business than the business of your life† (Schawbel, 2013). From birth, we are developing personal strategic plans. The foundation of those plans are generally created by our parents with their hopes and desires for our lives. My parents desires for me included going to college and getting into a satisfying career. As most children, I shared a myriad of future goal and aspirations. As I’ve matured and grew into adulthood, a few of those goals and aspirations have changed. This paper will review cer tain aspects of my personal strategic plan. We will review my mission statement, my vision and an environmental scan of my personal landscape. To support this analysis, a PEST and SWOT analysis is included. By defining a strategic plan, I can discover what’s most important to me and guides me to use resources on the activities that will help fulfill my mission and vision of success. Personal Mission Statement Every strategic plan starts with a declaration or pronouncement of its purpose that expressesShow MoreRelatedLeadership Style And Personal Strengths Essay1410 Words   |  6 PagesUsing Leadership Style and Personal Strengths to Succeed in a Doctoral Program Leadership is an important outcome of the doctor of nursing practice (DNP) program (Zaccagnini White, 2014). Measurement tools are available that identify leadership style (Clark, 2010) and personal talents, called Signature Themes (Gallup, Inc., 2010). 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