Thursday, February 20, 2020

Questions Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Questions - Term Paper Example Hence, Hume argues that denial of God’s existence is not a contradiction. Anselm had argued that existence of God is a pre-requisite of his consideration as God. The same argument was used by Gaunilo who replaced God by island and said that existence of an island is a pre-requisite of its consideration as an island, so all islands ever imagined did exist. Gaunilo had realized Anselm’s argument’s fallacy. Gaunilo introduced the perception of an island that was larger than all other islands in the world, but was lost. It is possible to have the perception of the true existence of such an island because it can be thought. Ideally for a television, such an island would have moved in time or into the space. However, Gaunilo’s counter-argument did not work because Anselm had been careful enough not to specify the perfect thought. While both Russell and Copleston agree that the religious experience is private, Russell calls it private because he thinks that people only agree to something or in the existence of God because the same perception is held by many. This implies that although many people believe in the existence of God, yet the religious experience in the true sense is an individualistic experience rather than collective. Copleston calls the religious experience private by referring typically to the mystical experience. According to Copleston, when an individual falls in love, there is someone who is loved rather than no one. Russell essentially means that many people who say that they believe in the existence of God do so because others say so whereas Copleston emphasizes upon the existence of actual belief in God. The identity theories are more intuitive as compared to the behaviorist theories of the mind. The behaviorist theories tend to emphasize upon a difference between mind or soul and body, allocating the health of former to another world and that of

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