Sunday, May 24, 2020
All 25 Elephant and Piggie Books by Mo Willems
I highly recommend all of the Elephant and Piggie books. They are fun, easy to navigate, and have no superfluous words or details in the illustrations, making it easy for new readers to focus on whats important and to enjoy the reading experience. They also stress the value of friendship and getting along with others. Introduce your children to the Elephant and Piggie books and youll find they will delight both beginning readers and younger children. The Elephant and Piggie books are fun to read aloud to younger children who love the funny stories about the two friends. I recommend the books for ages 4-8 and especially beginning readers from 6-8 years old. Summary of Elephant and Piggie Books by Mo Willems The 25 Elephant and Piggie books by Mo Willems, which are each 64 pages long, revolve around the friendship of Elephant and Piggie. Elephant, whose name is Gerald, tends to be cautious and pessimistic while his best friend, Piggie, is quite different. She is optimistic, outgoing, and impulsive. Gerald worries a lot; Piggie doesnt. Despite being very different, the two are best friends. The humorous stories by Mo Willems focus on how Elephant and Piggie get along despite their differences. While the stories are funny, they stress important elements of friendship, such as kindness, sharing, and working together to solve problems. Kids love the Elephant and Piggie stories. Unlike some books in a series featuring the same characters, the Elephant and Piggie books do not have to be read in a particular order. The distinctive and spare artwork in the books is easily recognizable and wont confuse the beginning reader. In many of the books, Elephant and Piggie are the only characters. Simply drawn and set against a white background, Elephant and Piggies expressive faces and body language are irresistible. All of the words in each story are dialogue, with Elephants words appearing in a gray voice bubble above his head and Piggies words in a pink voice bubble above her head, like you see in comic books. According to Mo Willems, he intentionally drew simple drawings with an emphasis on what was most important: the words of the story and the body language of Elephant and Piggie. (Source: The World of Elephant and Piggie) Awards and Honors for Elephant and Piggie Books Among the many awards and honors Elephant and Piggie have won are the following, which recognize excellence in books for beginning readers: 2009 Theodor Seuss Geisel Medal: Are You Ready to Play Outside?2008 Theodor Seuss Geisel Medal: There is a Bird on Your HeadTheodor Seuss Geisel Honor Books - 2015: Waiting Is Not Easy!, 2014: A Big Guy Took My Ball!, 2013: Lets Go for a Drive, 2012: I Broke My Trunk, and 2011: We Are in a Book! List of All the Elephant and Piggie Books Note: Books are listed in descending order by publication date. The Thank You Book (5/3/2016. ISBN: 97814231I Really Like Slop! (2015, ISBN: 978484722626)I Will Take a Nap! (2015, ISBN: 9781484716304)Waiting is not Easy (11/2014, ISBN: 9781423199571)My New Friend is so Fun (2014, ISBN: 9781423179580)Im a Frog! (2013, ISBN: 9781423183051)A Big Guy Took My Ball! (2013, ISBN: 9781423174912)Lets Go for a Drive! (2012, ISBN: 9781423164821)Listen to My Trumpet! (2012, ISBN: 9781423154044)Happy Pig Day! (2011, ISBN: 9781423143420)Should I Share My Ice Cream? (2011, ISBN: 9781423143437)I Broke My Trunk (2011, ISBN: 9781423133094)We Are in a Book! (2010, ISBN: 9781423133087)Can I Play Too? (2010, ISBN: 9781423119913)I Am Going! (2010, ISBN: 9781423119906)Pigs Make Me Sneeze! (2009, ISBN: 9781423114116)Elephants Cannot Dance! (2009, ISBN: 9781423114109)Watch Me Throw the Ball! (2009, ISBN: 9781423113485)Are You Ready to Play Outside? (2008, ISBN: 9781423113478)I Will Surprise My Friend! (2008, ISBN: 9781423109624)I Love My New Toy! (2008, ISBN: 97814231096 17)There Is a Bird on Your Head! (2007, ISBN: 9781423106869)I Am Invited to a Party! (2007, ISBN: 9781423106876)My Friend Is Sad (2007, ISBN: 9781423102977)Today I Will Fly! (2007, ISBN: 9781423102953)
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Bullying Is Becoming A More Visual And Talked About Concern
Bullying in the Workplace Workplace bullying is becoming a more visual and talked-about concern in the business world, and finding ways to deal with the problem of bullying is an issue that needs to be addressed. In a survey of European Union employees, an illness that was rooted in stress was reported in 28% of employees (Rayner et. al. 8). According to Rayner, bullying may account for much of this workplace anxiety. My co-workers and I were victims of a workplace bully. This behavior included taunts, insults, which escalated to threatening signs posted to co-workers and verbal threats to management. The department managers did nothing to rectify the situation or adjust her behavior. The topic of difficult employees and workplace bullying is of great interest to me after experiencing it firsthand. I work for the federal government, and they have policies and that could have properly dealt with the situation, but management failed to execute their own regulations. Workplace bu llying is defined as unwanted behavior, verbal or physical, that is viewed as offensive, embarrassing, or objectionable to the recipient. It can also be interpreted as the misuse of power to intimidate somebody in a way which leaves them feeling hurt, angry, vulnerable, or powerless (Rayner 8). This can be anything from being given an unmanageable workload and unreasonable work deadlines from management, or screaming, threats of violence, or being the victim of gossip, to theShow MoreRelatedClassroom Management Reflection Paper1171 Words  | 5 Pagesfor each child in order to maintain order in the classroom. Miss L has a variety of students with different learning needs. Some students are nonverbal and others dont understand rules the same way as the average student would. When I asked her about some of the management strategy that she uses with her students she mentioned that she use a slightly different management strategies with all of her students. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effect of Computer Technology on the Academic Free Essays
The Constructivist Approach Constructivist This approach represents a combination of both genetic pre-programming and environmental adaptation or experience where the child actively constructs a version of reality from his/her unique experiences. The process of constructing knowledge is an active one (going out and interacting with the environment and constructing it yourself). Learning is a function of the natural and continual variability in the world and variable action upon it. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect of Computer Technology on the Academic or any similar topic only for you Order Now Constructivist would argue that in a school class not all children learn the same thing. The important thing for educators is to ascertain what each child knows and then plan learning programmed for each child or follow the hill’s lead. Conflict Fourth (1995) recognizes the importance of learners actively constructing their knowledge as suggested by the theoretical viewpoint of constructivism. Looking at children’s conflict (which has its roots in Paginating thinking (Littleton 1995)) and disagreements (where children consider the other’s point of view), Fourth (1995) concluded that children’s disagreements: can be viewed as a legitimate source of collaboration; can be both constructive and productive in the learning process. Appear to hold an important role in active learning. Thus, by seeing an alternative way of tackling a problem, each individual makes cognitive gains which can subsequently influence problem solving. All three constructivist theorists, Pigged Weights and Burner, agree that the child is both determined and a determiner of knowledge and understanding. However, they place different emphasis on the direction of the relationship. [contents I CLC home page I references ] The Effect of Computer Technology on the Academic Performance of Based Students By Conrad How to cite The Effect of Computer Technology on the Academic, Essays
Monday, May 4, 2020
Event Industry & Regional Development-Free-Samples-Myassignment
Question: Discuss about the Relationship between Event Industry and Regional Development in Sydeny. Answer: According to Luonila and Johansson (2015), tourism and major event agencies are enhancing the States economy through securing major events and attracting no. of visitors to Sydney. The present essay is focused on amalgamating the economic, social and environmental form of evaluation into one framework regarding the events of Sydney. Moreover, the manner in which significant international exposure is provided to the county which hosts international events and reaps the advantage of perceived monetary awards. Main Events in Sydney and its impact on regional economic development It has been confirmed by CEO Business Events Sydney that regional NSW is attaining economic benefits from global events. The international caving community is holding the 17th International Conference of Speleology in this week as part of which explores the Blue Mountains.There are many events held in Sydney to cater to the requirement of regional, economic and cultural development of the city. The main events of the area are- Mardi Grass- theMardi Grasevent is always Colorful and cheerful, characterized by an optimistic and party like mood, and the Liverpool Street is one of the best vantage points of the city in this event, and same provide jobs to local people. Funding and sponsorship of the event come from local government, private business and entrepreneurs.The event is conducted to restore the classic beauty of the area by giving the message of preservation of natural beauty which supports environmental development. Sydney Harbor Regatta- the event is very much similar to the yacht race from Sydney to Hobart that begins on any day of boxing in any given calendar year. The Sydney Harbors Regatta is held in March every year and is an iconic event in the area. The regatta event showcases approximately more than 300 yachts with an average of 2500 yacht crew. It is the main source of income for local people living there as many people living in nearby places earn excess income from tourist and visitors to the event. The same leads to economic sustainability in the life of people living there. Sydney Royal Easter Show- a few years ago the Sydney Royal Easter Show was discontinued from the Moore Park at one stage. However the show was relocated to Sydney Olympic Park. The show was welcomed in the city and was embraced by the residents of the area. The event offers the Great animal show, along with a different range of showbags. (Destination NSW. Events. 2017) Relationship between Economic Development and Event Industry in Sydney The events industry in Australia offers significant economic benefits to Sydney. Every event generates a strong tourist yield, given the fact that any event leads to the high daily expenditure of participants. According to the views of Rogers and Davidson (2015), the contribution of events in business is much more than tourism expenditure. Apart from the tourism benefits, events also have wide and enduring benefits related to employment and industry development. Events help many companies operating in the area to deliver their goals; launching new ideas, identifying festival trends, and equipping people to meet the challenges. Festivals and events add to the well being of the community in a number of ways; this ranges from creating and enhancing the sense of nationalism which further contributes to recognition of social identity among people and provides various other opportunities for building relationships and networks that generate social capital. It can also be suggested that com munity involvement in festivals and events support learning and skills development which contribute to increase the community capacity as well as enhancing economic development. Many events are held just to imbibe the culture of the area for generations to come. Role of Events/ Festivals in regional, environmental and cultural development Regional Development The relationship between event industry and regional development can be specified simply economic. As per the words of Mairand Whitford (2013), the factors which mainly are influenced by these events are increased employment, education, welfare, equity and another cultural dimension of community life. It has also been assessed that successful event planning enhances positive economic stimulus in the region. Thus, the same leads to the fact that increasing expenditures, development and maintenance of employment and labour supply continuously enhance the standard of living. In January 2500 Amway China gated will enjoy Dolphin watching and sand boarding in Port Stephens.The last year 2600, international delegated visited Hunter Valley for enjoying motorbiking, hot air ballooning and sampling wine in vineyards. The advantage which is attained through these events is that social and cultural elements meet the events of the city. These interactions lead to social inclusion enhanced mental health and well being, strong community relationship and attainment of a higher level of collective identity. Events create opportunities for employment by increased government expenditures in the area. Events also attract tourists from across the world which in turn leads to increased business in the area. Cultural Development Food is a major drawcard as an event such as Kidopia Festival; which is a festival for families with music, food, rides and much more; Orange wine festival; which is known for cool climate wines, talented chefs and delicious local produce; Sydney festivals; which celebrate the arts. These festivals contribute economic stimulus to the region and enhance cultural and social interaction. The art and culture of Sydney are exhibited in these events in an appropriate manner, and the same provide strength to regional development. It is often witnessed that many events held in Sydney promote the culture of the city by demonstrating the same in events. Figure 1: Conceptual Model of Significance of Events (Source: Getz and Page, 2016.) Environmental Development Many events in Sydney are conducted to issue awareness regarding the environmental dangers that are posed by mankind. According to the words of Bernus and Nemes (2013), the government of Sydney organizes various rallies and stage shows in order to make the people aware of their activities. The Government is planning to make Sustainable Sydney by 2030. For the purpose of responding effectively to the environmental challenges faced by Sydney, the government aims to detail various activities and operations in the local area. The main objective is to lead by example in areas by playing an influential and engaging role by strong collaboration from government, the private sector and the community. Figure 2: The positive and Negative impact arising from various events and festivals (Source: Page and Connell, 2014) The Growth of Special Event Sector As per Getz and Page (2016), since the World War II, Australia has experienced a boom in festivals and parades that were staged in the respective communities. Although there is very little available International data on the growth of special event sector, statistics available from across the globe indicate that the size growth has been escalating since then. There is also increase in the number of events that are now being staged in Sydney. Moreover, the value of sponsorship for the commercial event has increased significantly over the last decade. Similarly,events, particularly mega-events such as the sports event, have escalated since the 1960s. It must be noted that many times the economic and regional benefits accounting from hosting of any event are often exaggerated in order to receive funding from the government. This lashes out all the significant benefits accounting for any event. The foremost objective of the event is to address the issues of a particular area and to promo te the economic motive of the city. In the race of receiving funds, the organizers often distract from the main objective. This essay showcases the relationship between Event Industry, and regional development presents an analysis of some events and their contribution for the same purpose. In particular,the report explores the factors that are associated with the efficiency of festivals and events to enhance the social and cultural facets of the regional community. In some cases, it also appeared that in need to display economic benefits of some events and gaining and maintaining government funding resulted deviating the event from its main objective. Thus, it is important that the events are carried out within the framework devised for them so that they involve community involvement and long-term positive regional development outcomes. References Bernus, P. and Nemes, L. eds. 2013.Modelling and methodologies for enterprise integration: proceedings of the IFIP TC5 Working Conference on Models and Methodologies for Enterprise Integration, Queensland, Australia, November 1995. Springer. Destination NSW. Events. 2017. [Online]. Available through [Accessed on 30th November 2017]. Getz, D. and Page, S.J. 2016. Progress and prospects for event tourism research.Tourism Management.52, Pp.593-631. Getz, D. and Page, S.J. 2016.Event studies: Theory, research and policy for planned events. Routledge. Luonila, M. and Johansson, T. 2015. The role of festivals and events in the regional development of cities: Cases of two Finnish cities.Event Management. 19(2), Pp.211-226. Mair, J. and Whitford, M. 2013. An exploration of events research: event topics, themes and emerging trends.International Journal of Event and Festival Management. 4(1), Pp.6-30. Page, S. and Connell, J. eds. 2014.The Routledge handbook of events. Routledge. Rogers, T. and Davidson, R. 2015.Marketing destinations and venues for conferences, conventions and business events(Vol. 14). Routledge.
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