Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Bullying Is Becoming A More Visual And Talked About Concern
Bullying in the Workplace Workplace bullying is becoming a more visual and talked-about concern in the business world, and finding ways to deal with the problem of bullying is an issue that needs to be addressed. In a survey of European Union employees, an illness that was rooted in stress was reported in 28% of employees (Rayner et. al. 8). According to Rayner, bullying may account for much of this workplace anxiety. My co-workers and I were victims of a workplace bully. This behavior included taunts, insults, which escalated to threatening signs posted to co-workers and verbal threats to management. The department managers did nothing to rectify the situation or adjust her behavior. The topic of difficult employees and workplace bullying is of great interest to me after experiencing it firsthand. I work for the federal government, and they have policies and that could have properly dealt with the situation, but management failed to execute their own regulations. Workplace bu llying is defined as unwanted behavior, verbal or physical, that is viewed as offensive, embarrassing, or objectionable to the recipient. It can also be interpreted as the misuse of power to intimidate somebody in a way which leaves them feeling hurt, angry, vulnerable, or powerless (Rayner 8). This can be anything from being given an unmanageable workload and unreasonable work deadlines from management, or screaming, threats of violence, or being the victim of gossip, to theShow MoreRelatedClassroom Management Reflection Paper1171 Words  | 5 Pagesfor each child in order to maintain order in the classroom. Miss L has a variety of students with different learning needs. Some students are nonverbal and others dont understand rules the same way as the average student would. When I asked her about some of the management strategy that she uses with her students she mentioned that she use a slightly different management strategies with all of her students. 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