Monday, September 30, 2019
Why Was There a Revolution in Russia in 1905
Why was there a revolution in Russia in 1905? The 1905 revolution happened for many reasons and so a combination of factors will best explain this question. However the most important reason was the tsar and his ignorant beliefs and attitudes towards Russia. The Russo-Japanese war was a major factor in starting the revolution in 1905, the whole purpose of the war was to try and stop the thoughts of rebellion by getting the Russian people to rally for their country, however when Russia lost the Russian people lost faith in their country and their tsar because he embarrassed their country and put them in a huge national crisis.Russia’s defeat displayed the government’s incompetence which excited the social unrest that the war was supposed to stop. It also showed people incompetence of the Tsar who’s most important and essential job was to show his command of his army. Enthusiasm was the first reaction to this war, giving the country something to take its mind off, stop the rioting and focus on the winning. However, as soon as it became clear that Russia was losing for the first time to an Asian power, the people declared unrest and resumed, stronger than ever the strikes and demand for reform.Russia’s ignorance on world issues was showed and clearly laid for the people of Russia to see. The loss of the war, representing the only hope allowed the revolution of 1905 to take place, forming a large number of strikes, constant pressure on the government and the demand for reform. Russia in the 19th and 20th century faced economic collapses along with inflation which would test the nation’s and the people’s patience towards coming sufferings. The increasing population of Russia outlined a new milestone for the empire.A population increase demanded more from the economy and required a higher order of thought to please the entire nation. However, Russia and the Tsar were not ready for such expansion in population and backwa rd views on society only provided another reason to further damage the rising dissatisfaction. Village population had grown from 61 to 78 million between 1877 and 1905 but the land owned by peasants only grew 24. 2 percent. Clearly, there was a shortage of land, and a shortage of determination to improve the land and shortened patience to hope for better times.The emancipation of the Serfs by Alexander II in 1861 did little to solve the discontent and agitation of the working people. The view of the freed serfs was the final ownership of land in return for powering the nation’s economy and later the empire. However, the disappointment appeared when the Tsar approved freedom for the peasants, yet taxed them for living on land which they had believed to rightfully own from years of slavery. The view on autocracy was being undermined, even though there was trust in the Tsar and his connection with god.The Tsar’s ignorance on issues such as the poor living conditions for t he peasants in the country outlined a path of public dismay and questioning. While the peasants resisted questioning due to their simplicity, influence from other parts of Europe and the slow industrialisation saw them thinking about the nature of their misfortune and famine. Whilst ‘freeing the Serfs’ and granting them their ironic independence, rising prices along with tremendous taxes influenced the peasants to revolt, playing a part in the Russian revolution.Illegal political parties were uprising to share their discontent with Russia and their Tsar and create an outline for ideas of revolution, demands and strikes. The social revolutionaries and democrats had existed from 1901, yet public support was achieved in 1905 when living was hard, and the belief of god and the Tsar had been slowly lost. These parties were illegal, yet the Tsar could not satisfy the people in order to prove these parties unnecessary.All these political opponents were a figure of showin g the attention needed to Russia, how strong actions needed to be taken and the hunger of the people needed to be satisfied at any scale possible. The participation of these parties resulted in strikes and a build-up of the Russia changing general strike. Decisively, the build of political parties and the failure to stop their need allowed the citizens of Russia to demand and express themselves more, therefore leading to the activity of revolution and strength. Bloody Sunday’ intensified the revolutionary movement and finally ended the people’s view of the Tsar as their protector and carer. On 9thJanuary 1905, concerned workers came peacefully to address a petition, and expected the Tsar to ease their problems. However, the peaceful workers were shot at by the tsar’s soldiers before they could even reach the tsar. After ‘Bloody Sunday’, the tip of revolution was over and certainly now it stood in every person’s right to take political concern and begin strikes that would swell to form a halt in the nation. By September there were massive strikes by factory workers and railway men.Soon the country was virtually stopped by a general strike, which stopped everything Russia relied on. Overall the revolution in 1905 was started by many factors however the Tsar’s beliefs and attitudes were one of the main factors because he was so naive and ignorant. He could have stopped bloody Sunday, which was the breaking point for revolution, but instead he let his soldiers shoot his people losing any trust the Russian people had in him. He also involved the country in a pointless war to try and rally Russia together only to embarrassingly lose and display his incompetence.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Han Dynasty Vs. Roman Empire
The Han Dynasty and Roman Empire are two very complex civilizations that thrived around the same time. Each had similarities in political structures such as they were both ruled by emperors, but they did still have differences. They also shared similarities in economic structures such as how they were both apart of the Silk Road. Lastly they shared some similarities in social structures such as how women were treated.A similarity in the Roman Empire and Han Dynasty was that they were both ruled by emperors. Han was ruled by Gaozo and Rome was ruled by Octavian. Along with each being ruled by emperors their emperor’s shared a similar tactic in getting people to follow them. This tactic was to use some type of religious connection. Octavian used the fact that previous emperor’s were thought of as god’s to boost loyalty, and gaozo used religious pageantry to boost his power.There were still differences in these civilizations political structures though. Rome was not only ruled by an emperor, but a senate also. Han however was only ruled by an emperor. This is a minor difference, but all laws were made by the Han emperor while most in Rome were made by the Roman Senate.Next there was a similar trait in their economic structures. This was the fact that both Han China and the Roman Empire were connected by the Silk Road and were big into trading. Rome loved silk which China manufactured and china loved other goods from Rome. This was not only a similarity, but a huge connection between two great civilizations.The Han Dynasty and Roman Empire had a difference in their economic structures. This was how Han thrived on agriculture for their economy more than trade. This was different for Rome. The early Roman culture thrived on agriculture, but then the later Empire thrived more on trade.Women socially in both the Han Dynasty and Roman Empire were treated like a child in the eyes of the law. This was a huge similarity between these cultures. Women of both civilizations could not own property or vote. They also had to do as men told them, and keep the home, raise the children especially boys. If a women didn’t have a boy or couldn’t have children she was blamed and generally killed.Lastly a difference in their social structures was that the Han Dynasty didn’t have a patron/client relationship bounding together individuals of different class like Rome. This may not be a huge difference, but Han had nothing to bound together different classes. Rome used the patron/client relationship to turn men into equals, because inequality of men in Rome was turned into a system of mutual benefits and obligations.Each of these cultures Han and Rome had their political, economic, and social similarities. They were both ruled by emperor’s, they shared the Silk Road and Women were treated like children. Each of the civilizations also had their differences. These things made these civilizations grow and learn and someti mes fail, but they have set some of the basic rules for some civilizations today.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Impact of Native Americans in Today's Society Research Paper
The Impact of Native Americans in Today's Society - Research Paper Example Currently, there are a wide variety of tribes and ethnic groups that come under the descriptor of Native American. Since the arrival of the Europeans, there has been a progressive and steady degradation of the Native American culture, with little evidence or indications in the present day of their culture. Throughout the history of the country there have been numerous examples of the race being mistreated, ignored and treated as the same or less than the Europeans, rather than as a distinct race with its own traditions. This has had widespread consequences for the remaining individuals of Native American origin. Studies have shown an increased rate of suicide, social issues and violence within Native Americans as a consequence of unresolved historical grief. One suggestion has been to incorporate more Native American culture into the lives of these people to help them heal and understand their grief and their own histories. Early Conflicts The culture of Native Americans before the i mmigration of European colonists to the country was that of hunter-gatherer societies, where cultivation of many staple crops was also carried out. History was carried from one generation to the next by stories and oral traditions. Unlike European society, which was patriarchal in nature, and held the concept of individual ownership of property and land, the Native American society focused on land use for all of the community. This difference in approach and culture as well as changes in the alliances that different groups held resulted in high levels of conflict throughout the history of America. There were numerous conflicts between the Native Americans and the British government. Native Americans were not content to sit and watch their own rights be taken away, and they acted to ensure their own interests, both in the diplomatic and in the economic sense1. The introduction of Europeans to the Americas had large effects on the Native Americans, resulting in the deaths of many numb ers of individuals, as well as a long-lasting history of racism, prejudice, and loss of tradition2. The first experience that the fledgling government of the United States had with the Native Americans was during the Revolutionary War. It was important for the government to ensure the support of Native American tribes in the war with Great Britain. Failing this, the next most important factor was ensuring the Native Americans remained neutral, i.e. they did not fight against the United States. This brought the first use of treaties between Native Americans and the United States government into being. Following the revolution, the relationship between the United States and the Native Americans was irrevocably changed.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Analysis Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analysis Paper 2 - Essay Example The offstage presence of human society in the poem is an unavoidable reality because the speaker himself belongs to it. The speaker belongs to a society which necessarily requires him to be dutiful and responsible. In fact he has duties and responsibilities to himself and to others. But at the same time, he is also a freewill agent who can choose to shun these duties. Since he is a human being, he can easily be tempted to walk along the evil as well as unconventional path. While walking through the woods, he temporarily becomes tempted by its wildness. This wildness of the woods symbolizes something which is wild, unconventional and evil, and which is not accredited by the society. But though he is temporarily distracted by the wilderness, he finally chooses to perform his social duties and responsibilities. Indeed, the poem is endowed with two levels of meanings: literal meaning and metaphorical meaning. Though literally the poem captures some moments of a horse-ride of the speaker, metaphorically it refers to a man’s prioritization on social responsibilities over the call of the wild. On the surface level, the speaker of the poem says that in a darkest evening of the year he stopped by woods, while travelling to his destiny. He stopped by it because he is attracted by the lovely and mysterious scene of the woods. He watches the â€Å"woods filled up with snow†(Frost Stanza 1). ... In his own words, My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year†(Frost Stanza 2). In the very beginning of the poem, the speaker provides a sense of remoteness from human society and civilization through the lines, â€Å"Whose woods these are I think I know/His house is in the village, though†(Frost Stanza 1). Here, the imagery of ‘village’ refers to the speaker’s attachment to human society. Though he is amid the wilderness of the woods, he is the representative of the society which he belongs to. The remoteness of the speaker from social bindings is further reinforced when he tells that the owner of the woods â€Å"will not see [him] stopping [there]†(Frost Stanza 1). It means, he is far from the society up to his own will. He is a human being; therefore, he is a freewill agent unlike his little horse who must think his master’s stopping queer w ithout a ‘farmhouse’. Here, the imagery of ‘farmhouse’ also symbolizes the comfort which social life can provide to a man. But since the speaker is a freewill agent, he is easily tempted to revel in the mysterious and lovely wilderness of the woods. While his horse thinks it queer to stop by the woods, he thinks that â€Å"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep†(Frost Stanza 4). The contrast between his reaction and his horse’s reaction to the scenery of the forest rather highlights his existence as a freewill agent. If he wants, he can elongate his stay in the woods. Even he can respond to the call of the wild. He can revel in the joy of exploring the mysterious, unknown and the wild. But he
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Web Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Web Policy - Essay Example Both, personal information and research data must be kept separate on the servers. Backup of website database is key requirements with a limited access (Penn State University, 2007). Unauthorized users are not allowed to explore the cookies of the website stored in the companies’ computers. Sometimes, authorized user leaves the system without logging off the websites and the next user can access the website information by using cookies. Companies requiring the advertising through online websites must follow the guidelines defined by the IRB. Advertising for the research project must indicate clearly the aims and potential benefits of the project. Advertising must be made before meeting the eligibility criteria (Penn State University, 2007). All websites will display the disclaimer link that identifies the sponsoring authority on the homepage, which will have consistent information on the homepage. Only the links of other sites will be obtained by their permission if someone requires the permission of other websites’ links. Domains of the website will use the .net, .com and .org until deputy secretary of defense specifies any other domain on request. Quality assurance of the websites will be maintained to address the requirements. Both Combatant Authority and ASD are responsible for internet-based activities. Cultural issues such as language should be taken seriously and synchronize the website materials and messages to counter the terrorism globally. Periodic review of the websites will be managed in order to keep the effectiveness of the website (U.S Department of Defense, 2010). Important data from surveys before displaying on the web pages needs the prior consent of the participants. Buttons like â€Å"I agree†or â€Å"I do not agree†for the survey participants should be included on the relevant page of the website. Consent of the participants can be received through other means such as emails or faxes. Research data provider need care in
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Sexual Harassment in the Work Place Research Paper - 2
Sexual Harassment in the Work Place - Research Paper Example This paper highlights that the actions carried out include patting, touching the other person in sensitive areas like buttocks or breast area. The behaviors can also include the use of unwelcomed bodily contacts to the other party. Verbal behaviors can also be termed to be sexual harassment to some extent. The use of comments to the other person on their clothing, body or looks cold easily make the uncomfortable and this might not go down well with them. The use of offensive jokes especially if they are sexually oriented can also be included in this category of behaviors.From this study it is clear that non-verbal behaviors can easily be confused with those of physical behaviors, non-verbal behaviors do not necessarily have to involve physical action. This category involves behaviors such as repeatedly glancing and staring at a person in a manner that makes him or her feel uncomfortable or even the use of obscene gestures towards other people. It might also involve the display of sexually suggestive photos and pictures that can humiliate or embarrass the other person. There are several ways that can be used I the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace. Some prevention techniques might involve the use of legal actions in the court of law while others might involve the use of disciplinary measures that have been set by the organization. The following are some of the ways that can be used in the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Selecting Media for Your Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Selecting Media for Your Organization - Essay Example The middle aged generation is lured to social media sites and that presented the venue of advertisement of the organization. In the organization, we embraced the use of the internet and television advertisements. It becomes easier to sell your name to a densely populated location. The best marketing strategies revolve around the internet. The internet is home to millions of people who opt for online shopping and bookings. With the organization’s target audience being middle aged and international tourists, it is an obvious assumption that they use the internet and television to get marketing information. Using the internet and television advertisements meets the needs of the audience in different ways. First the two Medias are very convenient and cheap. Additionally, the internet provides the audience to interact with the organization if any need arises. It gives the audience to place prior bookings at any time and place. Using the two Medias come with different challenges. First, online marketing should be first and brief so as to maintain the client’s patience. If a certain online advert is more than 3 clicks away, the client stands on high probability of abandoning the advert. Another challenge is that the lesser in society are not fully considered. In some instances, there are people who are not of any exposure to a computer or television set. Via the two media modes, the organization measures message exposure by internet hits and media impressions. For example, if a certain television channel may have 50.000 viewers at the time of the advertisement, then the organizations has made 50,000 impressions. The internet hit is an online mode of media impressions. The media plays a major role when choosing the best method f public relation messaging. According to Zarrella (2010), with the consideration of trends and the target audience, the media has a positive
Monday, September 23, 2019
MARKETING PRACTICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
MARKETING PRACTICE - Essay Example The rationale iÃ'• that the more a company underÃ'•tandÃ'• and meetÃ'• the real needÃ'• of itÃ'• conÃ'•umerÃ'•, the more likely it iÃ'• to have happy cuÃ'•tomerÃ'• who come back for more, and tell their friendÃ'•. ThiÃ'• proceÃ'•Ã'• can entail the foÃ'•tering of long term relationÃ'•hipÃ'• with cuÃ'•tomerÃ'•. In order to determine cuÃ'•tomer wantÃ'•, the company uÃ'•ually needÃ'• to conduct Ã'•ome form of marketing reÃ'•earch. Overall, the marketer expectÃ'• that becoming marketing oriented, if done correctly, will provide the company with a Ã'•uÃ'•tainable competitive advantage. The concept of marketing orientation waÃ'• developed in the late 1960Ã'• and early 1970Ã'• at Harvard UniverÃ'•ity and at a handful of forward thinking companieÃ'•. It replaced the previouÃ'• Ã'•aleÃ'• orientation that waÃ'• prevalent between the mid 1950Ã'• and the early 1970Ã'•, and the production orientation that predominated prior to the mid 1950Ã'•. Ã…ince the concept waÃ'• firÃ'•t introduced in the late 1960Ã'•, it haÃ'• been modified, repackaged, and renamed aÃ'• "cuÃ'•tomer focuÃ'•", "the marketing philoÃ'•ophy", "market driven", "cuÃ'•tomer intimacy", "conÃ'•umer focuÃ'•", "cuÃ'•tomer driven", and "the marketing concept". The market orientation that a firm adoptÃ'• varieÃ'• depending on the product life cycle, the level of competition within the market, and external factorÃ'• Ã'•uch aÃ'• the economic environment. CompanieÃ'• are likely to modify their market orientation over the life cycle of a particular product, and it iÃ'• common for a Ã'•ingle company to have different productÃ'• with different orientationÃ'•. There iÃ'• no one orientation that iÃ'• appropriate for all productÃ'•, and the changing environment and global market in which todayÃ'• companieÃ'• operate mean that orientationÃ'• are likely to undergo rapid change. DeÃ'•pite the importance that market orientation playÃ'• in a companyÃ'• Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•, many companieÃ'• are unaware that their productÃ'• have a particular
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Cross culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Cross culture - Essay Example begin with, modern theories of management such as Transformational Leadership and Leader Member Exchange (LMX) identify and emphasize the relevance of cultural knowledge for successful management. These Transformational/Charismatic leadership theories that take into account aspects of local culture â€Å"offer the promise of extraordinary individual and organizational outcomes. Leaders motivate followers to perform beyond expected levels by activating higher order needs, fostering a climate of trust, and inducing them to transcend their self-interest for the organizations sake. Numerous investigations point to the robustness of the effects of such leadership on individual and organizational outcomes such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance†(Briscoe & Schuler, 2004) Further, the scope and applicability of Human Resource Management practices in a country whose culture is alien to the top management has transpired into a considerable debate across academia and industry. The issue is especially relevant to trans-national corporations when their operations are expanded to new locales as a result of neo-liberal economic outcomes. Performance Management is a strategic management process, which is purported to achieve the company’s bottom-line, â€Å"enables the MNC to continuously evaluate and improve individual, subsidiary unit, and corporate performance against clearly defined, preset objectives that are directly linked to company strategy†(Lindholm, 1999). Since this subject is not rigorously researched yet, the effects of culturally sensitive Performance Management on job satisfaction among staff in subsidiary facilities, which is comprised of foreign nationals and where cultural sensibilities may be very different from that of the offices at home country. On top of that, the inadequate research in this area is indicative of the scarcity of research regarding the attitudes of host-country staff, especially the blue collar workers
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Computer Task Group, Inc vs Brotby Essay Example for Free
Computer Task Group, Inc vs Brotby Essay In 1995 William Brotby was hired by Computer Task Group, Inc. (CTG) as an information technologies consultant. Upon hiring, Brotby had to sign an agreement stating that he would be restricted to work for any CTG customers if he left the company. No more than two years later, Brotby left CTG and began to work for one of CTG’s customers known as Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. CTG, plaintiff, filed a suit against Brotby, defendant, in a federal district court alleging breach of contract. During the production of discovery, Brotby refused to fully respond to CTG’s interrogatories, never gave truthful answers, filed unwarranted motions, made flimsy objections, and never disclosed all of the information that CTG sought. Brotby was fined twice by the court and was issued five separate orders ordering him to cooperate. Because of Brothby’s continuous refusal to cooperate, CTG eventually filed a motion to enter default judgment against him in 1999. The court granted the motion; however, Brotby appealed to the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Is continuous refusal of the defendant to produce discovery enough to warrant a default judgment by a federal district court? The federal district court granted CTG’s motion to enter a default judgment. The U. S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed the judgment of the lower court. Therefore, the appellate court held that â€Å"in light of Brotby’s horrible record of discovery abuses†and his â€Å"abiding contempt and continuing disregard for the court’s orders,†the lower court properly exercised its discretion in entering a default judgment against the defendant. The Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 37 allows the district court to enter a default judgment against a party who fails to comply with an order demanding discovery. In addition, the district court must weigh five factors in order to appropriately decide if a sanction of default for noncompliance with discovery is grounds for dismissal. These five factors are: â€Å"(1) the public’s interest in expeditious resolution of litigation; (2) the court’s need to manage its ocket; (3) the risk of prejudice to the opposing party; (4) the public policy favoring disposition of cases on their merits; and (5) the availability of less drastic sanctions. †When a court order is violated, the first and second factors will favor sanctions whereas the fourth will challenge the order. With regards to the first factor, Brotby’s actions were deliberate; he intended his actions to be as they were. Moreover, in determining whether abolishing sanctions are appropriate in Brotby’s case is reliant on the third and fifth factors. Brotby violated court orders by failing to produce sufficient and factual documents, and by failing to pay one of the fines. These deceitful tactics delayed the litigation process while burdening the court, and prejudiced CTG. Brotby failed to produce documents ordered by the court, and most of what he did submit came after discovery. The withholding of important information and the time delay is sufficient prejudice towards CTG. There are three factors considered in deciding whether the district court adequately considered lesser sanctions: â€Å"(1) explicitly discussed the alternative of lesser sanctions and explained why it would be inappropriate; (2) implemented lesser sanctions before ordering the case dismissed; and (3) warned the offending party of the possibility of dismissal. †The district court judge appropriately considered the alternative of lesser sanctions by ordering Brotby to comply with CTG’s discovery request five times and imposing two lesser sanctions against him. However, Brotby never responded and therefore it is appropriate to discard lesser sanctions if the court anticipates continuous false misconduct. Brotby also had continuous awareness that his unwillingness to cooperate would eventually result in a default judgment against him; the judge warned him to â€Å"stop playing games†if he wanted to stay in the game. Therefore, the two monetary sanctions, five orders ordering him to cooperate, and repeated warnings proved enough notice that Brotby’s continued failure to comply would result in default.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Employee and Student Involvement in Classroom Decisions
Employee and Student Involvement in Classroom Decisions Introduction Employee involvement plays an important role in an organization especially to achieve an organization goals and objectivities. Due to manager limited ability to make the best decision alone, so employee participation in decision making process is very important. Through this process it can generate more diversity and better solutions. So the same concept can be applies on many other activities, not just for the organization or office decision making only. For example, employee involvement also can be apply to many daily activities such as classrooms activities that involve students during the decision making process. When there is student involvement in the decision making process, it is known as participative decision making. Student involvement defined as the degree to which student influence how the decision is organized and carried out. This provides opportunities to students for sharing their knowledge and information between each other when they take part in decision making. However, non-participative decision making process still often occurs. It happen when students did not take part in the decision making process during classrooms activities. It means that these students might not even know the existence of the problem or they are not motivated to provide any information, recommendations, commitment in the classroom or maybe the instructor did not want to discuss with the student when making the decision. On the other side, student involvement can be divided into three levels. At the lowest level of student involvement, students will just provide the information when their instructors ask them. They do not make any recommendation and might not even know what the problem is about. At the medium level, students know the source of problem and they will make recommendations to instructor. At the highest level of student involvement, entire decision making process is handed over to students for them to solve it. These all can be summarized by the figure below. Those are the examples in the level of student involvement in both participative and non-participative decision making process. The higher the rung on the ladder indicates that the higher level of student involvement in the decision making process. Although student involvement in decision making process has many advantages but it also leads to some potential problems that might occur during the process. Problem Identification In this assignment, the main problem is focus to the explanation on how student involvement in classroom decisions typically made by the instructor alone might improve decision quality and the potential problems that may occur in this process. Source of Problems Based on the problem that has been identified, we will elaborate the source of problem according to the problems that may occur during the participative decision making process and also the problems that may occur during the non-participative decision making process. The explanation is made like that, in order to make a comparison between participative decision making and non-participative decision making. The purpose is to give a clear view on how student involvement in classroom decision typically made by the instructor alone might improve decision quality. Besides, this elaboration also can answer the second problem what potential problems that may occur in the participative decision making process. These are the potential problems that might occur during the participative decision making process : Risk of conflict There are two types of conflict undermine the benefits of the student involvement. First, the conflict of ideas. In participative decision making process, many students are involved. Different people come out with different ideas and opinion. So automatically it will generate a lot of ideas, opinions and solutions. This will easily leads to the conflict of ideas. Normally it is hard to reach an agreement on the preferred solution. Second, the conflict between the student individual goal and the overall goal. Sometimes the student goals and the classroom goals will be different, then it will happen conflict within that individual. This will prevent that student to give full contribution in the decision making process. Decision Structure Decision structure is the decision that made based on the past experiences. Usually the problem that happens in this situation is the problem that is routine. It means that the problem had happened before and the solution has been identified in the past. Normally when this kind of problem occurs again, the standard procedure developed with a ready-made solution. So there is no need for the student involvement when making the decision since the instructor already know how to solve it based on the past experience. Lack of Sufficient Knowledge Sometimes students do not have the knowledge that is needed to solve the problem. So even if they participate in the decision making process, they also cannot provide much help since they lack of sufficient knowledge. Decision Commitment Students are made up by variety of people. Some are very active, motivated and give a lot of commitment in the decision making process. However, some students are very inactive, not motivated and will not contribute in the decision making process. Fishbone (Source of Problem) Decision commitment Risk of Conflict Participative Decision Making Lack of sufficient knowledge Decision structure On the other side, these are the potential problems that might occur in the non-participative decision making process : Power Sharing The will of the decision maker or the instructor to share the power with the students. Lack of Alternatives People collectively tend to be better than individuals at generating and picking the best alternative because they have diverse perspectives and a broad representation of values. Decision Commitment Some students are unlikely to accept a decision made without their involvement, especially when the problem is related to them. Problem Identification Sometime instructor alone fails to identify the problem accurately because students are usually the first to know when the problem occurs. Mind-Map (Source of Problem) Learning Outcomes Nowadays, western countries already practice classroom decision making rather than only listen to the lecturers and follow whatever the lecturers have decided. Different people have different thought and one issue or questions may come out with various solutions. This will not happen if students ideas and creativity in decision making process are being ignored or restricted. Therefore, throughout this classroom decision making, we can found out some learning outcomes which can benefit many parties. Of course, the most beneficial party will be students. By participating in classroom decision making process, students are becoming more independent, responsible, aggressive, and more confidence. These outcomes are helping them in their future workplace. In terms of independent, the students can become more independent in making their own decision rather than relying on lecturer to make decision. This also built up students confidence level as they need to be confidence with the decision they made and be responsible of the effect or result from the decision made. Furthermore, students may gain diverse useful information and experience from others through the sharing of different decision making process especially in group assignments. This process is not only beneficial for the students themselves but also other students. Throughout the process, others may absorb different way to make the correct decision or it might be efficient way to make a better decision. Therefore, the students involve less cost occur and yet student may develop their problem solving skills. By realizing the importance of the classroom decision making participation, students may also improve their communication skills. Among all the assignments or coursework, students may be required or encouraged to have it in a group or team for better decision making. By doing this, students are able to share their various decision among all the group members and decision can be made accurately throughout all the discussion that made by group members. This may come out with better results. Indirectly, students can realize that the importance of communication which playing an important role in every decision making process. Generate alternatives to solve the problem The main problem can be solved by two alternatives. It is either to implement participative decision making process in the classroom or non-participative decision making process. Choose alternative to solve the problem We has chosen the participative decision making process instead of the non-participative decision making process. This is chosen based on the analysis that we have done on the potentials problems from both methods. In our opinion, participative decision making that involve student in it is better and more suitable compare to the non-participative decision making that made based on the instructor alone. When there are more people involved in the decision making process, there are a high number of outcomes. So the probability to leads to a better solution is getting higher. Furthermore, recently student in Colorado remarked, We can give you respect. We are able to understand the issues. We can think for ourselves. Its our education. If we have a say, it will make a difference. Based on that remarked phrase, we can see that nowadays students are prefers participative decision making more compare to non-participative. Besides that, we also can affects on the student behavior and values through participative decision making. If we want student to take responsibility for their own behavior and decision, we must first give them responsibility. Moreover student involvement in the decision making process will positively increase their commitment towards the decision that are make in the class either directly or indirectly. Involving student in the decision making process offers a number of advantages. First, it can identify and define the problems better. It is because students are the first one to know when something goes wrong. Other than that, it usually generates more and better solutions than the instructor working alone. Lastly, through student involvement, it is more likely to select the best option. People collectively tend to be better than individual alone when picking the best alternatives. This is because they have diverse perspectives and a broad representation of values. That is why we choose participative decision making instead of non-participative decision making. There are several ways to solve the potential problems that might occur during the participative decision making process. That is through : Motivating student by rewards Usually, the students always motivate by the reward given by lecturer. The reward can be consists of beneficiary reward and non-beneficiary reward. Beneficiary reward is given something to the students such as pen drive or other stationery. Meanwhile, the non-beneficiary reward is an intangible reward, and this type reward usually come from internal forces or nonverbal. The examples of non-beneficiary are give encouragement (e.g. well done, good job, etc.) Through reward, the students are more motivated to involve themselves in discussion and these can strengthen their commitment to the decision. Complexity of the problem Student involvement is unnecessary when the problem is routine. Instead, the benefits of the student involvement increase with the novelty and complexity of the problem or opportunity. Provide sufficient information If the student is lack of sufficient information, then the instructor should provide them some necessary information first for them before involving them into the participative decision making process. Level of involvement If the student goals and norms conflict with the overall goals, then only a low level of student involvement is advisable. If the conflict of idea is likely, then high involvement would be difficult to achieve, so a low level of involvement is advisable. Team Reflection After completing this assignment, our group felt that it was a great learning experience for every member of the team. Throughout this assignment, we face many problems. Before we start the assignment, we made a discussion to understand the question and also give the opinion about the answer individually. Therefore, communication is very important in this discussion. All of us have to learn how to cooperate in a team and respect different opinions. If there is a member of the team not willing to give their thought to the team members, it will not lead to a complete assignment. Every members opinion is very important in doing this assignment, so we make sure that everyone contributes ideas in running a team before we make the final decision. After that, we have to decide how to present creatively and effectively, who will go to present in front of the class. We had to create a way of present that can attract the attention of the class to listen in a limited time which is only 10 minutes for each group. Therefore, time management is very important in this assignment. We have to estimate the time for presentation and also make sure the slide show is interesting and informative that can caught attention of students to listen. Also, we have to make sure that the presenter is very well in presentation which has the best English communication skills. Because our group consists of four members, therefore we have to separate the task to each of the member. The summarizing which is the most crucial part that needs to transmit clearly as this we will give the strongest presenter who had the best English communication skills to present. While the introduction and the definition will present by the other member. As a conclusion, thi s presentation gives a very good experience to every member and this can help members not to nervous when speaking in front of people. It can also improve member speaking skills in order to become more comfortable when speaking in front of people. Overall, we enjoyed doing this assignment. This is a great challenge for all of us where all members have to overcome those conflicts. Thus, it is a great team building experience for all the members as this can help everyone in future team oriented projects. Conclusion Nowadays, many countries already practice classroom decision making rather than only listen to the lecturers and follow whatever the lecturers have decided. This kind of motivation can make us become more efficient when doing something. From this, we realize that it is importance for us to involve in the classroom decision making process. This is a sharing and learning process. Through participating in classroom decision making process, students are becoming more independent, responsible, aggressive, and more confidence. These outcomes are helping them in their future workplace. From participative decision making, we have the chance to absorb new idea from others. It provides us the sufficient knowledge for making the decision in future. Moreover, the students communication skill can be improved, which serve as a vital skill in our life. As a conclusion, the learning outcomes for this assignment have been achieved and all solutions for the potential problems had been identified. Although the participative decision making process have some sort of potential problems, however, at overall it is still better than non-participative decision making.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Franklin D Roosevelt Essay -- essays research papers fc
Franklin D. Roosevelt In the 1932 election, the Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt collected 57.4 percent of the popular vote to easily defeat the republican opponent, Herbert Hoover. He strove to be a symbol of confidence and a new hope for the nation, declaring in his inauguration day speech on March 4, 1933, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" (Norton, p.727). By incorporating this theory into politics, he attempted to pick America off the ground, and set America back on track with two sets of programs called the First and Second New Deals. During the first hundred days of his presidency, Roosevelt set forth his plan for national recovery, known as the First New Deal. Designed and administered by Roosevelt's core group of advisors, known as the â€Å"Brain Trust†(Leuchtenburg, p.83), the New Deal represented a new era where the government would be able to intervene with the economy. With Democratic majorities in Congress, he was able to push through a large number of measures, making the first hundred days of his presidency an unprecedented period of government action. Roosevelt laid out his strategy for recovery early on, dividing it into three major goals: Banking and Relief for the Jobless, Agricultural Recovery, and Industrial Recovery. The first problem Roosevelt faced in the business side was with the number of bank closures throughout the nation during the early months of 1933. In response, he called for a four-day national bank holiday (Leuchtenburg, p.85), during which time he met with the heads of many of the nation's suffering banks and developed the Emergency Banking Relief Act, passed March 9. This act provided the framework under which banks could reopen their doors with federal support (McElvaine, p.103). On March 31, Congress passed the Unemployment Relief Act, which also created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), a program that employed the poor with public work and services (Leuchtenburg, p.92). April was also a successful month, even though less was successfully passed. May, on the other hand, saw the passing of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which created the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) to distribute federal aid to farmers and controlled farm production. That same day, the most comprehensive relief bill of the New Deal was passed, the Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA), appropriating $50... ... New Deal lost momentum as a conservative coalition in Congress passed cuts in relief programs and blocked further acts proposed by Democratic New Deal supporters. As a result, Roosevelt proposed few new reform measures during his second term in office. In his January 1939 State of the Union Address, Roosevelt proposed no new domestic programs (Norton, p.747). The New Deal had effectively ended. Bibliography Braeman, John, with Robert Bremmer and David Brody, eds. The New Deal University Press, Columbus: 1975 Freedman, Russell. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Clarion Books, New York: 1992 Joseph, Paul. Franklin D. Roosevelt Abdo & Daughters, Chicago: 2000 Leuchtenburg, William. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal 1932 1940 Harpercollins, New York: 1963 McElvaine, Robert. The Great Depression : America, 1929-1941 Times Books, New York: 1984 Norton, Marybeth. A People and A Nation: The History of the United States Houghton Mifflin College, New York: 1998
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Book Review Freakonomics Essay -- Steven Levitt
"Anybody living in the United States in the early 1990s and paying even a whisper of attention to the nightly news or a daily paper could be forgiven for having been scared out of his skin... The culprit was crime. It had been rising relentlessly - a graph plotting the crime rate in any American city over recent decades looked like a ski slope in profile... Death by gunfire, intentional and otherwise, had become commonplace, So too had carjacking and crack dealing, robbery, and rape. Violent crime was a gruesome and constant companion... The culprit was the so-called superpredator. For a time, he was everywhere. Glowering from the cover of newsweeklies. Swaggering his way through foot-thick government reports. He was a scrawny, big-city teenager with a cheap gun in his hand and nothing in his heart but ruthlessness. There were thousands out there just like him we were told, a generation of killers about to hurl the country into deepest chaos... Criminologist James Alan Fox predicted two outcomes. The optimistic: that the rate of teen homicides would rise another fifteen percent over the next decade. The pessimistic: that it would more than double... Then all of a sudden, instead of going up and up and up, the crime rate began to fall. And fall and fall and fall some more. The crime drop was startling in several respects. It was ubiquitous, with every category of crime in every part of the country. It was persistent, with incremental decreases year after year. And it was entirely unanticipated, especially because the public had been anticipating the opposite... Even though the experts had failed to anticipate the crime drop, which was in fact well under way even as they made their horrifying predictions, they now hurried to... ...age. Levitt explores this passage with the same approach that he uses to explore the hidden side of many other such examples in society that have been overlooked and accepted as conventional wisdom for far too long. Take the parents who feel confident that they have made the right decision to forbid their child to play at a friend?s house whose family owns a gun, but allows their child to play at a friend?s house that has a pool. Levitt shows that the child is about ten thousand times more likely to drown in the swimming pool than in a gun accident, but that the violent conventional mindset associated with guns wrongly portrays their potential of causing death. Through these examples, Levitt establishes Freakonomics as a way by which the reader should live their life, never totally accepting something until every stone has been upturned, eventually exposing its hidden
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Stereoptyping, Labeling, Pre-judging Essay -- Personal Narrative Racis
Stereoptyping, Labeling, Pre-judging One day as I was shopping in Patterson’s at the mall here in Bemidji I noticed somethin that I have seen quite a lot of as I have been living in this town of racial diversity. I seemed to notice when I walked in the store with my mom we got the expected "Hello, can I help you find something?". We said "No, we are just looking." and went on our way through the store. A couple of minutes later some Natives came in the store and the guy who was working acted much different. He kind of looked at them with a disgusted look and followed them about the store without really saying anything. If he did it was something like "What size are you looking for?", no hellos or any chance of using the word help. I watched how he kind of looked at them with a sick grin on his face resembling a smirk of disgust. My mom also saw this same thing happen a couple of days earlier but didn’t say anything until we left the store. I have never really liked this guy working there because I have seen him do this almost every time I am in the store and that type of thi...
Monday, September 16, 2019
Logic on a New Level Essay
In 1995, a talk show host, by the name of Rush Limbaugh was quoted while responding to a newspaper article written about a study completed by the NCEA (National Center for Economic Alternatives). According to this newspaper article, the study done by the NCEA claimed that American farmers use chemical fertilizers, and that due to our large economy, small businesses, and families, America is a waste generating country. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to analyze the logic of Rush Limbaugh’s speech, given to argue against this study. In the first segment of Rush’s speech he refers to the NCEA as â€Å"environmentalist wackos†which is a common fallacy made throughout his statement. This is referred to as a tu quoque fallacy, which shows that just because you are connected with a certain group of people does not mean you apply to commonly used stereotypes. The NCEA may have done a study relating to the environment but that doesn’t mean they are environmentalists. When Rush refers to the NCEA as â€Å"wackos†, this is attacking personal character that is not directly relevant to the issue at hand, this fallacy is know as ad hominem. Rush argues with the study, by first defending American farmers and exploiting the fact that farmers â€Å"never†receive praise for feeding the world. We can conclude two fallacies from this accusation, one being over-generalizing( using such words as never can easily be proven wrong) and ignoratio elenchi, which is an irrelevant response. Feeding the world and using chemical fertilizers are two different topics that cannot be compared logically. If you consider the statement closely you will also know that farmers do receive praise, their paycheck is the reward. When the NCEA concluded their study, they stated that America was waste generating. Rush attacked the NCEA for not considering our â€Å"economy a beckon of hope†. He argued that people from all around the world want to come to America. This is again a ignoratio fallacy because it is simply irrelevant information. Rush is also attempting to appeal to a certain popular prejudice, he stated â€Å"American families have worked generations for a high standard of living, no they’re not held up for praise. No! Instead they’re all trashed†. This statement is an ad populum fallacy, because he is appealing to a certain group without any connection to America being a waste generating society. He continues on during his speech to sarcastically suggest that the NCEA would rather us give up our technology and â€Å"live more like the Soviets†. This is an ad poplum statement appealing to people that fear communism. Rush is attacking the personal character of Soviets, which is ad hominem and he is committing a tu quoque, which is stating that just because someone is a Soviet does not make them primitive. This statement can be simply concluded as a ignoratio statement and a slippery slope(just because one event takes place does not place any connection to another event) because it is completely irrelevant to America and its waste. In Rush’s conclusion he tells the â€Å"environmentalist wackos†to shut up and stop speaking their opinion. Rush is familiar of the rights of every American, their freedom of speech, and is violating other peoples views and is being unconstitutional. Rush thinks that by shutting up the environmentalists and asking them to turn to more constructive work like himself, he will eliminate the problem. This is a straw-man fallacy, because he is twisting the issue around. After learning about fallacies and there use in proving someone to be illogical, I have determined that Rush Limbaugh has a very biest view point and does not always use the correct solutions for a problem. He comes across like a very strong assertive person with a convincing argument but does not use logic to strengthen his beliefs.
Factors influencing participation in sport Essay
Some people have very different views on training and the factors that affect them to participate in sport. They have very different attitudes to training. I’m doing climate affecting participation. Some people may want to go out in the rain and train as they may find this enjoyable, but a lot of other people may dislike the cold and wet weather and stay indoors to participate in sport or just sit about. Also the majority of people would rather be outside, but in the warmth, with the sun shining. The country’s climate is a big factor that affects the participation and type of sport that they do, this also affects their attitudes towards training, for example, people in Australia will play more outdoor sports such as windsurfing and skateboarding as their climate is ideal for this type of exercise. Kenya has produced a lot of world class athletes, this is due to their climate, hot and dry all year. This encourages people to train a lot more and also outdoors. Kenya are world class at long distance running as are morocco, this is mostly due to when they train, and what type of weather they train in. If the weather is hot all the time, athletes will train on a regular basis, but if the weather is cold and wet, the athletes will not be motivated enough to go out and train, they will either train indoors or simply just sit around and watch tv or play boardgames. This is the scene in Northern Ireland, and Sweden etc as these countries have unpredictable weather and climates so no one knows what type of day it is going to be. When the weather changes this can change most athletes’ attitude to training. The heat outside motivates athletes to train outdoors. Fumes from traffic and factories, over a long period of time will start to affect the community in which people live in, this will, in actual fact, bring you bad health. The fumes will bring harm to your lungs and make breathing difficult. This means your fitness level will suffer. The environment also affects your performance in a sport event; for example, on a hot day you can overheat which makes you weak and dizzy. And think what a windy day can do to a tennis match, all these factors affect the performance and attitudes towards the training and participation in sport. At high altitudes air is thinner than at sea level, so you must breath harder in order to get the right amount of oxygen to your lungs. To perform well in a sport at high altitude you must first need time to adapt to the climate and the type of environment you are playing the sport in. All types of weather affect the way in which we think about sport. Hot, cold, dry, wet.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Landforms on the earth’s surface
The Earth's surface can be described as being rough or smooth. Various geological processes constantly remodel the earth’s surface. Some geological processes, such as those that make mountains or wear them down, typically take place at imperceptible rates. Sudden events, however, can change the landscape in a minute. Rates of these geological processes vary. Each continent has its individual arrangement of landforms, though similarities do exist. For example, high mountain ranges are located along the western sides of both North and South America, since the two continents make up basically one land mass. A landform comprises a geomorphologic unit. Landforms are categorised by characteristics such as elevation, slope, orientation, stratification, rock exposure, and soil type. Landforms by name include mounds, hills, cliffs, valleys, and so forth. A number of factors, ranging from plate tectonics to erosion and deposition can generate and affect landforms. In this article, I have chosen Rift Valley. A rift valley is a valley created by the formation of a rift. Rift valleys are produced by tensional tectonic forces, which occur at divergent plate boundaries. Uninhabitable desert and fertile farmland, flat arid plains and steep escarpments characterize today’s Rift Valley. Some 20 million years ago, the earth's crust weakened and tore itself apart creating a jagged rift, thousands of kilometres long, across the African continent. The land on either side erupted creating great volcanic mountains, while the valley floor gradually sank into a low flat plain. This geologic phenomenon, dubbed the Great Rift Valley by the Scottish explorer John Walter Gregory, divides Kenya neatly down the length of the country essentially separating east from west. Africa's Great Rift Valley is a 6,000-mile crack (fissure) in the earth's crust, stretching from Lebanon to Mozambique. Geologists know that violent subterranean forces that tore apart the earth’s crust formed the Rift Valley. These forces caused huge chunks of the crust to sink between parallel fault lines and force up molten rock in volcanic eruptions. Evidence that this process, called rifting, is still in progress comes from the many active and semi-active volcanoes, located along the Rift. The Cenozoic rift system of Eastern Africa extends from the Afar Depression in the north to beyond Lake Malawi in the south, a distance of about 5600 km. Close to the Equator it is made up of eastern and western rifts to either side of the Lake Victoria Basin. The most extensive rift valley is located along the crest of the mid-ocean ridge system and is the result of seafloor spreading. Existing continental rift valleys are usually the result of a failed arm (aulacogen) of a triple junction. Examples besides the Great Rift Valley include the Mississippi embayment and the Rio Grande Rift in North America. In some places this natural divide is up to 100 km (60 miles) wide, while it reaches its narrowest point just north of Nairobi at 45 km wide. The valley floor is at its lowest near Lake Turkana where there is virtually no distinction between the Great Rift and the surrounding desert. As it heads south, however, the valley walls form sheer cliffs rising to 1,900 km (6,232 ft) at Lake Naivasha. After Naivasha, the valley descends again to 580 meters (1,902 feet) at the Tanzanian border. Subterranean movement is common today as the Rift Valley is home to thirty active and semi-active volcanoes and countless hot springs along its length. This string of alkaline lakes and boiling springs northwest of Nairobi includes Lake Baringo, Lake Bogoria, Lake Nakuru, Lake Elementaita, Lake Naivasha, and Lake Magadi in the south. These lakes are unique because their water is highly concentrated sodium carbonate. This situation is caused by the high alkalinity from the surrounding volcanic rocks coupled with poor drainage outlets due to the steep sides of the valley. The high evaporation of the surface lake water results in sodium carbonate, which, in turn, creates an ideal breeding ground for algae. Several species of fish, tilapia in particular, thrives in this environment. As a result, millions of birds flock to these soda lakes to feast on the abundant food supply of algae and fish. Each of the lakes in the Rift Valley string has a slightly different water composition ranging. The formation of the Rift Valley continues, probably driven by mantle plumes and ultimately a result of the African supers well. The associated geothermal activity and spreading at the rift has caused the lithosphere to thin from a typical 100 km thickness for continents to a mere 20 km. Within a few million years, the lithosphere may rupture and eastern Africa will split off to form a new landmass. If spreading continues, this will lead to the formation of a new mid-ocean ridge. The Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano remains active, and is currently the only natrocarbonatite volcano in the world. The Rift Valley has been a rich source of anthropological discovery, especially in an area known as Piedmont. Because the rapidly eroding highlands have filled the valley with sediments, a favourable environment for the preservation of remains has been created. The bones of several hominid ancestors of modern humans have been found there, including those of â€Å"Lucy†, a nearly complete australopithecine skeleton, which was discovered by anthropologist Donald Johanson. Richard and Meave Leakey have also done significant work in this region. References: 1)Geography. (2006). In Britannica Student Encyclopaedia. Retrieved July 4, 2006, from Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Premium Service: 2)The Physical Geography of Africa.W. M. Adams – editor, A. S. Goudie – editor, A. R. Orme – editor. Publisher: Oxford University Press. Place of Publication: Oxford. Publication Year: 1999. Page Number: 18. 3)Population and Energy: A Systems Analysis of Resource Utilization in the Dominican Republic. Contributors: Gustavo A. Antonini – author, Katherine Carter Ewel – author, Howard M. Tupper – author. Publisher: Florida Presses. Place of Publication: Gainesville. Publication Year: 1975.     Â
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Company’s Marketing Strategy
Company's marketing strategy MARKETING MIX FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Marketing program or plan is required to achieve the company's desired objectives. The four ps of effective marketing min strategy was developed by McCarthy namely the four ps product price, promotion and place. Four ps consist of numerous decisions on the min of marketing tools to USE. International companies like NIVEA FOR MEN must decide how much to adopt their marketing strategy like Four PS to local and international conditions. f numerous decisions on the mix of marketing tools to use. International companies like NIVEA for MEN must decide how much to adopt their marketing strategy like four PS to local and international conditions. At ne extreme are companies that use a globally sundried marketing mix worldwide. In 1993, NIVEA for Men developed a fuller range of male skincare products. The producer like NIVEA FOR MEN adjust the marketing mix, to each jarget market since NIVEA FOR MEN in operating its busines s from 1993 it is well known about the four PS method of marketing mix.After developing four ps NIVEA FOR MEN and other companies are using the four ps as the pillar of marketing strategy. Marketing mix decisions must be made for influencing the trade channels as well as the final consumers. Arranging an appropriate combination of the marketing mix four ps product, price, promotion and place companies, like NIVEA FOR MEN designe plan to meet needs of customers. In maintaining the competitive advantage in the grobal market. NIVEA FOR MEN is doing right duty properly executing and evaluating the marketing programs.Effective marketing mix is integral for the success of the companies such as NIVEA FOR MEN in maintaining competitive advantage. Product : Product is one of the important element of four ps a Product that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or demand, product is the important element of the marketing mix which coordinated decisions on product mines, product lines br and and packaging and labeling. In the primary stage companies like NIVEA FOR MEN is maintaining competitive advantage would be product development, the company can get advantage by the xpansion of the product range. product may differ local and global area basis. NIVEA FOR MEN can produce a regional version of its product such as a western european virsion and getting a competitive advantage. Through product invention is a costly strategy, the company maintaining competitive advantage by backward and forward invention of product. Backward invention is reintroducing earlier product forms that are well adapted to a foreign country's needs. Forward invention is creating a new product to meet a need in another country.There is enormous need in less developed countries for low cost high proteins foods. NIVEA FOR MEN can offer its consumers a one-stop shop opportunity by providing majority of the products that they are looking for in one area. The individual consumer & will be motivated to purchase. If the quality of the products bought satisfied the needs and preference of the consumer then the NIVEA FOR MEN Will lead to consumer loyalty and retain the customers and repeated consumption.The development of a broader product has ranges increases the possibility that individual consumers will be motivated to purchase, Encouraging higher levels of consumption is not only beneficial on the part of NIVEA FOR MEN but also boosting its revenues and the national economy. Price : Price is the very important element of marketing mix. Price is very sensitive issue on the behalf of the company. Price are the easiest marketing mix element to adjust product features, channels and even promotion take more time. Price also communicates to the company's intend value positioning of its product or brand.Today companies like NIVEA FOR MEN is wrestling with a number of difficult pricing tasks. How o respond to aggressive price cutters How to price the same product when it goes through different channels How to price the same product in different countries. How to price an improved product while still selling the previous version. How to price different component of an offering When the customer wants to make his own choice of components. NIVEA FOR MEN focus on product development and pricing combined with an emphasis on consumer needs is key differentiator for NIVEA FOR MEN.IT is a major reason why in the UK brand is still the market leader in the male facial skincare market. Throughout most of history, price were set by negotiation between buyers and sellers traditionally price has operated as the major determinant of buyer choice. Selling a product price is technical strategy of a company when NIVEA FOR MEN is going to set its price has to consider many factors in setting its pricing policy like pricing of objective determining demand, estimating costs analyzing competitor's costs prices and offers, selecting price meted etc.Appropriate pricing and promotional techniques is a good tool o maintain and achieve competitive advantage especially it competitors do not have the ability to offer a clear pricing hierarchy. It will often of choosing from good better and best among the product range. Each price will lead to a different level of demand and therefore have a different impact on company's marketing objectives. Relation between alternative prices and the resulting current demand is captured. Demand and price are inversely related. NIVEA FOR MEN using four ps as price for determining demand.Price still remains one of the most important elements determining market there and profitability. Consumers and purchasing agents have more access to price information NIVEA FOR MAN use the customer's perception of value is an important determinant of the price charged. Customer's draw their own mental picture of what a product is valued and worth. NIVEA FOR MEN awares too much when using low price as a marketing tool is that the customer may feel tha t quality is being differentiated. Promotion: One of the most important element of the marketing mix is promotion.Promotional tools like advertising, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing is an role in making marketing strategy for business operating globally. NIVEA FOR MEN examine both traditional and online forms of these tools, NIVEA FOR MEN main marketing strategy to attract customers, fulfill its consumers' wishes and needs with innovations today and its the future. This will give a strong position within the global competitive environment NIVEA FOR MEN's marketing team used research data to forecast market trends over the next three to five years.This helped them set specific targets for increasing sales growing market share improving its brand image. NIVEA FOR MEN wanted greater market penetration for male skin care products. It wanted not just a greater share of the existing market it wanted to expand that market, It wanted more men buying skincare products. It also aimed to sell more skincare products to women, for this purpose NIVEA FOR MEN strengthen its promotion strategy. Global companies that use a large number of ad agencies located in different countries and serving different divisions have suffered from uncoordinated advertising and image diffusion.NIVEA FOR MEN now use only a few agencies or even one that can supply global advertising, public relations, sales promotion and web consulting. The result is integrated and more effective marketing communications and much lower total communication cost. The media planner of NIVEA FOR MEN has to know the capacity of the major media types and select the media which is favorable to the company. Major media types NIVEA FOR MEN to retain the loyal customer are likely newspapers TV direct mail Radio magazines internet. Beside these sales promotion include display center international trade fair country trade fair.This is the way to expanding product market. In maintaining competitive adva ntage NIVEA FOR MEN developing the promotion system. They use media for their product well known and product quality TV Advertising made people aware and press provide more detail about the product. Another way of promotion is sales promotion is a key ingredient in marketing campaigns, consists of diverse collections of incentive tool, mostly short term designed to stimulate greater purchase of particulars products or services by consumers where as advertising offers a reason to buy. Sale promotion offers an incentive to bye.Sale promotion includes *Samples, coupons cash refund offers, price off, premiums prices, free trails warranties. NIVEA sought to build on and develop the approach it had used in the part Since 2000 there has been a greater emphasis on consumer needs and increasing use to experimental marketing is about engaging consumers through two way communications that bring brand personalities to life and add value to the target audience. Place : Another key marketing tool s is place, where the company undertakes to make the product accessible and available to target market.At the very beginning NIVEA strategy its expanded its business activities in all around the world. NIVEA has build a strong marketing channel through which it can meet customer needs economically and conveniently. NIVEA works internationally with the local distributors who lave local knowledge, invest in them and set up performance goals to which they can agree. NIVEA has expanded its marketing channel for some views. These are as follows To gather information about potential and current customer Persuasive communications to stimulate purchasingTo assume the risks corrected with carrying out channel work. For the successive storage and movement of physical products. Many times NIVEA evaluate intermediaries performance against such standards as sales quota attainment, average inventory levels, customer delivery time treatment of damage and lost goods, to achieve the competitive adva ntage NIVEA has given an attention to the sub-urban area is its operating places in the globalization age NIVEA wants to satisfy every customers receiving its service.Conclusion : The marketing plan is a cycle that begins and ends with evaluation. the final stage in the marketing plan is to measure the outcomes of the marketing activities against the original objective and targets. Marketing mix of four ps is an important for marketing decision. This strategy has ability to plan its market strategy will in terms of maintaining good consumer's relations effective use of advertising by capitalizing on its trusted brand image.The male consumer and increasing of the product skincare for men consumers are loyal to the products which are able to carry brand value and satisfied the consumer's needs and demands. NIVEA FOR MEN adopted a range of key performance indicators to assess the success of the NIVEA FOR MEN re launch in the UK it looked at market share, overall sales brand image ratin gs, product innovation. By using proper marketing strategy four ps the companies like NIVEA FOR MEN met its overall target in local and international market.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Do criminal organisations use business strategy Do business Research Paper
Do criminal organisations use business strategy Do business organisations use criminal strategy - Research Paper Example In today’s world, there are millions of criminal giants making billions of Dollars by harming human beings in one way or another. If we take an example of Naples GDP is 65% and the increasing unemployment rate is 22,6% which leads to Government's failure and economic failure, due to this situation poverty rate is increased which gives birth to the high rate of crime(Mammone 2014). The highest rate of drug dealing and a majority of the people involved are young people who are educated and are jobless. La Familia Michoacan recruits young people from rehabilitation centers and convinces them to give up on their addiction either its drug or alcohol and giving them training, meditations, motivational speaker sessions and readings( Daily Herald 2014).After training part is done some were given the choice to do the driving and other work related to their aptitude and those interested in violent activities were given training of shooting, butchering and all.From the very beginning til l date all the criminal organizations have one common strategy and that is to target the weak either financially or emotionally but to target those who are easily brainwashed and can be of great use and are poor, young brains which have so much to do but are restricted by any force which isn’t letting them put their brain into something effective and creative. Top criminal gangs which are involved in most offenses have very good strategies made by educated, creative minds (Vulliamy 2010).
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Local Development Framework in England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Local Development Framework in England - Essay Example This paper illustrates that land-use planning system at the end of the 1990s was unable to deliver adequate infrastructure; this was identified as a key obstacle to economic development in the United Kingdom. This was one of the reasons that resulted in the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act. This radical new approach to planning in England signified the beginning of a new era of developing spatial rather than solely land-use plans. â€Å"The requirements of the new system, the implementation of plans and the delivery of infrastructure have been significantly strengthened through Local Development Frameworks (LDFs)†and newly formulated policy guidance and regulation. On the other hand, it is vital to comprehend the opportunities and challenges confronting policy makers in the delivery of infrastructure. This is essential, in view of the emphasis that the government is placing on reducing barriers to development, specially those associated with the delivery of housing a nd infrastructure. Local authority chief executives are required to involve themselves fully in the Local Development Framework system, entrenching it into the corporate centre. The executives should provide the resources and support to the planmaking process. They should make the resulting Local Development Framework a central instrument â€Å"in their corporate armoury to steer public and private capital investment and achieve Local Area Agreement outcomes†. ... ementation of plans and the delivery of infrastructure have been significantly strengthened through Local Development Frameworks (LDFs)†(Baker and Hincks, 2009 p.173) and newly formulated policy guidance and regulation. On the other hand, it is vital to comprehend the opportunities and challenges confronting policy makers in the delivery of infrastructure. This is essential, in view of the emphasis that the government is placing on reducing barriers to development, specially those associated with the delivery of housing and infrastructure. Local authority chief executives are required to involve themselves fully in the Local Development Framework system, entrenching it into the corporate centre. The executives should provide the resources and support to the planmaking process. They should make the resulting Local Development Framework a central instrument â€Å"in their corporate armoury to steer public and private capital investment and achieve Local Area Agreement outcomesà ¢â‚¬ (Rozee, 2008 p.621). Additionally, elected members require targeted training to comprehend the value that the Local Development Framework can contribute to their communities and their participation in achieving results. The Planning Advisory Service provides modules which help in the delivery of such training. However, it is evident that one of the most significant barriers to achieving the implementaion of plans is the delivery of the infrastructure required to support development. London has responded to the challenge of urban renewal, regeneration, and regional competition. However, it is occasionally handicapped by a complex London government structure. National, regional and local governments are all concerned with economic growth and development in London. A distinctive institutional
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
UK Retail Market and Financial Comparison of GAP and NEXT Case Study
UK Retail Market and Financial Comparison of GAP and NEXT - Case Study Example This paper illustrates that the top five clothing retailers, M&S, Next, Arcadia Group, Matalan, and BHS, claimed 44% of sector sales in 2004 making the UK one of the most concentrated clothing sectors in Europe. In spite of this, value-led retailers, such as TK Maxx, ASDA (George range) and Tesco outperformed the rest of the market, continuing to be the fastest growing channel and generating  £2 billion in clothing sales. Next retail also continued to grow, overtaking the Arcadia Group and moving into second place behind M&S. The value clothing market has become increasingly competitive. Not only have many of the retailers in this sector really got their act together in terms of upgrading store environments and enhancing their product offers - becoming, in effect, the new lower middle market, but the middle market has been fighting back. The last 18 months have seen a strong recovery at M&S, and BHS - that describes itself as premium value- is also a much stronger player. Therefore , there is more and better choice for consumers. However, while 2001 and 2002 were buoyant years for retail and for clothing, 2003 is seeing a significant slowdown. It is much quantifiably harder to persuade consumers to spend. A key factor is that value clothing retailers now know that they cannot succeed with low prices alone. Consumers expect a pleasant environment and mainstream-quality merchandise even if they are paying very little. So they have had to make very significant investments in their store estates - at a time when many are expanding rapidly too. Also, this space and product expansion has been very challenging. Many have found that their infrastructure, systems, IT and logistics have just not been up to it and this has affected their sales performance. In 2004, the competitive environment in the UK retail market has experienced a dramatic re-shape. This re-shape has been led by the acquisition of the Safeway supermarket chain by Morrisons, which has created the count ry's fourth-biggest retailer and has given Morrisons the chance to pose a real threat to Sainsbury's, in the fight for third place behind the UK's biggest retailers, Tesco and Asda. According to new research analyzing the Retailing industry in the UK by Euromonitor International, the move towards greater consolidation continue to impact the UK retail industry over the next five years. Euromonitor suggests that future mergers and acquisitions in UK food retailing are likely both to be on a smaller scale and to involve the take-over of convenience retailers by hypermarket chains wishing to strengthen their presence in the UK's high streets. According to Raphael Moreau, Retailing Analyst "Diversifying into convenience stores is on the agenda for the UK's top hypermarket chains because this retail format offers good growth prospects. Convenience stores have increased their share of the UK food retailing market from 20% to 21.9% between 1999 and 2003. Clearly, these stores are appealing to UK consumers, thanks to their convenient locations and extended opening hours. Hypermarket retailers want to make sure they don't miss out on this growing area of the UK market." High Street convenience stores are also particularly attractive to hypermarket retailers, due to strict planning rules restricting the opening of new out-of-town hypermarkets. Euromonitor International believes that this trend is likely to intensify in the next five years.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Enterprise and Business Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Enterprise and Business Development - Essay Example Business plans are decision-making tools by which a company strives to attaining its corporate goals. A business plan will be tested against and extended to meet new circumstances and opportunities; for this it should take in to consideration- Nature of the business covers the location, type of product and also take in to consideration the over all goals. Marketing includes the quantum of goods produced, advertisement, evaluation and tackling of competition and determining market sector. Financial control covers an idea about the seed capital, Break- Even Point and the projected cash flow and financial statements. Management should focus its attention on the preparation of product reports, handling of accounts and estimation about the actual cost of goods produced. This business plan is based on a fictitious manufacturing company and the product name is â€Å"Maas.†â€Å"The real value of creating a business plan is not in having the finished product in hand; rather, the value lies in the process of researching and thinking about your business in a systematic way.†1 The initial investment for the proposed company is around four million Hong Kong Dollars (4million HK$). This plan has been prepared to obtain adequate amount of finance to complete the product development. Maas Manufacturing Ltd is a new company, which has developed an automatic electronic light control product. An extensive market survey has revealed that no other products are presently competing with our proposed product. It is prepared to offer equity return for investment in the company in future. Full production can begin within a period of three months from the date of starting up of the company, after obtaining sufficient financial resources. The proposed plan aims to raise finance necessary to further develop, manufacture and distribute the products to its consumers. Consumers, commercial and industrial users etc are all prospective customers for the product. The major potential market
Monday, September 9, 2019
Exploration Missions on Mars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Exploration Missions on Mars - Essay Example Exploration Missions on Mars In the contemporary world, there have been numerous missions and these have included the Mars Odyssey, the Mars Express, the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiters and the Mars Science Laboratories. They have been developed to ensure that further knowledge of the planet is increased and this to such an extent that there is contemplation concerning sending a manned mission to Mars. This report seeks to show the extent to which the recent missions to Mars, especially within the twenty first century, have increased human knowledge concerning this planet and whether they have been successes. The Mars Odyssey mission is one of the most important in the twenty first century because it was the first successful mission to be launched in the new millennium. The orbiter involved in this mission reached the orbit of Mars in 2001 where it was able, through its gamma ray spectrometer, to detect a significant amount of hydrogen on the Martian surface, which allowed scientists to speculate that there, must be large amounts of water on the planet in the form of ice (Boynton et al, 2004,). Furthermore, its Phoenix lander was instrumental in confirming that Mars indeed had water and that this would allow for the conditions necessary to sustain life. It is essential to note that it was through this mission that scientists were able to determine were able to confirm the presence of water on the planet in the form of ice and it allowed for there to develop speculation concerning whether the ice ever thawed.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
The title to be used when submitting this assignment is Materiality in Essay
The title to be used when submitting this assignment is Materiality in Auditing - Essay Example Therefore, an auditor has to set a materiality level for important and vital aspects of the audit in order to concentrate and focus on the areas that are important and necessary. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) defines materiality as â€Å"the magnitude of an omission or misstatement of an accounting information that, in the light of the surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that the judgement of a reasonable person relying on the information will have been changed or influenced by the omission or misstatement†(Johnstone, et al., 2013 p268) This implies that materiality is about the important issues and matters which when overlooked, will cause the financial statement to be overly misleading. Therefore, in the auditing context, materiality involves a situation whereby the auditor examines and reviews important things in his analysis of the financial statements in order to ensure that the opinion they pass on the financial statement are valid and reliable. Materiality affects sample sizes and determines whether the financial statement needs adjustments or not, and it represents the difference between a qualified and an unqualified report (Bagshaw & Selwood, 2013). This shows how the auditor can estimate the levels of issues that matter and then define the way and manner in which work can be distributed and conducted throughout the entire audit. This therefore means that materiality informs an auditor of which aspects of the financial statement amounts are to be given certain levels of attention. This gives the auditor guidelines on how to evaluate and analyse things and the extent to which focus should be given to certain components of the financial statement. Materiality is to be defined on a case-by-case basis. It involves the integration of professional judgement. It is done by examining the entire financial statement as a whole and this will help the
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Tinnitus and Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Tinnitus and Noise-Induced Hearing Loss - Essay Example In this discussion tinnitus is defined as: "The perception of a sound that results exclusively from the activity within the nervous system without any corresponding mechanical, vibrating activity with the cochlea." Almost every known hearing problem is in someway associated with tinnitus. For approximately 40 million Americans, it is a permanent condition. It is considered a debilitating condition for around 10 million of those individuals (USACHPPM, 2010). It is important to know that tinnitus does not cause hearing loss. However, the two together can interfere with concentration, focus, and attention span within an individual. Noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus have even been associated with insomnia and depression (USACHPPM, 2010). So, what is the treatment for noise-induced tinnitus According to USACHPPM (2010), "The short answer is that chronic, noise-induced tinnitus is not treatable, but there are management strategies that attempt to control reactions to the tinnitus."
Friday, September 6, 2019
Testing and Assessment in ELT Essay Example for Free
Testing and Assessment in ELT Essay The notion that language tests have a damaging effect upon learning is reflected in much contemporary academic and media based criticism and speculation. This can be seen in relation to the meaning of the language being learned and the social context deemed crucial to understanding and developing language use. This is primarily because unlike many of the other educational disciplines, language is a cornerstone study as it is used in every study and forms the basis for all shared intellectual knowledge. That is to say, that every study uses the convention and medium of language as a basis for its knowledge. Furthermore, it is comparatively ambiguous in nature as it relates to the everyday development of the child and every stage of learning. It includes the very communicative and social reality of the individual and is used in thought itself. Other studies can be subsequently seen as having their own particular forms of language, which break from the socialised identity of the child in some respect. For instance, a studier of biology need not use the terms, words and knowledge they have come to learn in everyday life. Due to this, learning such technical forms of knowledge can be seen as something of a distinct formal language used for education. However, in the study of English language this is not possible as it incorporates the very understanding of language itself along with the identity of the child or learner. It is due to this that concerns have grown regarding the formalised testing of English. And it also due to this that we can agree with Hughes contention that such testing has a harmful effect on teaching and learning and fails to measure accurately whatever it is that they are intended to measure. Essentially, they do not measure the relevant foundational and social knowledge that forms an understanding of language itself. Subsequently, in this assignment we will be looking at some of the relative concerns in English tests and putting forward some of the theoretical and practical alternatives proposed and practised by educational theorists and researchers alike before presenting our conclusion. With this in mind, we shall turn to the role of the class room environment in the teaching of English language. The Role of the Class Room Environment The main concern related to the study and teaching of English language is regarding the concept of input. Input generally refers to the exposure that the learners have had with the authentic language being used and taught. It is input that constitutes the main focus of the English language class and the development of English related knowledge and development. This insight is used primarily as an entry point into the study of language and acts as the catalyst for any of the various topics being covered. Input can come from a range of diverse sources. This includes the teacher. However, this also includes the learners as well as the learning environment itself. As a technical term, input is relative to intake, which refers to the intellectual absorbing and internalising of the input based upon the subsequent topic and discussion. This therefore relates to the process of word and knowledge acquisition. Knowledge and language acquisition theories emphasise the importance of comprehensible and relative input. This is essentially language that is just beyond the competence of the learner and just outside of their field of internalised knowledge. This is generally referred to as being outside of the zone of proximal development; meaning outside of the learner’s own experienced and intellectually internalised structure of conceptual knowledge. However, if the input were too far outside of the zone of proximal development then the learner would not be able to understand. Contrastingly, if it were inside the zone of the proximal development then the learner would find this unnecessary or perhaps conflicting knowledge. However, with it being outside of the zone of proximal development then the learner can relate this new information to their already established structure of knowledge and build upon it to see how the new intellectual stimuli, information or language relates. Ultimately, this provides the ideal conditions for acquisition to occur. Further, this is reflected by the research of Lambert who states that: ‘Learners are encouraged to construct and produce knowledge in meaningful ways through the acknowledgment of prior experiences. Generative learning environments promote deep, engaged learning’ (Lambert 2003). This all means that the classroom environment is crucial to the teaching of English and the information input into this environment must be at an intellectual level at which the individual can begin to build from their own knowledge. However, this is also integral to the group, as in accordance to acquisition theory the group must be able to communicate and exchange their understanding within the classroom. This means that a focus is imperative to the class room environment and that the tasks are hugely important for the social learning dynamic. Essentially, if there is little communication between learners, then the intellectual development and needs of the group will be at odds and many of the children will be left behind as others excel. Although the case can be made for differences in intelligence and intellectual ability, such a difference made by an unequal environment and focus is artificial and would cause a discrepancy in either the focus or the input. Essentially, the difference in intellectual capacity and acquired knowledge would be due to lack of awareness rather than higher abilities of certain individuals. By keeping the class room environment an equally focused group made to share and exchange different knowledge and insights regarding a specific topic, the group can then become a mutually orientated group focused upon a shared goal. This also shows the importance and significance of the children’s identity, as without recognition of an individual’s identity and experiences within the social dynamics of the teaching environment the child may not be able to relate, understand and/or develop.
Past Movements in Education and Analysis of Curricuar Reforms Essay Example for Free
Past Movements in Education and Analysis of Curricuar Reforms Essay For an individual, it must be treated as a continuous process that should not end when graduation rites in each particular level of schooling are being held. True education is life, it must always be a part of our daily living, whether through formal or informal means. Educational systems in general, and educational curriculum in particular, also need not to be static. The curriculum should respond to the demands of a fast-changing society. To some extent, it should also be global or internationally-aligned. These are the reasons why foreign and local educational educators in the past and until now have been introducing educational reforms and innovations. They have been searching means to address the problems being met in the implementation of a certain curriculums and to ensure the total development of every learner. I. The Past Movements for Social Change in the School System Social change affects education. Centuries ago, pioneers of education have sought to introduce renewal in education. Their ideas were far ahead than the actual renewal that took place later on. Among them were Commenius, Condorcet, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel, Dewey, Drecoly, Montessori and Freinet. 1. Johann Amos Commenius -â€Å"Father of Modern Education†Most permanent educational influences: a. practical educational work Comenius was first a teacher and an organizer of schools, not only among his own people, but later in Sweden, and to a slight extent in Holland. In his Didactica Magna (Great Didactic), he outlined a system of schools that is the exact counterpart of the existing American system of kindergarten, elementary school, secondary school, college, and university. Didactica Magna is an educational treatise which aimed to seek and find a method of instruction by which teachers may teach less but learners may learn more, by which the school may be the scene of less noise, aversion, and useless labor, but of more leisure, enjoyment and solid progress; and through which the Christian community may have less darkness, perplexity (confusion) and dissension (disagreement), but on the other hand, more light, orderliness, peace and rest. b. formulating the general theory of education In this respect he is the forerunner of Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel, etc. and is the first to formulate that idea of â€Å"education according to nature†so influential during the latter part of the eighteenth and early part of the nineteenth century. c. the subject matter and method of education -exerted through a series of textbooks of an entirely new nature His published works: Janua Linguarum Reserata (The Gateway of Language Unlocked) contained his convictio n (certainty) that one of the prerequisites for effective educational reform was a fundamental change in language of instruction. Orbis Pictus (The World of Sensible Things Pictured) contributed to the development of the principles of audio-visual interaction. It was the first successful applications of illustrations to the work of teaching, but not the first illustrated book for children. Schola Ludus (School as Play) a detailed exposition of the doctrine that all learning should be made interesting, dramatic and stimulating. These texts were all based on the same fundamental ideas: (1) learning foreign languages through the vernacular; (2) obtaining ideas through objects rather than words; (3) starting with objects most familiar to the child to introduce him to both the new language and the more remote world of objects: (4) giving the child a comprehensive knowledge of his environment, physical and social, as well as instruction in religious, moral, and classical subjects; (5) making this acquisition of a compendium of knowledge a pleasure rather than a task; and (6) making instruction universal. He also developed the pansophic scheme, the view that education should take the whole of human knowledge as its universe. For him, truth was indivisible and was to be seen as a whole. Thus by relating each subject to every other subject and to general principles, pansophia was to make the learner capable of wisdom. 2. Marquis De Condorcet Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat took his title Marquis de Condorcet from the town of Condorcet in Dauphine. He advocated that the aims of education were: o cultivate in each generation the physical, intellectual and moral facilities and, thereby contribute to the general and gradual improvement of the human race. He envisioned a national system of public education designed to develop the natural talents of all, making real equality possible. His proposals of the five levels of public instructions areas follows: 1. Elementary- for the teaching of the ‘elements’ of all knowledge (reading, writing, arithmetic, morals, economics and n atural science)and would be compulsory for all four years 2. Secondary school- of three years’ duration, teaching grammar, history and geography, one foreign language, the mechanical arts, law and mathematics. The teaching at this and the first level would be non-specialized. 3. Institutes- responsible for ‘substituting reasoning for eloquence and books for speech, and for bringing philosophy and the physical science methodology into the moral sciences’. The teaching at this level would be more specialized. Pupils would choose their own course of study (at least two courses a year) from among four classes: mathematics and physics, moral and political sciences, science as applied to the arts, and literature and fine arts. 4. Lycee the equivalent of universities, with the same classes as the institutes and ‘where all the sciences are taught in full. It is there that scholars-teachers receive their further training’. Education at this and the first three levels was to be entirely free of charge. 5. National Society of Science and the Arts a research institute responsible for supervising the formal education system as a whole and for appointing teachers. Its role would be one of scientific and pedagogical research. 3. Jean Jacques Rousseau According to the history of education, he was the first great writer to insist that education should be based upon the nature of the child. Rousseau’s Emile is a kind of half treatise, half novel that tells the life story of a fictional man named Emile. In the history of education, the significant contributions of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi are: 1) his educational philosophy and instructional method that encouraged harmonious intellectual, moral, and physical development Pestalozzis most systematic work, How Gertrude Teaches Her Children (1801) was a critique of conventional schooling and a prescription for educational reform. Rejecting corporal punishment, rote memorization, and bookishness, Pestalozzi envisioned schools that were homelike institutions where teachers actively engaged students in learning by sensory experiences. Such schools were to educate individuals who were well rounded intellectually, morally, and physically. Through engagement in activities, students were to learn useful vocations that complemented their other studies. 2) his methodology of empirical sensory learning, especially through object lessons Pestalozzi designed object lessons in which children, guided by teachers, examined the form (shape), number (quantity and weight) of objects, and named them after direct experience with them. 3) his use of activities, excursions, and nature studies that anticipated Progressive education. He also emphasized the importance of the nature of the child and propounded (advocated) that in the educational process, the child must be thought in relation to the subject matter. He sought to understand the nature of the child and to build his teaching around the natural, progressive and harmonious development of all the powers and capacities. He is an advocate of each man’s right to education and of society’s duty to implement that right and pave the way to universal national education. His motto Learning by head, hand and heart is still a key principle in successful 21st-century schools. 5. Friedrich Froebel The German educator, Friedrich Froebel, was one of these pioneers of early childhood educational reform. Froebel’s educational principles: a) free self-activity As an educator, Froebel believed that stimulating voluntary self-activity in the young child was the necessary form of pre-school education (Watson, 1997a). Self-activity is defined as the development of qualities and skills that make it possible to take an invisible idea and make it a reality; self-activity involves formulating a purpose, planning out that purpose, and then acting on that plan until the purpose is realized (Corbett, 1998a). Corbett suggests that one of Froebels significant contributions to early childhood education was his theory of introducing play as a means of engaging children in self-activity for the purpose of externalizing their inner natures. ) creativity Froebel designed a series of instructional materials that he called gifts and occupations, which demonstrated certain relationships and led children in comparison, testing, and creative exploration activities (Watson, 1997b). A gift was an object provided for a child to play withsuch as a sphere, cube, or cylinderwhich helped the child to understand and internalize the concepts of shape, dimension, size, and their relationships (Staff, 1998). The occupations were items such as aints and clay which the children could use to make what they wished; through the occupations, children externalized the concepts existing within their creative minds (Staff, 1998). Therefore, through the childs own self-activity and creative imaginative play, the child would begin to understand both the inner and outer properties of things as he moves through the developmental stages of the educational process. c) social participation A third component of Froebels educational plan involved working closely with the family unit. Froebel believed that parents provided the first as well as the most consistent educational influence in a childs life. Since a childs first educational experiences occur within the family unit, he is already familiar with the home d) motor expression Motor expression, which refers to learning by doing as opposed to following rote instructions, is a very important aspect of Froebels educational principles. Froebel did not believe that the child should be placed into societys mold, but should be allowed to shape his own mold and grow at his own pace through the developmental stages of the educational process. 6. John Dewey He contributed the educational philosophy which maintains that education is life, education is growth and education is a continuous reconstruction of human experiences from the beginning to the end of life. He was the spokes person of progressive education which states that aims have significance only for persons, not for processes such as education, and arise only in response to problematic situations in ongoing activities. Aims are to be viewed as anticipated outcomes of transactions, as intrinsic aspects of the process of problem-solving, and as a motivating force behind the individual’s approach to problem-solving situations. The Progressive Education Association, inspired by Dewey’s ideas, later codified his doctrines as follows: a. The conduct of the pupils shall be governed by themselves, according to the social needs of the community. b. Interest shall be the motive for all work. c. Teachers will inspire a desire for knowledge, and will serve as guides in the investigations undertaken, rather than as task-masters. d. Scientific study of each pupil’s development, physical, mental, social and spiritual, is absolutely essential to the intelligent direction of his development. . Greater attention is paid to the child’s physical needs, with greater use of the out-of-doors. f. Cooperation between school and home will fill all needs of the child’s development such as music, dancing, play and other extra-curricular activities. g. All progressive schools will look upon their work as of the laboratory type, giving freely to the sum of educational knowledge the results of their experi ments in child culture. He believed that education has two sides: the psychological and the social on the same plane. Education must start from the psychological nature of the child as the basis for directing his energies into totally useful channels. Schools must be set up to include bond the individual and social goals. The needs of a new society are to be taken into consideration in modifying methods and curriculum. 7. Ovide Decroly He influenced instruction in the kindergarten, the aim of which was to guide the child’s desire for activity and to give him a sense of discipline and norms for his social behavior (same with Dewey) 8. Maria Montessori Maria Montessori left a long lasting mark on education around the world.
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