Friday, September 13, 2019

Do criminal organisations use business strategy Do business Research Paper

Do criminal organisations use business strategy Do business organisations use criminal strategy - Research Paper Example In today’s world, there are millions of criminal giants making billions of Dollars by harming human beings in one way or another. If we take an example of Naples GDP is 65% and the increasing unemployment rate is 22,6% which leads to Government's failure and economic failure, due to this situation poverty rate is increased which gives birth to the high rate of crime(Mammone 2014). The highest rate of drug dealing and a majority of the people involved are young people who are educated and are jobless. La Familia Michoacan recruits young people from rehabilitation centers and convinces them to give up on their addiction either its drug or alcohol and giving them training, meditations, motivational speaker sessions and readings( Daily Herald 2014).After training part is done some were given the choice to do the driving and other work related to their aptitude and those interested in violent activities were given training of shooting, butchering and all.From the very beginning til l date all the criminal organizations have one common strategy and that is to target the weak either financially or emotionally but to target those who are easily brainwashed and can be of great use and are poor, young brains which have so much to do but are restricted by any force which isn’t letting them put their brain into something effective and creative. Top criminal gangs which are involved in most offenses have very good strategies made by educated, creative minds (Vulliamy 2010).

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