Sunday, September 22, 2019

Cross culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Cross culture - Essay Example begin with, modern theories of management such as Transformational Leadership and Leader Member Exchange (LMX) identify and emphasize the relevance of cultural knowledge for successful management. These Transformational/Charismatic leadership theories that take into account aspects of local culture â€Å"offer the promise of extraordinary individual and organizational outcomes. Leaders motivate followers to perform beyond expected levels by activating higher order needs, fostering a climate of trust, and inducing them to transcend their self-interest for the organizations sake. Numerous investigations point to the robustness of the effects of such leadership on individual and organizational outcomes such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance† (Briscoe & Schuler, 2004) Further, the scope and applicability of Human Resource Management practices in a country whose culture is alien to the top management has transpired into a considerable debate across academia and industry. The issue is especially relevant to trans-national corporations when their operations are expanded to new locales as a result of neo-liberal economic outcomes. Performance Management is a strategic management process, which is purported to achieve the company’s bottom-line, â€Å"enables the MNC to continuously evaluate and improve individual, subsidiary unit, and corporate performance against clearly defined, preset objectives that are directly linked to company strategy† (Lindholm, 1999). Since this subject is not rigorously researched yet, the effects of culturally sensitive Performance Management on job satisfaction among staff in subsidiary facilities, which is comprised of foreign nationals and where cultural sensibilities may be very different from that of the offices at home country. On top of that, the inadequate research in this area is indicative of the scarcity of research regarding the attitudes of host-country staff, especially the blue collar workers

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